Martial Tomb

Chapter 645

Martial Tomb Chapter 645


People over 10,000 are like mountains and seas! !

Not to mention the vast beast tide of more than tens of millions in front of them, each ominous beast is extremely burly body, exudes a powerful oppressive imposing manner, and fiendish qi soars into the sky. Vertex Novel really seems to be a terrifying tsunami whistling, and everything in front of it will be crushed into powder and vanished into nothing.

Compared with the beast tide in front of him, Wu Mu felt that the beast tide he encountered in the Fu Niu Mountain vein was not like a beast tide at all, but a wave raised by a small lake. It is simply incomparable, without any comparability, just these ten war armored beasts can directly extinguish the beast tide.

"Almost every one of these ominous beasts has the terrifying battle strength of a general order ominous beast. It is indeed the beast tide in ancient times, and it is impossible to compare with the later generations. Such iron armored beasts have no less than every one.

The terrifying battle strength of the ominous beast of the spiritual level. The skin is strong and the flesh is thick, I am afraid that this fight will be interesting." Wu Mu looked towards the iron-clad beast that looked cumbersome, but was fast as lightning, and his eyes could not help revealing Serious look.

Such an iron-clad beast, running with all its strength and imposing manner, can scare people to death.

Great Earth Bear, Bloodthirsty Jackal, Thunder Eagle, etc., all kinds of ominous beasts, wrapped in the beast tide like a tide, swept in, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, almost densely Packed, covered with black pressure, there is no gap. That kind of pressure directly made all the Martial Artists standing on the city wall secretly sucked in a breath of cold air, their faces dignified.

There was determination in his eyes.

As the rays of light flickered in his hand, a handle of Divine Weapon was held in his hand one after another, daring not to slack in the slightest.

"Good guy. This is the beast tide in ancient times. It's really spectacular. This is the most powerful era of the ominous beast family. This war armored beast has amazing defense and terrifying battle strength. One is enough. Comparing to the rank ominous beast, it is only because of their intelligence that they can't really occupy the top position among the ominous beasts. The charge of the iron armored beast, even the rank ominous beast has to shy away."

Little Fatty full It's an interesting look towards the vast beast horde that is continuously approaching in the wilderness.

Squeak! !

At the moment, only see. In that wild Heavenly Beast tide. There was a terrifying pressure, which was a terrifying pressure like a king. Under this pressure, all the ominous beasts seemed to be short out of thin air. The look in his eyes became more and more crazy. The speed of the forward charge became even more terrifying.

And at this time. Countless Martial Artists looked towards the location where the breath came out.

Seeing this, I don't know how many people were sucked in a breath of cold air on the spot, with astonished expressions in their eyes. Full of wonder and shock.

Even Wu Mu complexion greatly changed.

I only saw that, in the distance, in the beast tide, a huge pitch-black mantis rose up into the sky, entrenched in the air, two ferocious mantis arms, flashing dark rays of light, Like a scythe that brings death, the terrifying Death Aura pervades between Heaven and Earth.

"Death God Mantis, it is Death God Mantis, this is the legendary Death God Mantis that can hunt Dragon Clan, the mantis arms on their bodies can be transformed into Death God's Scythe, even True Dragon can kill ."

"The Death God Mantis of the king's rank, doesn't it mean that the leader of the beast tide in the wilderness is three dragons, how can it become Death God Mantis, which is more terrifying than three dragons."

A martial cultivator had a solemn look in his eyes.

Death God Mantis is famous for hunting True Dragon, one can imagine how terrifying its battle strength is,

“didn't expect it to be Death God Mantis!!"

Wu Mu secretly took a deep breath in his heart, although he had already guessed that the launch of the beast tide was inevitable, after killing the three Jiaojiao, he also thought about whether there was a beast tide in the east It will be affected by this, or even not appear, but didn't expect, the beast tide not only appeared as scheduled, but also the death of three Jiaojiao directly led to the more terrifying Death God Mantis.

I didn't expect that the Death God Mantis, which I tried to avoid before, would become a target that could no longer be avoided.

This kind of situation, I have to say that the mystery of creation is beyond comprehension.

"Sometimes, the more you don't want to face it, the more it will happen. Some things are unavoidable." Little Fatty said to Wu Mu full of ridicule.

"Since I can't dodge, let's go to the next battle. I've never been afraid of Wu Mu."

Wu Mu heard the hot rays of light flashing in his eyes, A fighting intent kept circling and rolling in his chest. Even if it is Death God Mantis, three Jiaojiao can be killed, so what is the fear of Death God Mantis.

"To the north is the blood jade rhinoceros, a huge herd of rhinos, all kinds of cattle charging, bronze bulls, iron-skinned black cattle, iron-backed fire cattle, these cattle groups form an attack, causing destructive power. Enough to Annihilating Everything."

"To the south are six-tailed red foxes, a lot of foxes, and mice. There are so many groups of mice, there are more than 10,000,000. These are violent demon mice. terrifying."

"To the west is the Diamond Demon Ape, a lot of monkeys, these demon apes are so terrifying, they are all like giants."

At the same time, on the other three sides On the city wall, all the martial cultivators roared and passed on their respective messages. Sure enough, except for Wu Mu in the eastern wilderness that turned into Death God Mantis after killing three dragons, there were beast hordes in the other three directions. None of the leaders have a produce transformation, which is exactly the same as what was originally probed.

However, the ominous beast suffered by each side has a terrifying number of no less than tens of millions.

"Don't panic, my Qianhe tribe has already made countless preparations for this war, and the entire Qianhe Peak has entered countless Divine Ability bans, tenacious such as iron essence, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. , there are countless traps on the mountain, and keep those ominous beasts half dead before they reach the city. For the sake of Human Race, we can't lose."

One Red-crowned Crane shot up from the city Up, each Red-crowned Crane holds a powerhouse of the Thousand Crane Tribe on its back. The leader is the Qianhe Fairy He Xian'er who has appeared before. It is still a veil covering the face, but the temperament on the body always makes people feel unconsciously intoxicated.

He Xian'er's clear voice echoed in the void, making countless martial cultivators, who had been nervous and terrified, unconsciously recovered as before, and their morale greatly increased.

The body is full of strong fighting intent.

The beast tide is very terrifying, and the speed is so fast that it really roars like a mountain torrent and tsunami. The tragic baleful aura, the pavement comes.

Wu Mu stood on the east city wall, looking towards the beast tide on this side.

I only saw that the Master war armored beast roared directly and rushed to the foot of the Qianhefeng Mountain. With a bang, he would move towards the entire mountain unceremoniously, as if he was going to hit the entire mountain directly. It collapsed on the spot, completely destroyed. Collapse the mountain and destroy the city.

Boom! !

However, at this moment, I only saw that at the foot of the mountain, the earth suddenly collapsed, a large area of soil instantly vanished, a vast dark swamp, like a huge moat, directly surrounding it. The entire Qianhe Peak emerges, its width is as long as several hundred zhangs, and countless dark swamp silts are rolling.

The swamp was dark, green, and, obviously, extremely poisonous.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Although those war armored beasts are fast as lightning, extremely brave, and extremely fast, their bodies are extremely bulky, and they will not Spatial flight, suddenly empty under their feet, with their heavy bodies, they fell into this poisonous swamp moat on the spot with almost no change, and the terrifying swamp silt fully exerted its power.

He frantically pulled the ten armored beasts into the depths of the swamp. The iron armored beast struggled hard, roared wildly, and shook the swamp violently, but no matter how great the force fell in the swamp, it was like a punch in the water.

The whole body sank frantically into the depths of the swamp. The poison in this swamp is very domineering. It can madly corrupt all life that falls into the swamp.

It can be seen that a large number of wolves, ants, and ants that followed the iron-clad beasts to charge at the front fell into the swamp one after another. dissolve rapidly. Killed on the spot, the poison in the swamp is called - Redcrown Crane! !

See the blood seal the throat! !

However, the reason why the beast tide is called the beast tide is because of its incomparable terrifying. Once it starts, it will go on and on, and there will be no pause, even if the ominous beast in front dies, the latter will also If he rushes up without stopping, if the one in front stops, he will be trampled into powder by the beast horde.

Even if the ominous beast in front was directly swallowed by the swamp, immediately, a huge number of ominous beasts rushed in from behind. The corpses of countless ominous beasts directly filled a path of flesh and blood, and a large number of ominous beasts stepped on the corpses of the same kind without mercy, crossed the swamp, and rushed towards the mountain peaks.

Hundreds of thousands of ominous beasts were directly killed and buried in the swamp to the east just by filling in the swamp.

It is conceivable how terrifying and fierce this swamp moat is.

The most terrifying thing is that these ominous beasts do not have the same fear of death, they are still fiercely moved towards the mountain to charge.

Boom! !

Immediately, all kinds of terrifying things happened one after another, and the countless traps that had been arranged before began to show their power.

I only saw that, in an area, a monstrous flame suddenly erupted, instantly scorching a large number of ominous beasts and turning into torches. In other places, the cold air is so cold that some ominous beasts are drawn in and turn into ice sculptures in an instant. They are still maintaining a charging posture, hitting the ground directly, smashing them, all split up and in pieces.

Ground thorns, Blade Mountain, traps, highly poisonous, howling wind and torrential rain, ruthless poisonous water, etc., all kinds of traps flash like raindrops one after another. Less ominous beast directly killed, or even severely injured. The entire mountain seems to have become a terrifying restricted area of life, with all kinds of dangers and countless dangers.

I don't know where, suddenly one after another terrifying Space Blade appeared, and I don't know when the terrifying Divine Lightning fell on the top of my head. This is a mountain full of death. (To be continued..)

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