Martial Tomb

Chapter 142

Martial Tomb Chapter 142


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A series of dark carriages emerged from the void one after another, and every carriage was full of dark splendor, conveying endless mysterious colors. I don’t know what material it was made of. , the whole train gives people a quaint, gorgeous and strange feeling, as if it is a future product from science fiction.

One after another dark mysterious texture is engraved on each car of the train, outlining the rhythm of mysterious.

As the wheels keep turning, the train, using the void as the track, keeps getting into the battlefield of Heroic Spirits. Looking at the train, starting from the first carriage, an Arabic numeral emerges. 1'. At the back, it's '2', one after the other. Section after section, constantly spreading.

"One, two, three, four..."

As the black train kept striding into the Secret Realm, Wu Mu could clearly see that one carriage appeared one after another in the Secret Realm. Before my eyes, every carriage seemed to contain mysterious colors and mists. Not long after, when the last carriage appeared in front of me, the huge '108' appeared in front of me.

One hundred and eight, a full one hundred and eight carriages.

However, this train is very strange. After entering the Heroic Spirit battlefield, the front of the train moved towards the Secret Realm barrier again strangely. The front of the train immediately broke through the barrier and seemed to leave the Secret Realm, but there was a The carriage stopped strangely in the Secret Realm and quickly parked towards an area of the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of Wu Mu.

However, the position where the car was parked seemed to be in the white area, and the train did not land on the ground, but was directly suspended in the midair, whether it was the front of the train or the tail of the train. section is inexplicably hidden in the illusory fog, it seems that the other carriages of the train are not in this Secret Realm.

On the only carriage that can be seen, you can clearly see a number on the carriage - ninety-nine! !

This is the 99th car.

"What kind of train is this, it can tear apart the barriers of the Secret Realm, and it can drive through the air out of thin air. Moreover, what exactly is this train, and what does it mean to park in the Secret Realm? What? Why is this train here."

Wu Mu was filled with endless shock and doubts.

The scene in front of him almost subverted Wu Mu's impression of the ancient continent, and even the entire world. No matter how he looked at this train, it was the same as what he saw in the previous life in Huaxia. The trains are almost exactly the same, only more fantastical and gorgeous.

Moreover, this train can actually shuttle through the barriers of the Secret Realm, pierce through the void, and cross the Secret Realm. This ability is absolutely impossible for ordinary trains to have. This is definitely a remarkable existence. , an incredible existence.

"Find it, maybe you will get an incredible fortuitous encounter."

The rays of light flashed in Wu Mu's eyes, he was a little confused about the battlefield, and now he saw the black train , a thought instantly appeared in my heart, without thinking about it, I stepped forward with my feet, and quickly ran towards the location of the train.

ka-cha! !

ding ding ding~ ! !

In that white fog, the farther you go, the greater the impact of the fog on your sight. Because of Wu Mu's eyesight, after entering the kilometer range of the white area, it also began to be affected, and he could only see things within a hundred meters in front of him.

While running wildly, countless bones on the ground were smashed to pieces. Similarly, a broken blade was revealed. These blades seem to have experienced the erosion of time, even if they reach the limit of human Divine Weapon. , all began to decay, and when they were trampled, they were broken, and even broken into small pieces, scattered all around.

You must know that the refining materials that can reach Divine Weapon are not ordinary materials. When you take them out, they are of great value, generally speaking, and it is difficult for the years to leave too many traces on them. But now they are rotten. It can be seen that they themselves are broken in the fight, and the divine forbidden inside is broken, and eventually they are corroded by time that is indescribable and completely turned into rotten iron.

As they continue to move forward, skeletons wandering on the battlefield appear one after another. As long as they see them, they immediately attack Wu Mu without the slightest hesitation. Each skeleton has the power in its body. , is no less than six or seven Power of Dragon, extremely powerful, and, in battle, has a terrifying innate talent instinct.

Walking fast while constantly scanning the scene in the all around battlefield.

Suddenly, Wu Mu's fast-moving steps stopped abruptly, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

"What ominous beast is this?"

Wu Mu murmured in shock.

In front of my eyes, there is an incomparable gigantic skeleton. This skeleton is more than a hundred meters high and occupies an area of several hundred meters. Let Wu Mu have an illusion of suffocation on the spot. This skeleton is very ferocious and terrifying, and it looks like a huge beetle.

However, this beetle is completely different from ordinary beetles. The feet under it are simply extremely sharp blades, which can be turned into a terrifying blade storm when swung quickly. The meat grinder devoured countless lives, and the icy carapace was as sharp as a blade.

The fangs around the mouth are even more dense and hideous.

The pressure from this ominous beast body, even if it has become a broken skeleton, is extremely terrifying, making Wu Mu involuntarily feel almost suffocated, even breathing. Can't, there is a trembling illusion all over.

This is a coercion from Life Level.

A near-Life Level natural suppression.

Such a huge beetle, Wu Mu has almost never seen, not even imagined. They have been dead for so many years, exuding coercion, and still so terrifying.

However, this beetle is dead, not alive.

In addition, Wu Mu carefully scanned the past and found that there were a large number of corpses near the beetle. The breath exuded from these skeletons, all of which involuntarily produced an unspeakable coercion on themselves, and countless broken bones. Weapons, as well as a large number of ominous beast bones, can clearly feel how tragic the killing near the beetle is.

Wu Mu took a deep breath, a strange look appeared in his eyes, bypassed the beetle, and continued to move towards the location of the train, but the thought of one after another emerged in his heart.

“What exactly is this huge beetle ominous beast? Or, it is not an ordinary ominous beast. What was the reason for the great war in those days that caused such an amazing battlefield.”


"This is just the white battlefield area, you can see such a huge beetle, if it is in other areas, wouldn't it be even more amazing to see."

"In the Near the beetle, the coercion transmitted from almost every skeleton far surpasses the sea of blood. cultivator."

"In the legends, the most powerful martial cultivator can transform his body to the point of indestructibility, even if he is beaten to the point of only a drop of blood, he can be reborn. From a drop of Blood, fleshy body is immortal. These corpses have obviously not reached that level of strength, but after so many years of death, they can still maintain a trace of coercion. Their own realm is definitely not bad.”

"Looks like this, how powerful are the beetles that can kill them."

Wu Mu thought quickly in his mind as he walked.

In this battlefield, it seems that there are hidden secrets of the ancient continent. The battlefield in ancient times is definitely not as simple as imagined. Even, the enemy he faced was not an ordinary enemy.

The sight I just saw had an unimaginable impact on the whole mind.

Until this moment, Wu Mu didn't fully understand why the old man told him before, why he said that everything on the battlefield at that time was not what he could know at his current level. There is absolutely no benefit, and even all kinds of bad effects.

Not to mention anything else, it's just this kind of impact on the mind, but anyone with a slightly low will, I'm afraid that the scene will immediately frighten them crazy.

This is only the white area. If it is in other areas, how terrifying the target will be.

This kind of shock to the mind is enough to make people irreversibly doubt their own path.

Once there is doubt, the Heart of Martial Arts will be shaken. In this way, the Marital Arts Path can be said to be completely abolished, and there is no possibility of climbing Peak.

Wu Mu took a deep breath, and without hesitation, dashed forward quickly.

"We must find a way to break through the realm as soon as possible and advance to the sea of blood. The cultivation base of Shedding Mortality Realm is far from being comparable to the true powerhouse. To enter the real stage, we must advance to the sea of blood as soon as possible. environment."

Wu Mu's determination was firm again.

During the run, Wu Mu also noticed a hint of oddity.

In the all around battlefield, the skeletons that I encountered one after another, as if they disappeared thoroughly, were never encountered again. This unusual scene made Wu Mu secretly shocked and puzzled. endlessly.

"What's going on? Where have all those undead skeletons gone? Logically speaking, every time you advance a hundred meters, you will surely encounter a certain number of skeletons. I haven't encountered a single one."

"Could it be that there are undead skeletons that have reached the level of soldiers around here, and the coercion they exude makes all the skeletons around them disappear. undead summoning the past, gather together."

Various thoughts flashed in Wu Mu's mind quickly.

However, without knowing the specific situation, Wu Mu naturally did not dare to relax, secretly raised his mind completely and became extra vigilant.

Look at the approaching black train.

He couldn't help but murmured, "Could it be because of this black train?" (To be continued.)

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