Martial Tomb

Chapter 643

Martial Tomb Chapter 643


Trifling is only 10,000 points. For Wu Mu, it is just one hair from nine oxen, not worth mentioning at all. Moreover, in terms of the breath emanating from this Tiger Roaring Demon Bow, 10,000 contribution points are already quite cheap. Just hunt the ominous beast to get it, it's really easy.

"Show all the Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects, I want to exchange Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects."

Wu Mu put away the Tiger Roaring Demon Bow, and immediately thought move, directly transmitting his own will.


On the mirror surface of all around, suddenly, a piece of Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, all kinds of strange things, all kinds of strange things, all kinds of strange things, flashed quickly. There are ordinary ones, and there are rare ones. have nothing common with each other, even Wu Mu couldn't help being stunned by the huge number of Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects in front of him.

My heart skips a beat! !

"Earth Attribute Heaven and Earth Spirit Object: Five Poisonous Green Clay, Red Gold Quicksand, Spirit-filled Black Clay, Bone-turning Sleeping Clay. Suck bloodfiend earth. Well, I have all of these Earth Attribute Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects. I want it.”

Wu Mu first looked at Earth Attribute Heaven and Earth spirit earth, these spirit earths are not of high grade, just Heaven and Earth spirit earth at Earth Grade level. Any one that reaches Heavenly Rank, even so, these spirit earths are also extremely precious.

Any piece of Heaven and Earth spirit earth requires no less than 20,000 Contribution Points. Wu Mu without the slightest hesitation will directly exchange the five copies of Heaven and Earth spirit earth. At the same time, send the five copies of Heaven and Earth spirit earth directly into the Shenpong Garden.

"Last time, Shen Pesticide Garden was integrated into Gold Jade soil, achieving a powerful effect of three years a day, and integrating into the Nine Heavens Breath Soil, directly achieving a powerful ability of ten years a day, expanding the road by three thousand miles. The standard boundary of Small World is officially reached. After that, the Eternal Heaven boat is revived, and the eternal Divine Furnace begins to operate, transforming World's Essence Qi. The medicine garden continues to grow and expand. It has reached a size of four thousand miles."

"Integrated into Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, can be transformed into a large Earth Dragon vein in the medicine garden Small World, and can handle World's Essence Qi. Strengthen the medicine garden and make the medicine garden grow stronger. I hope that these Heaven and Earth spirit earth can be integrated into the medicine garden belt. Let’s make even bigger changes.”

Wu Mu whispered to himself.

Although in the sky boat, in every sail unit world, under the infusion of the endless World's Essence Qi in the eternal Divine Furnace. Growing all the time, but naturally, that speed can't compare to the growth you get from devouring the Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. The biggest benefit is to speed up the Source Law feature that exists in Heaven and Earth.

Also get the unique properties contained in Heaven and Earth spirit earth.

Boom! !

Almost at the moment when Wu Mu sent five copies of Heaven and Earth spirit earth directly into the garden of divine pesticides, the whole Heaven and Earth suddenly had a strong desire, it seemed that every inch of void, every inch The earth exudes an air of longing. First of all, in a burst of green light, the five poisonous green mud suddenly turned into a green True Dragon with a length of thirty feet, emitting a dragon roar. slammed into the ground.

The whole earth vibrated violently, as if all kinds of waves were born directly, like water waves, the edge of the medicine garden world, at a speed visible to naked eyes, constantly breeds pieces of fertile soil out of thin air. The Heaven and Earth barriers are continuously extruded and expanded, with peaks rising from the ground and valleys naturally generated.

Moreover, a swamp was inexplicably bred. The swamp was filled with miasma and was highly poisonous, and the soil inside seemed to have nothing common with each other. In the blink of an eye, after completely absorbing a piece of Heaven and Earth spirit earth, the entire medicine garden directly reached a vast area of 5,000 miles. Large mountain and river lakes, swamps are constantly evolving. The origin in the spirit earth is also directly transformed into a Green Dragon, which is integrated into the earth and becomes the great Earth Dragon vein in the medicine garden.

Take World's Essence Qi and keep growing.

The growth of Dragon Vein will also drive the continuous growth of the entire world.

"Twelve years in a day. It seems that the further back you go. The more difficult this increase is, an Earth Grade Heaven and Earth spirit earth can only be added for two years. However, it makes There is a swamp in the medicine garden, so those highly poisonous things can grow better in this swamp." Wu Mu pondered to himself.

shua~ shua~ shua~! !

followed immediately. I saw that the red gold quicksand, the bone-turning sleep soil, the soul-filled black soil, the bloodfiend soil, etc., and at the same time emitting a dazzling dive light, directly transformed into a True Dragon with nothing common with each other, and crashed into the earth. among. a time. The entire Shenpesticide Garden was shaking violently, and large tracts of soil were continuously derived.

The medicine garden is expanding dramatically, getting bigger with every breath.

Five thousand five hundred miles! !

Six thousand three hundred miles! !

Seven thousand nine hundred miles! !

Nine thousand six hundred miles! !

In the blink of an eye, the entire medicine garden expanded wildly and continued to expand. When it was completely integrated and absorbed, the entire medicine garden world had reached a vast world of 9,600 miles. The sky is higher and the earth is more beautiful. Thick, rolling ups and downs, people's vision can not help but become more open.

"Okay, 9,600 miles, this time is really a big harvest. The medicine ingredients planted in the entire medicine garden have also become the outside world, and they can accumulate medicinal properties for 20 years. This is One day can be compared to the outside world for 20 years. Compared with the original magic effect, it is fully doubled. Ordinary medicine ingredients can mature in one day.”

Wu Mu secretly rejoiced that he could have 20 times a day. The powerful characteristics of the years are even more precious for the countless medicine ingredients in the medicine garden. The most important thing is that the size of the entire medicine garden has expanded to a radius of 9,600 miles, which is the size.

You know, the world has standards.

When it reaches three thousand miles, it can be called Small World.

Celestial Grotto space: under three thousand miles.

Small World: over three thousand miles.

Smaller Thousand Worlds: Thousands of miles in radius.

Intermediate Thousand Worlds: More than ten thousand miles in a radius.

Great Thousand Worlds: Over hundreds of millions of miles.

It can be said that once the size of the medicine garden breaks through to thousands of miles, it can immediately be promoted and transformed into Smaller Thousand Worlds. with more mysterious. Nine thousand six hundred miles away, it is close to the barrierneck of Smaller Thousand Worlds. As long as you reach thousands of miles, you can instantly become Smaller Thousand Worlds.

In addition, after incorporating five kinds of Heaven and Earth spirit earth, the soil in the medicine garden becomes more fertile and magical, with incredible nutrients.

After redeeming the Earth Attribute Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, Wu Mu did not hesitate, and once again exchanged all other Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects as long as they did not have one.

And it is worth mentioning that there are also many special Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects, such as: Three Thousand Magic Lightning! ! Jiuyin coffin fungus, seven stars accompanied by the moon pot, the wind and the moon follow the shadow mirror. The heart of the devil.

These five special Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects, although they sound like Divine Weapon magic weapons, are actually Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects bred by Heaven and Earth themselves, and is a Heaven and Earth Spirit Object with special powers.

However, these were all taken over by Linglong, ready to refine new building units.

Immediately, Wu Mu exchanged all kinds of rare spiritual medicines, and even seeds, which are highly poisonous, and have all kinds of flowers, plants and trees. Rare and foreign objects are all exchanged. All kinds of treasures are kept in their arms one after another, and there are even various bloodline Divine Ability, unique cultivation technique battle skills are exchanged on it, obviously, this is the powerhouse in Human Race In order to strengthen the Human Race battle strength, it will be They have taken out their true copies.

Used to strengthen Martial Artist.

There are a lot of Divine Ability that Wu Mu has not collected yet, so naturally, he will exchange all of them without hesitation, ready to enrich his arsenal.

After staying in the copper pillar for no less than half an hour, the whole mind returned from the copper pillar, turned around, the rays of light flashed in his hand, and a white jade-like war bow suddenly appeared in the hands. Similarly, there are nine white jade-like war arrows that go with it.

"Niuniu, this is the Tiger Roaring Demon Bow and the matching arrows, you can take it, I believe it can exert the strongest formidable power in your hands, and can better hunt ominous beast, Protector clan. ." Wu Mu indifferently smiled, and calmly handed the bow and arrow directly to Hu Niu.

"Thank you, Brother Wu, I have wanted this Tiger Roaring Demon Bow Niuniu for a long time, didn't expect to have it, it is really good. With it, my strength can never be improved.

When the time comes, Niu Niu must guard Wu big brother, the Protector clan."

Hu Niu took the magic bow with joy, stretched out her hand and stroked it gently, with a look of love in her eyes. They have the bloodline of the tiger clan in their bodies, and now they have obtained this war bow made of the backbone of the tiger clan, which is even more suitable. There is a rhythm in the bloodline instinctively. Dao Rhyme, who easily grasps the war bow, gets Approved.

"No, to me, this is just one hair from nine oxen. No effort at all."

Wu Mu smiled indifferently, indifferently shook the head, at the same time, the rays of light flashed in his hand, only to see a storage bag appearing in his hand, open the storage bag, and suddenly, a spirit gourd that only shone like a long river, immersed directly into the sky. in the copper column. At that moment, I am afraid that there will be no less than tens of thousands of spirit gourds submerged into the copper pillar.

Then free and easy laughed.

These ancient ancestors can send all their family property into it to enhance Human Race battle strength. Couldn't Wu Mu be inferior to the ancient ancestors. There is no heartache, and a large amount of spirit wine is thrown directly. From the Shedding Mortality Realm to the Law Manifestation Realm, and even all kinds of special spirit wines, they were thrown directly into the copper pillars without hesitation, and became the exchange items for Human Race.

The tiger-head siblings looked towards Wu Mu's gaze has become completely different.

Vaguely, with a kind of respect.

"No accident, I'm afraid the beast swarm will appear tomorrow, have a good rest today, have a fight tomorrow, see you on the battlefield." Wu Mu indifferently smiled, patted a tiger's head on the shoulder, said with a smile.

"Okay, Human Race will win!!"

Hutou cautiously nodded, said firmly.

After saying goodbye, Wu Mu didn't stop, and immediately returned to the Inn where he was staying. After entering his room, he didn't hesitate much. Thoughts move, he entered the Bronze Ancient Lamp. .

Go through the empty space, glance at the ancient bronze door that still hasn't been opened, enter the Martial Palace, and sit on the Dao Enlightenment Platform. The mind gradually immersed in the body.

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