Martial Tomb

Chapter 639

Martial Tomb Chapter 639


[Diagnosed as hand, foot and mouth disease, sweating, my daughter has been unable to eat for the past two days, sore throat, it is really heartache, every day all I went to the hospital for drowning, and now I can only hope that my daughter will recover quickly. ]

"You actually have the ability to return to the original source."

Wu Mu couldn't help but burst out with terrified looks, returning to the original and returning to the source, this is almost a legendary method, it can be reversed Acquired for the magical ability of Innate. The reason why the secret treasure is called the secret treasure is because the birth of the secret treasure is extremely extraordinary, and it needs to be nurtured and evolved under the environment of Innate.

It must be the birth of Heaven and Earth when it first opened.

It is the creation of chaos.

The Supreme Treasure that can really return to Innate is the legendary Heaven and Earth Cauldron. That is a very magical Innate Spirit Treasure.

But I didn't expect that my Bronze Ancient Lamp also has the magical power of returning to its origin. What does this mean? It means that as long as Wu Mu is willing, he can get a lot of secret treasures, no matter what Yes, as many as you want. Continuous wholesale mass production.

"Could it be because of the integration into the Heart of Eternal!!"

A flash of light flashed in Wu Mu's mind, and a thought immediately reverberated.

"Master, you guessed right, this should be the power of the Heart of Eternal. The Heart of Eternal contains infinite wonders, and when integrated into ancient lamps, it naturally possesses various magical powers. Although returning to the source is magical, for Heart Of Eternal, there is nothing difficult literature"

Linglong's voice resounded in Wu Mu's mind.

"Yes, this lamp god has the ability to return to the source, tempering the light. It can make various secret treasures Divine Weapon. This three-pointed two-edged sword incorporates the Life Source of three dragons. Divine Ability, gave birth to the divine ban Poison Dragon ban!! Although it is only the first divine ban, it is a sacrificial refining method for the divine ban to pass through Nine Heavens. Only this divine ban can be continuously promoted and transformed. Unlimited power. Has the potential to become a Heavenly God Weapon."

Little Fatty said proudly.

"The ominous beast treasures I got before are all in the treasury, immediately give me ten or eight treasures." Wu Mu calmly looked towards Little Fatty, and suddenly said.

Ugh! !

Little Fatty's smug look stopped immediately, her face flushed red, as if she was strangled by someone's throat, and she looked at Wu Mu. Indignant.

Then jumped. Pointing at Wu Mu, he scolded: "You really think that the lamp god is an old hen. If you say that you can lay eggs, you can lay eggs, and if you say that you can refine a secret treasure, you can make a secret treasure. Toad yawns and doesn't feel tired at all. Even if you have the ability, it is impossible to refine it without limit. You must have suitable items before you can sacrifice it into a secret treasure. Most ominous beasts are not suitable for sacrifice and refining into a secret treasure. It is a blessing to encounter one. Ten pieces and eight pieces, I really thought they fell from the sky."

How could there be no limit to refining secret treasures.

The first point must be. The materials and items that are to be sacrificed into secret treasures must have a certain quality before they can be sacrificed. This quality is entirely up to the will of God. It is precisely because he found that the keel has such characteristics that Little Fatty instinctively knew the Bronze Ancient Lamp. new abilities that have never been discovered before.

Integrated into the Heart of Eternal, the Bronze Ancient Lamp has undergone an unpredictable mysterious transformation. No one knows what kind of strange mutation it will produce in the end. Little Fatty had no idea that the Bronze Ancient Lamp had such incredible abilities.

Moreover, Bronze Ancient Lamp needs to consume a lot of blood essence stored in the ancient lamp to display this ability, or the owner of the ancient lamp, Wu Mu, personally infuse the bloodline Divine Force to activate the ancient lamp. , it consumes a lot, and if you look closely, you can see that the rays of light emitted from the Blood Lotus are a bit dim.

This is a sign of the massive consumption of blood essence inside.

The most fundamental thing is that this kind of sacrifice has a success rate, and there is no guarantee that it will be 100% successful. Broken on the spot.

It can be said that the limitations are also great, but if used well, it is an incredible treasure, and it can even be said to be an endless treasure.

It contains infinite value.


Wu Mu stretched out his hand and took the white jade-like three-pointed two-edged knife directly into his hand, holding it in his hand, a cold feeling naturally passed into his hand, the whole Divine Weapon, the whole body. Such as white jade, crystal clear and near-transparent, on the surface, one after another mysterious texture emerges. These textures look like dragon scales. Exudes a strange texture.

On the three-pronged blade extended from the Divine Weapon, you can clearly see that the three ferocious Flood Dragon heads appear lifelike on the blade, showing an unusually intimidating coercion that makes people unable to bear it. Stay cold hearted.

There is already a divine ban in Divine Weapon. It can be said that this is already a low grade Divine Weapon.

As long as you keep engraving this divine forbidden, you can continuously transform this Divine Weapon. The real Divine Weapon of cream of the crop. Made with the whole body skeleton tempering of three Jiaojiao, the potential of this Divine Weapon is absolutely remarkable.

"It's a good three-pointed, two-edged sword. It uses all the skeletons of the three-headed dragons to the extreme, without any waste or flaws. This is a near-perfect Divine Weapon. The Life Source Divine Weapon has been selected, otherwise, this three-pointed two-edged sword is also very suitable as the Life Source Divine Weapon."

Wu Mu whispered to himself.

When you hold the Divine Weapon in your hand, you can immediately feel the weight of the Divine Weapon. Even if it is reduced, it still does not change. It is a skeleton of a Flood Dragon that is almost hundreds of feet long. The weight is no less than three or four thousand pounds, and the ordinary person can be directly crushed to death. But for the martial cultivator, this kind of weapon is the best Divine Weapon. Can exert real destructive power.

If it is put up for auction, I'm afraid I don't know how many martial cultivators will break their heads and fight desperately for it.

This is a secret treasure sacrificed and refined, and it is not contaminated with anyone's breath. It is a Supreme treasure that can be sacrificed and refined into a Life Source Divine Weapon.

dragon blood, dragon tendon, dragon skin, dragon meat, dragon horn, plus this three-pointed two-edged sword from tempering, Wu Mu has already obtained it from the three-headed Jiao unimaginable harvest. Simply a living treasure. At this time, Wu Mu can be said to have completely squeezed out the last drop of value from the three Jiaojiao.

"Dragon likes treasures the most, whether it is True Dragon or Flood Dragon, as long as it has the nature of a dragon, it has no resistance to all kinds of treasures. Sleeping on top of the treasures is their happiest thing. The Flood Dragon pool where the three dragons are located may have various treasures that the three dragons collected during their lifetimes.”

Little Fatty blinked, and immediately said with a gleam in his eyes.

No matter what kind of dragon, the love for treasures is a kind of nature from bloodline.

The Flood Dragon pool was almost shattered in the fight just now. The original clear water was frozen and turned into countless ice crystals. At this moment, it was even cracked into countless pieces, and there were cracks everywhere. You can't see the original pool at all.

"If there is a treasure, it must be in the Flood Dragon pool."

Wu Mu raised his eyes looking towards the Flood Dragon pool, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and said categorically.

He didn't need Little Fatty's reminder, and he didn't intend to let go of this wealth.


As he raised his hand, a crimson's finger light shot out and landed in the Flood Dragon pool. Countless ice and snow melted and turned into mist, which was evaporated to dryness by the fiery force on the spot. dry. Directly see the bottom of the pool.

At the bottom of the pool, it is not the so-called silt at all, but pieces of white jade-like jade slabs, spread on the ground, exuding white light, embellishing all around, not feeling quiet at all, giving people There is a soft feeling. Obviously, the three-headed Jiaojiao is quite particular about the place where they live, but on this jade slab, there is a pile of treasures emitting bursts of precious light.

"The three-headed Jiaojia is indeed of the dragon genus, and the nature of collecting treasures is always the strongest. It can be said that it has the ability to loot so many items."

Wu Mu's eyes shined after seeing it.

Most of the items in this pile are actually a kind of purple stone, which naturally emits a purple halo, giving people a strange feeling. Each piece is fist sized as if it were a naturally occurring gemstone.

"Zi Yaoshi, didn't expect there are so many Zi Yaoshi, could it be that these three Jiaojiao found a Zi Yaoshi vein? If the Zi Yaoshi vein really exists, then It's priceless."

Little Fatty looked towards the large piece of Zi Yaoshi in front of him in surprise, and shouted out in surprise.

"It turns out that this is Zi Yaoshi, didn't expect the three Jiaojiao to collect so many."

Wu Mu was also secretly surprised.

Zi Yaoshi knows that he has read a lot of miscellaneous books during this time, and has a certain understanding of all kinds of treasures and rare treasures. Although it may not be as good as Little Fatty, it can be regarded as a great experience. Zeng, Zi Yaoshi, he has also seen records.

Zi Yaoshi can be said to be Peak's Heaven and Earth Treasure. When refining the Divine Weapon magic weapon, as long as the Zi Yaoshi is incorporated, the quality and potential of the Divine Weapon can be increased. Moreover, Zi Yao The stone is said to be the Crape Myrtle starlight emitted by the Immemorial star Ziwei Star, which fell down and merged into the earth veins to generate ore veins and gestate strange ore.

The Crape Myrtle Star is referred to as the Emperor Star in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. The rays of light it emits contain the aura of an emperor. Zi Yaoshi was bred with the help of Crape Myrtle star starlight, it has Supreme spirit, the honor of the emperor, myriad evils will not invade, the first characteristic of all Zi Yaoshi is that it can ward off all evils and has the power to destroy evil, once integrated into Divine Weapon Among them, Divine Weapon can instinctively have the power to destroy evil, and it is extremely powerful to attack and kill evil spirits.

In addition, Zi Yaoshi has a strange ability, which can make all kinds of different materials fuse together perfectly, completely fuse together, without any flaws and drawbacks. It has perfect fusion, even grinding the purple yao stone into powder, in refining medicine pill, even brewing spirit wine, adding a little when cooking medicinal meal, can make all kinds of spiritual medicine more perfect fuse together, will not produce a medicinal conflict.

This kind of characteristic makes the value of Zi Yaoshi greatly increase in an instant, and it is an extremely precious treasure in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

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