Martial Tomb

Chapter 641

Martial Tomb Chapter 641


Search again, the entire Flood Dragon pool has been searched, not even a little Divine Weapon fragment is left, all are swept away, immediately , Wu Mu directly broke out of the sky.

I was also secretly delighted in my heart. I kept playing with the new bottle gourd treasure in my hand, while thinking to myself, what kind of divine ban should be incorporated into this bottle gourd, so that the potential of the bottle gourd can be fully realized.

This bottle gourd, Wu Mu doesn't plan to refine it into a divine weapon for attacking, all he needs is a mouthful of wine. It needs to be big, it needs to have space inside, it can hold infinite wine, the space is infinite, and it can hold any wine, no matter how much it is, there is no need to be afraid.

"If it's going to be bigger, there is no doubt that Space Divine Ability should be turned into divine ban. In Space Divine Ability, 'Xumi Space' is taken as divine ban, which can maximize the space in bottle gourd. , so that the mustard seeds absorb the void, and the sun and moon grow in the gourd. Even a pebble can open up a huge space. Build a vast space in the bottle gourd."

"However, it is not enough just to be big enough. , no matter how big it is, it can only hold one kind of spirit wine. If you can divide a small independent space in the bottle gourd, you can do as one pleases to load a variety of different types and different grades of spirit wine. This way, you can Use the space division in the Space Divine Ability!! Coupled with the stable space, you can use the 'imprisonment of the void' to stably divide the space one by one."

"If there is space, there should be time, completely It can be integrated into a time god **long**wind** literaturewww.cfwx .net communication, such as 'the passing of water', so that the time in the bottle gourd can do as one pleases to speed up the flow, cultivate the medicinal properties of the spirit wine itself. Let the spirit wine experience the precipitation of the years."

Wu Mu thought to himself that if he wanted to refine this bottle gourd, the Space Divine Ability would be indispensable. However, the Divine Ability of space and time is almost all Divine Ability above the Earth Grade level. Not only is it precious, but its threshold is extremely high. Once the Space Divine Ability is turned into a divine ban, it is immediately a treasure gourd at the Divine Weapon level.

It directly crosses the level of Divine Weapon.

However, Wu Mu didn't plan to directly use the Space Divine Ability to refine the treasure gourd, although it can become a Divine Weapon in one fell swoop. But it lacks the divine ban at the level of Divine Weapon. Certainly some foundations are not stable. Rather not beautiful.

"Moreover, the bottle gourd is used for wine, and the wine is spirit wine, so as to maintain its spirituality. Even to make this spirituality more mellow. It must have vitality. This point can be completely Wood Attribute, and even Water Divine Ability are integrated into it. Reincarnation is forbidden.”

Thinking of the foundation, Wu Mu thought to himself, to integrate Wood Attribute Divine Ability or Water Attribute Divine Ability into the treasure gourd , to build the foundation of the treasure gourd. Become the first heavy divine ban. Then use Space Divine Ability to build the 2nd layer God Forbidden.

"Also, I can use the Wine God Curse to transform into a third layer god in the treasure gourd. Incorporating the Wine God Curse may make this treasure gourd really have incredible effects, and even It can be of great help."

Wu Mu's eyes flashed brightly, and all kinds of whimsical ideas continuously emerged in his mind, bursting out countless sparks of wisdom.


After Wu Mu left, the three black clothed man also approached the valley cautiously from a distance, fell down, glanced all around quickly, looked at the clean and slippery scene around, each mouth corners. The side couldn't help twitching violently, and there was not even a remnant of treasure left, not a single residue leftover.

It was like a devil entering the village, nothing of value was left behind.

This kind of search, even they have a feeling of stunned.

"The martial cultivators here are all the legendary three-foot-scraping ground." Old Daoist Priest murmured dumbfounded.

"Not only is the battle strength strong, but he has no intention of letting go of any treasure. This person is really interesting. I don't know where this world is. If possible, I really want to see it with my own eyes. , what kind of world can cultivate such a terrifying martial cultivator."

The black clothed man muttered to himself with a strange light in his eyes.

"Let's go, let's hunt ominous beasts too. These are not only related to whether we can exchange various treasures in Qianhe City, but also the number of reincarnation points we can get in the end."

The black clothed man was silent for a while, but finally calmed down and said.

"Such a strange man must be extremely brave in bed. If he can have an overnight love, it will be a rare memory." Black Widow licked his lips charmingly, and there was a hint of seductiveness in his eyes. , She is nicknamed Black Widow, but she is not a virtuous woman, she pursues the pleasure of time and enjoys the present.

If given the opportunity, she would never mind offering a pillow seat! !


time quietly pass, unconsciously, two days time quietly pass. In these two days, almost every day in Qianhe City, a large number of Martial Artists have left, going deep into dangerous places, constantly fighting with ominous beasts, and killing all around ominous beasts one by one, even those powerful ones. The ominous beast, one person can't kill it, is immediately hunted by dozens of people. Keep clearing the ominous beast all around.

Minimize the number of ominous beasts during beast tides as much as possible.

However, most Martial Artists only go out during the day and return to Qianhe City at night. The danger contained in the night is dozens or hundreds of times that of the day. Staying outside is simply dangerous. Naturally, few people want to stay outside.

Return as much as possible.

And this is the third day after the original hunt was launched. According to calculations, tomorrow is the moment when the beast tide really begins. The Martial Artists stranded outside returned to Qianhe City from all directions continuously. There were many baleful auras on their bodies, and there were a lot of wounds left on their bodies. Some people even had broken bodies and broken limbs.

It is conceivable that he must have experienced extremely dangerous fights before.

Moreover, there has been news in Qianhe City that tomorrow's beast tide will inevitably sweep, and no one will kill those ominous beasts, East, West, North, and South are everywhere. The ominous beast is still gathering in large numbers. Even after Wu Mu killed the three dragons, the ominous beast gathered in the wilderness did not weaken in the slightest. Obviously, the formation of the beast tide is inevitable.

A large number of Martial Artists rushed back to Qianhe City before the beast swarm began to rest and prepare for the final fight.

"I'm finally back. The ominous beast I hunted in the past three days is enough to exchange for heroic spirit stones, and even exchange for various other treasures." At Qianhe city gate, Wu Mu in an azure robe Standing in front of the door, looking up towards the ancient city, I couldn't help but secretly flicker with excitement in my heart.

The Blood Fiendish Qi on his body gradually converged.

Step by step into the city.

The fighting intent on the body, even the guards guarding in front of the city gate, can't help but have the illusion of suffocation, one by one secretly horrified, shocked in the heart: really strong baleful aura, fighting intent, this is to attack How many ominous beasts can be killed to form a baleful aura, who is this person, who has such an amazing record. This is the hero of my Human Race.

Looking towards Wu Mu's gaze, it suddenly became different.

There is even a hint of respect.

Killing the ominous beast is good for Human Race and has great merit.

In the past three days, the number of ominous beasts that Wu Mu killed was simply countless, even Wu Mu himself could not count them. beast fight. Especially those ominous beasts that live in groups. The deeper it goes, the bigger it becomes. If it weren't for the Azure Lotus formation diagram, the sword formation's prestige would be displayed.

I'm afraid Wu Mu can't even save his bones.

But the benefits obtained in this way are also amazing. You can't hunt down millions of ominous beasts. In the treasure house, you can obtain massive ominous beast treasures. There are various attributes. For the Azure Lotus formation diagram, are of great help.

"This hunt for ominous beast has brought me 531,600 contribution points. This contribution point is enough for me to exchange for any item I want."

"With the help of the huge blood essence, the twelve heavenly pillars of good fortune in the body have all derived Primal Chaos Mother Qi, truly reaching the peak of the heavenly pillar, and you can break through into the realm of Totem at any time as long as you want. However, I feel that this breakthrough must be the moment when a natural phenomenon is born in my body. As soon as the natural phenomenon appears, the weather is extraordinary. It can lead to Power of Heaven and Earth. If it is a fight, it will be enough to erupt ten times at that moment. It is a killing move.”

As Wu Mu walked into the city, he pondered to himself, estimating what he got this time. Amazing harvest.

During these two days, Wu Mu nourished the Heavenly Pillar with blood essence at all costs, and has already derived all the Primal Chaos Mother Qi that every Heavenly Pillar needs, but it did not. Choose to break through, just a stone's throw away from the real Totem realm, you can break through at any time, in any environment and under any circumstances.

He wants to take this breakthrough as a killing move and turn things around at the most critical moment.

"Brother Wu, you're back too, very good, I knew Brother Wu would be fine. How could those ominous beasts hurt Brother Wu."

Just as he approached the city and walked forward for a short distance, a slightly surprised shout rang in his ears.

Wu Mu came back to his senses, looked towards the direction where the voice came from, had already put on an azure shirt, and the valiant and formidable looking tiger girl moved towards him with great joy and greeted him. Hu Niu, who put on new clothes, looked very excited, with two small dimples on her little face.

Beside it, there is a tall and mighty tiger head. The same nodded gestured to Wu Mu with kindness.

"Hu-headed brother, Hu Niu sister, this time out for hunting, there should be a lot of gain." Wu Mu indifferently smiled, looking at the two who came to him, and said.

"Thanks to the spirit wine given by Brother Wu, otherwise, our siblings would also suffer heavy losses in the hunt this time. However, the contribution points obtained this time should be able to exchange a lot of money. Treasure, strengthen battle strength, and deal with the next beast tide."

Hutou nodded, said. There is not much to say about the danger of hunting ominous beast, the most important thing is that they are still alive now, which is the best result.

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