Martial Tomb

Chapter 141

Martial Tomb Chapter 141


Quack! !

Even if the head and body were cut off by a sword, the skull bone still gave out a strange laugh, and the white Soul Fire in the skull's skull was still burning continuously, as if it had not fallen.

ka-cha! !

Wu Mu slightly frowned, with a shake of his arm, the stone sword in his hand slashed at the skull bone like lightning, the stone sword was seamless, but the burst of power caused the originally extremely hard skull bone to break on the spot, appearing Countless tiny cracks began to spread at an astonishing speed, and were distributed over the entire skull in a blink of an eye. In a light sound, they broke into countless tiny fragments.

The deep white Soul Fire seemed to have a spiritual surname, quickly turning into a stream of light from the skull, and was about to escape through the void.

"Where to go"

Wu Mu's eyes are fast and his hands are fast. Almost at the moment when he saw that the Soul Fire was about to break through the air, he stepped forward and quickly stepped forward. In just an instant, he came to the **** Soul Fire and grabbed it in his hand.

In his hand, Soul Fire kept beating, as if to break free from his hand.

ding ding ding~ ! !

At this moment, the Bronze Ancient Lamp on the left shoulder suddenly made a crisp vibration sound, exuding a strong phagocytic force, as if to swallow the Soul Fire directly.

"en!! Could it be that the ancient lamp can have an effect on this Soul Fire."

Wu Mu felt the vibration of the Bronze Ancient Lamp, and couldn't help looking towards the ancient lamp, secretly pondering. , Wu Mu has never dared to underestimate the changes of the ancient lamp. He is very clear that the biggest reason why he was able to be promoted to Shedding Mortality Realm Peak in just a few months is because of the Bronze Ancient Lamp. Infinite help.

If it wasn't for the blood essence provided continuously by the ancient lamp, it would not be able to meet the huge needs of its own fleshy body transformation again and again.

Now, this ancient lantern actually produces a strange ** like the original ominous beast corpse in the opponent's Soul Fire, and an unspeakable expectation emerges in my heart.

Immediately release the bondage to the Soul Fire.


The Soul Fire was easily ingested by the ancient lantern, appeared above the bronze flame, and burned continuously. At a speed visible to naked eyes, the **** Soul Fire continuously emerged a trace of gray light spots. These light spots quickly tempered out of Soul Fire under the tempering of the ancient lamp. In the blink of an eye, a mass of milk-white matter that was only half a fist sized was tempered.

Then, the milk-white substance drilled directly into the ancient lantern and fell into one of the six remaining blank grooves after the blood-colored lotus seeds, black and white lotus seeds were merged. . In the blink of an eye, it turned into a white jade lotus seed that was milky white and pure like a crystal. At first, this white jade lotus seed showed an illusory color, but after that, it became a little fuller.

Occupy the third groove in the ancient lantern and become the third lotus seed.

At the same time, in the Bronze Ancient Lamp, there is another layer of white jade-like flame, which appears in the lamp flame. However, this layer of white jade flame appears in the Bronze. Outside the lamp flame, squeeze the black and white flame away and occupy the position of the Second Layer flame.

Suddenly, in the ancient lamp, from the inside to the outside, you can see that the fourth layer flame is constantly flashing.

Bronze flame, white jade flame, black and white flame, bloody flame! !

Layer by layer, distinct layers, very peculiar.

"This lotus seed seems to contain Soul Power, can't be mobilized!!"

Wu Mu felt an unspeakable feeling in the white jade lotus seed. The unique rhythm seems to come directly from the breath of the soul, but the strange thing is that the power in this lotus seed seems to be unable to be mobilized at all, as if it has surpassed its own limitations.

Wu Mu hesitated slightly, then thought to himself: What I got from the skull's mind should be the Soul Fire, the Fire of Life of the undead skeleton, and it should contain the soul and Life Aura, which was tempered out. Yes, it must be Soul Power, but this Soul Power should have exceeded the limit I can touch now, so I can't mobilize it at all. Even so, this Soul Power will definitely have huge benefits for the future.

He pondered inwardly, and the thought of one after another appeared in his mind.

In the blink of an eye, there is already a certain guess.

Instinctively, this should be a huge benefit.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this moment, Wu Mu looked towards the ancient lamp, but found that the gray light tempered by the ancient lamp from Soul Fire earlier A little strangely gathered together, turned into a incomplete illusory book.

On this illusory booklet, several ancient seal inscriptions appeared - "The Lion King Splits the Golden Claws"! !

What emerges from this is like a battle skill.

"It turned out to be a battle skill. Could it be a battle skill book condensed from the memories tempered in Soul Fire." Wu Mu's eyes shined, and he quickly put his mind on the illusory book , As soon as I touched it, immediately, a mysterious message poured into my mind at an astonishing speed.

A tall and sturdy man like Vajra keeps fighting on the battlefield, two palms like Vajra, covered with golden light, cast like gold, swung out, a powerhouse is torn apart by that fierce golden sharp claw into pieces. The mountain was torn out of terrifying claw marks like tofu. The situation is extremely terrifying.

Show that set of Claw Art vividly and thoroughly.

However, these pictures are incomplete, and for the **method of the battle skill, most of them are incomplete, and only a small part is left.

"Human High Grade battle skill, "The Lion King Cracks Gold Claws", unfortunately, it is an incomplete battle skill, only one type of tearing gold and breaking jade remains!! This battle skill, if correct, There should be four styles."

Wu Mu took his mind back from the illusory ancient book, and what was inside was the battle skill that was condensed from the memory left in the Soul Fire of the previous skeleton. , unfortunately is incomplete.

Even so, Wu Mu had another battle skill in his mind. Although it may not be necessary to **, it can be entered into the mind, that is the memory that belongs to oneself, and it is one of the background of oneself.

These battle skills, even if they are only remembered in their minds, will not be disliked by anyone.

"I don't know if the incomplete battle skills can be exchanged for other battle skills in the arsenal." Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my mind, and my heart was faintly moving, but I didn't try.


Suddenly, a crisp sound of breaking the air came from a distance, and there was no response. Between the eyebrows, I suddenly felt a strong blow, a sharp edge, and it was unexpectedly alive. The skin of the skeleton was torn open, pierced, and landed on the skeleton, making a crisp sound. A trace of blood seeped out instantly.

A war arrow.

A bone war arrow is inserted directly above the eyebrows.

However, the tip of the arrow only entered the skin, and did not penetrate the skeleton and inserted it into the mind.

In an instant, Wu Mu has already glanced forward quickly, this look reveals a touch of coldness in his eyes, and a hundred meters away, a petite white bone skeleton is holding a With a strange white bone bow and arrow, in the pupils, a **** Soul Fire appeared, flashing constantly, emitting an icy cold light.

Wu Mu's reaction was not unpleasant. In an instant, when he saw the skeleton, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the bone war arrow directly from his forehead. It burst out of the sky like a stream of light, moved towards the skeleton that burst out of the sky like lightning. A shrill whistling sound came out and fell heavily on the skeleton's throat, and the skeleton at the neck made a crisp cracking sound and shattered on the spot. The skull flies into the air.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Wu Mu stepped forward quickly, each step took several zhang away, just a few breaths, one appeared there In front of the skull, it was violently squeezed in his hand. Under the violent force, the entire skull was pinched all split up and in pieces, revealing a dazzling Soul Fire.


Immediately, the Soul Fire was refinished by the ancient lamp unceremoniously, and one after another Soul Power was poured into the white jade lotus seed. Similarly, the gray light spots were continuously removed from the white jade lotus seeds. Soul Fire came out tempering, and in a blink of an eye, most of the gray light spots condensed into a gray ancient book again.

There are also many gray light spots, just like before, wandering wantonly in the light, not converging, just like stars.

"What kind of chance is there in this Heroic Spirit Battlefield? Is it just these undead skeletons? If it is Soul Fire, other martial cultivators don't have my Bronze Ancient Lamp, and there is no way to tempering the rich inside. Soul Power and the remaining soul memory fragments. There is not much benefit at all."

Wu Mu, who killed the shooter skeleton casually, couldn't help thinking to himself.

Since it is a Heroic Spirit battlefield, there is only danger in the battlefield, and there must be some treasures that people are attracted to. However, I don't know what kind of things I can get in this white area. opportunity.

Boom! !

While Wu Mu was walking towards the depths of the white area, while contemplating, suddenly, from the top of his head, a crisp and weak rumbling sound emerged without warning.

Wu Mu looked up at the void.

A look of unspeakable horror appeared in his eyes.

I saw that in the void, the Secret Realm barrier on the edge of the Heroic Spirit Battlefield Secret Realm suddenly twisted strangely. The rumbling sound emitted is extremely weak, if it wasn't for Wu Mu just on the edge of the Secret Realm, I'm afraid they wouldn't even notice the sound.

"What is that? What is it that can shake Secret Realm's space barriers. It is said that forcibly shaking Secret Realm's space barriers will cause Secret Realm to have immeasurable consequences, or even collapse directly. Inside."

Wu Mu's eyes showed horror, looking at the barrier on the edge of Secret Realm, the strange distortion, as the distortion increased, in a blink of an eye, he saw a dark train Breaking out of the void, bit by bit into the Heroic Spirit battlefield, the wheels are all pitch black, constantly turning, there is no track under the car, but it can generate a strong driving force with the rolling of the wheels. (To be continued.)

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