Martial Tomb

Chapter 644

Martial Tomb Chapter 644


I can only see that in the body, every inch of flesh and blood is exuding a dazzling dive splendor, flashing divine rays of light. It conveys a powerful breath of strength, as if infinite battle strength can be erupted at any time. Every flesh is crystal clear and near-transparent, as if it were another world. Has endless vitality with Dao Rhyme.

The most amazing thing is the sea of blood.

I can only see that the sea of blood is vast, the blood essence of one after another azure is circulating in the sea of blood, and there seem to be runes flashing in the blood essence. In the sea of blood, the wells of divine divine spring continuously spew out pure bloodline divine blood. On the top of the well, there are pillars of good fortune that seem to be in essence. Outside the pillars, strands of gray Primal Chaos Mother Qi naturally circulate around the pillars. It seems to be a small Chaos World.

Above the Tianzhu, there are bridges of different colors on the other side, on the bridge, countless mysterious talismans are flickering, and the other end, directly submerged into the sea of blood, extends into the body, connecting There are strips of thick Divine Vein in the body. On the Divine Vein, the sun-like acupoints are flashing endless Divine Splendor.

Light up the flesh and blood around you.

Every inch of flesh and blood is so perfect and without blemish, without any flaws, it can display the battle strength of pinnacle at any time.

"The realm of Tianzhu has been cultivated to the extreme, and the soul of bloodline in the primordial embryo can break out of the cocoon at any time. At this stage, I can't advance."

" If there is no accident, tomorrow will be the moment when the beast tide will completely erupt. According to records, once the beast tide in the ancient times started, it would be irreconcilable. Moreover, this wave is only the first wave, even if the past is resisted. The next wave It will definitely be more terrifying. The time for each wave of beast tides will be shorter and shorter, and the scale of the outbreak will also become larger and larger. According to legend, in the battle of the destruction of the Thousand Crane Tribe, there was an ominous beast of the imperial order. Only then will the entire Qianhe tribe be destroyed."

"We must prepare enough cards this time, as a last resort, even if the Eternal Heaven boat is exposed, we must give it a try."

Wu Mu pondered all kinds of thoughts quickly in his mind.

The ominous beast of the imperial order is the star realm in the equivalent to Human Race. The existence of the real cream of the crop, the existence standing at the top of the ominous beast pyramid. That kind of existence can burst out destructive destructive power at will.

The Martial Tomb has an extraordinary heritage. Solid foundation. Inherited the legacy of two Eternal Heaven boats, but in the end it was only a Lingyun-class Eternal Heaven boat. Even if the hull of the heavenly boat was strong, it might not be able to resist the fierceness of the imperial-order ominous beast.

That was the most dangerous time.

However. Wu Mu is even more confident. also know. The emperor's ominous beast really dared to rush forward, and he was afraid that he would be blown to death in one breath. That's not something he can contend with.

"Linglong, can you forge an offensive weapon on the sky boat?" Wu Mu slightly hesitated. asked Linglong.

"Don't worry, the master, this time the master has exchanged a large number of Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects. According to the inheritance of the information left by the previous two sky boats, various war weapon units can be cast. Divine Lightning towers can be built, Put it on the deck, but this time, you will only get four Thunder Attribute Heaven and Earth spirit thunder, one kind of spirit thunder, can only cast one Divine Lightning tower unit."

"You can also cast eternity. As for the Devil Cannon, each one needs a Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. After casting, the Eternal Devil Cannon will also have various characteristics due to the different Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects cast. It has different powerful destructive properties. power."

"Moreover, after obtaining the inheritance of the White Bone Pagoda, there is a unique weapon unit in it, named - the White Bone God Demon Crossbow!! This type of White Bone God Demon Crossbow is very powerful, but it requires a lot of power. Only the skeletons of living creatures can be cast. If the skeletons of weak creatures, simply cannot meet the needs of casting. At least the skeleton of the rank ominous beast is needed to be cast, and a skeleton of the rank ominous beast may not be able to extract much. Essence material for casting the Bone God Demon Crossbow. At least ten ominous beast skeletons of monarch rank are needed to forge a God Demon Crossbow."

Exquisite and fast replied.

Especially the Bone God Demon Crossbow, which is very special, can be perfectly fused with Tianzhou, become a part of Tianzhou, and can evolve into a continuous with Tianzhou. Metamorphosis, enhance battle strength. Rapid growth, every bone god and demon crossbow is alive and has True Spirit.

"At least ten skeletons of ominous beasts of the monarch's order are needed? This time the beast tide may not be able to meet the needs of casting."

Wu Mu heard a secret flash of determination , Here, the most indispensable thing is the ominous beast, even if the bones are like mountains, you are not afraid, as long as you can cast the bones of the gods and demons, the battle strength of the Eternal Heaven boat will definitely increase, when the time comes, you may not have the power to fight.

I pondered secretly, not for a long time, not thinking too much.

Secretly run the "Azure Lotus Divine Code", one after another Azure Lotus Divine Force naturally run to wash the bloodline mind. Let the body and mind relax constantly, nourish the spirit, and prepare to deal with the beast tide set off tomorrow.

Not only Wu Mu, in this brief moment, almost the entire Qianhe City fell into a kind of silence, and countless Martial Artists silently adjusted their state, doing the final battle for the upcoming war. Prepare. Inside and outside the city, blood is soaring to the sky.

A strong fighting intent is brewing, as if it will burst out at any time.

Time passed quietly, unconsciously, it was early morning.


Wu Mu's figure also stepped out of the ancient lamp on time and stood in the room.

"Look, it's the beast tide, the beast tide is really coming."

"Everyone, come on, go to the city wall!!"

Right there The moment Wu Mu stepped out, a sharp roar resounded in the city, like a terrifying thunder, directly awakening the entire Qianhe City, countless footsteps sounded, and countless Martial Artists frantically rushed to the city wall. Climb up quickly.

Boom! !

A clear vibration could be heard on the ground, the earth was roaring, and even the Thousand Crane City built on top of the mountain was still shaken, extremely violent.

This is the rumbling sound of the galloping beasts.

"It's a beast tide, didn't expect really appeared, I don't know what's different from the beast tide I encountered at the beginning." Wu Mu immediately walked out without thinking about it. Go, as soon as you leave the Inn, move towards the east city wall without hesitation. Each step is dozens of feet away. The figure is fast as lightning.

While rushing to the city wall, Wu Mu also saw that the entire Qianhe City seemed to be awakened from a deep sleep, and a large number of Martial Artists kept running out, not fleeing, but rushing. towards the city wall. Densely packed, there are Martial Artists almost everywhere, and the breath of each one is extremely rich.

Even the worst ones are enlightenment realms, most of which are powerful martial cultivators above the Law Manifestation Realm level.

This is the essence of a true Human Race.

A battle that gathered most of the battle strength of Human Race.

Climbing on the huge city wall of Qianhe City, the whole city wall is like a smooth and smooth road, enough for eight horses to gallop at the same time. The whole body exudes a heavy breath.

And at this moment, on the city wall, densely packed and filled with countless Martial Artists. a , looked solemnly towards the outside.

There is blood tumbling on his body, obviously, he is ready to fight.

Boom! !

The ground seemed to be thundering, sending out a dense terrifying rumbling sound like raindrops. That kind of sound, the shaking earth was moaning, and countless trees were shaking, shaking off countless leaves. Countless boulders jumped up directly from the ground under this vibration, and the terrifying impact shook the boulders into pieces.

Just this kind of impact can kill a large number of ordinary people directly.

And at this moment, I haven't seen the silhouette of the beast tide with my own eyes.

But no one showed a relaxed look on their faces, each one looked solemnly towards the distance, standing on the city wall, looking into the distance.

"It's a beast tide, war armored beasts."

"A lot of war armored beasts, city walls will be destroyed directly like shredded paper when the war armored beasts meet again. There are no less than ten war armored beasts in the wilderness. The ominous beast is sure to destroy my Human Race."

As the rumbling sound on the ground became more and more dense, in the distance, the vastness connected to the sky and the ground. The beast horde finally appeared in front of us completely, even if it was separated by countless meters, as if it were on the horizon, with the vision of a martial cultivator, he could still clearly see the true face of the entire beast swarm. I only saw that in the front, there were ten terrifying war iron armored beasts with the same height as the hills.

The iron-clad beast looks like a rhinoceros, but its whole body is covered by a terrifying carapace, as if it is carrying a huge tortoise shell on the back of the cow, but on the carapace, there is a terrifying carapace. With sharp barbs, densely packed, like a hedgehog, it looks terrifying and makes people move. It was extremely heavy, and every time you took a step, the ground shook.

Like a walking hill.

No, not walking, but a running mountain.

In addition, the speed of this iron armored beast running wild is very amazing, the speed is as fast as thunder and lightning, wherever it goes, anything in front of it.

Trees, all split up and in pieces directly hit,

Hills, hit directly into the ground.

Stones, turned into powder.

All blocking, all destroying.

Bump! Collide! Collide! !

A hit word can destroy everything. If it really hits the city wall, it is enough to collapse the heavy city wall on the spot, and even the mountain can collapse. This is the horror of the war armored beast.

Anything that stands in its way will be destroyed.

Having them there is almost equivalent to having an arrow that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, showing off one's ability.

And in the back, there are countless ominous beasts like a tide, and the number is so black that it is almost innumerable, not in millions, but directly in tens of millions. densely packed. Chilling.

"It's the iron-headed devil ants, a terrible number. These devil ants are best at digging city walls, mountain peaks, and all kinds of solid rocks in front of them, like rags."

"What a huge group of wolves, the blood demon Vajra wolves."

"It's the knife sheep, which are the most numerous in the wilderness. I'm afraid there are several millions of this number. This beast tide is really too big. Ferocious. There are also blood doves in the sky, blood doves in the wilderness."

Countless martial cultivators opened their mouths and shouted. (To be continued..)

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