Martial Tomb

Chapter 640

Martial Tomb Chapter 640


The most amazing thing is that Zi Yao Shi itself has a strange effect on cultivators, it can attract and gather World's Essence Qi on its own, speeding up its own Cultivation speed, many cultivators are to refine the purple stone into accessories and put them around to speed up their cultivation speed. Wearing the accessories and magic weapons made of the purple stone for a long time will have a certain effect on one's physique. A metamorphic wash of unnoticeable influence.

This kind of washing can even directly enhance one level of its own aptitude. Even a fool can become a genius.

It can be imagined that the preciousness of Zi Yao Shi.

Even a piece can be worth a fortune.

Heaven and Earth Treasure, according to the ancient continent, are: Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, four grades to distinguish its preciousness. And Wu Mu learned from the book he got in the market.

In All Heavens and Myriad Realms, there are not too many divisions, whether it is spiritual medicine or Heaven and Earth Treasure, they are actually four: Mortal Grade, Earth Grade, Immortal Grade, Divine Grade Class to distinguish. And each grade has three grades of high, middle and low, which add up to Grade 4 12th Rank, including all Heaven and Earth Treasure. Countless treasures.

For example, the so-called Mysterious Grade and Yellow Grade treasures in the ancient continent are equivalent to Mortal Grade treasures in Grade 4 12th Rank, and Earth Grade treasures are also equivalent to Grade 4 12th Rank. Earth grade treasures, Heavenly Rank treasures are also equivalent to immortal grade treasures, as for Divine Grade treasures, they are beyond the scope of Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow.

Often those refining Emperor Divine Weapon + long + wind + Treasures, according to legend, are the treasures within the Divine Grade Treasures.

But obviously, the Grade 4 12th Rank has long been well-known and widely circulated in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. In terms of the preciousness of Zi Yao Shi. In the Classic of Mountains and Seas of the Heavens, it is designated as an intermediate grade treasure of immortal grade. It is conceivable how precious it is, a piece is extremely rare, not to mention this is a pile of Zi Yao stones.

This kind of value has been immeasurable.

"Good thing, just these Zi Yaoshi, this adventure came to kill three Jiaojiao for nothing, and the benefits are too great. Fantasy Secret Realm is really the best among Secret Realm. mysterious, but the most incredible one. It could be a tomb. It could also be a treasure." Wu Mu pondered to himself.

The subordinates did not stop at all. Quickly ingest the pieces of Zi Yaoshi, put them into each jade box, and count them carefully. This inventory was also found. There are no less than 5,000 Zi Yao stones. such a huge number. It can be said to be an astonishing wealth.

Under the joy, without hesitation, he directly put it into the treasure house. Warehousing is safe.

As soon as the Zi Yaoshi was collected, most of the items in front of him were instantly swept away, and the remaining items were clearly visible. At the bottom of this pool, a white treasure box appeared. This treasure box was held down by Zi Yaoshi before, and I hadn't seen it yet. Now, as soon as it was cleaned out, it immediately appeared in front of my eyes.

The Treasure Chest is a strange item that Secret Realm evolves and produces on its own. It seems to be the placenta that gave birth to the Secret Treasure, and it seems to be a manifestation of Secret Realm's unique rules.

The fantasy Secret Realm is the real Secret Realm that existed back then, but it is still the Secret Realm, and the Secret Realm will give birth to secret treasures, which exist in the secret areas of the Secret Realm. And at the location of the three Jiaojiao, there is a secret box. Obviously, there is a secret treasure that is bred in there.

This secret box occupies most of the space.

The rest of the items are the skeletons of some ominous beasts, and even human Divine Weapon magic weapons, etc., all seem a bit broken, and there is not much to be concerned about, but it is worth mentioning that, Most of these Divine Weapons piled up here are actually ground Divine Weapons. Although they are broken, they have a kind of power flowing.

Unfortunately, none of them are complete. These Divine Weapons are almost all left over from the Human Race powerhouse that fought with the three Jiaojiao. After the fight, they have long been broken and incomplete. For Wu Mu, the value of these broken Divine Weapons is only sent to the Shu Mountain Sword mound to be cast into a sword.

With a wave of his hand, he put it away and sent it directly into the Shu Mountain Sword tomb.

And among the rest of the items, a strange precious jade came into view directly.

That precious jade is very strange. It turned out to be a dragon-shaped precious jade. It is not an ordinary dragon, but a True Dragon, a real True Dragon. This is an azure precious jade. It seems to be a precious jade formed by an Azure Dragon that has been shrunk countless times. Crystal clear like jade, shining with rare treasure light, every inch of dragon scales is lifelike and incomparably clear.

"Dragon's Treasure Jade!!"

Almost at the same time, Little Fatty and Linglong exclaimed in surprise at the same time. It seemed that he was extremely shocked and inconceivable about the precious jade in front of him.

"This is the Dragon's Treasure Jade." Wu Mu's eyes flashed a strange light, his entire body shook violently, and his face showed a look of shock.

"Dragon Jewel, a very special top-level Heaven and Earth Spirit Object between Heaven and Earth, and a Heaven and Earth Spirit Object of Heavenly Rank high grade, it is said that it must be bred with a True Dragon. Only a complete dragon soul can be conceived. Once it is conceived, it will immediately have incredible abilities. For Dragon Clan, possessing the Dragon Jewel, can rapidly progress, and make its bloodline constantly transform and evolve, and its cultivation speed is unbelievable. "Also, even if it is an ordinary ominous beast, as long as you get the dragon's precious jade and get close to the precious jade day and night, you will be able to wash the fleshy body with the power of the precious jade, and let the bloodline of the dragon be born in the body, so that you can become a dragon's bloodline. Dragon life is transformed. It even transforms into True Dragon. It is very strange."

"Dragon's Treasure Jade opens up the barriers of various worlds, and even draws World's Essence Qi from endless void, transforming it. It is a magical key to open the world, and has many incredible effects. With it, cultivation, there is almost no need to worry about World's Essence Qi. This is very precious in the special Heaven and Earth Spirit Object One of a kind. Dragon's Jade, even in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, can be counted on one's fingers. didn't expect one here."

Little Fatty was shocked Looking at the azure Baoyu in front of him, he said quickly.

Dragon's Treasure Jade can give Dragon's bloodline, Wu Mu instinctively guessed that the three Jiaojiao might not be simply Flood Dragon, but after obtaining the Dragon's Treasure Jade, the power of the Dragon's Treasure Jade was Next, awaken the bloodline of the dragon, and finally evolve into a Flood Dragon, and it is also a special Flood Dragon such as three Jiaojiao.

From this, we can also know the preciousness of the Dragon's Treasure Jade.

Once it is exposed, there may be countless powerhouses peeping at it, or even fighting for it. Such a gem is definitely not inferior to a Divine Weapon magic weapon, and can even be comparable to the Emperor Divine Weapon, even if it is bad, It's definitely not far off, and it works very well.

"Master, this dragon's precious jade is very precious. If you give it to Linglong, Linglong can use it to open up a dragon world that breeds True Dragon in a sail. It will add a great help to the sky boat. ."

"Even if you don't open up a world, you can also use it to forge a building unit, forge True Dragon Altar, open True Dragon world, summon and even capture True Dragon. You can also sacrifice it Get out of the True Dragon Tower, connect to the endless void, absorb a lot of vitality, and cultivate rapid progress in it.”

Linglong asked Wu Mu with anticipation.

The Dragon's Jade has too many fantastic effects.

For the ordinary person, it is just a treasure of cultivation, but for Wu Mu, it is a precious treasure to strengthen and perfect his own Eternal Heaven boat. Whether it becomes a building unit or breeds a sailing world, it will be of great help to Wu Tomb. Has endless benefits.

"Since it's useful, then you can take it and use the dragon's precious jade to breed a Small World. Only by opening up a world can it be endless and have even more amazing potential."

Wu Mu hesitated slightly, although this Dragon Treasure Jade is extremely precious, for cultivation, it is Supreme Treasure. When you get it, you don't even have the chance to feel it for yourself, but as long as you can strengthen the Tianzhou, no matter how much you pay is worth it.

"Master, please rest assured that the Dragon's Jewel is one of the best treasures that nurture the world, and it is not inferior to the world developed and evolved by Heavenly God Weapon, and it can also have more magical effects. It should be A lot of special units can be evolved."

Linglong said happily when Wu Mu agreed.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Wu Mu didn't hesitate, and immediately put the flawless Dragon Jewel into his body and handed it over to Linglong. I secretly smiled bitterly in my heart, I really didn't have the life to own the treasure. A good treasure is destroyed like this.

"I hope this secret box can bring me some surprises."

He sighed secretly and looked towards the white treasure box.

Of all the items, only this treasure chest is left.

ka-cha! !

Reach out to open the treasure chest.

The items in the treasure chest are clearly visible, and it is a white bottle gourd. This white bottle gourd exudes the light of abundant treasures, giving people a strange and gentle atmosphere.

"It turned out to be a bottle gourd-type treasure. It's still a treasure of high quality."

Wu Mu couldn't help but reveal a strange light in his eyes. He reached out and grabbed it in his hand. Weighing, holding it in my hand, the weight is full, I am afraid it will not weigh more than a thousand catties. An ordinary person can't even pick it up.

Bottle gourd treasures have always been rare, and they are also extremely precious. Bottle gourd treasures have always been said to be big, and there is often a huge space inside, which can hold a lot of items . Refined into a magic weapon Divine Weapon, it has various magical special effects, such as taking people and the like.

Refine the magical Spirit Treasure with the law of cause and effect.

It is extremely versatile.

But bottle gourd-type treasures are often extremely rare, and the number of them can be counted on one's fingers. It is rare to hear that someone has obtained such treasures, and they are often obtained and treasured in their hands. For fear of being known.

"Good thing, I just nicked the bottle gourd to refine it, maybe I can get a different kind of treasure." Wu Mu pondered then said secretly.

As a Wine Sword Immortal and a Brewing Master, but there is not even a treasure to hold wine around, it is a bit embarrassing to say it.

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