Martial Tomb

Chapter 140

Martial Tomb Chapter 140


【If you have a ticket, please help. ]

Moreover, in the air, there is a layer of white mist, which clearly conveys the implied Death Aura. These mists are all Death Qi escaping from the countless corpses in front of us. . Permeating all around, although it does not affect his sight, it makes the whole mind appear a trace of haze.

The battlefield of heroic spirits is covered with countless bones. At first glance, there is no edge at all.

At the edge of the battlefield, all around is shrouded in a layer of invisible mist, which is almost similar to the mist seen in the Secret Realm of Evil Dragon, which cannot be easily removed with a fleshy body. traversed area. It is a unique space barrier barrier.

Although Ximen Qing and others on the Heroic Spirit Battlefield have fairly accurate information, this is the first time he has entered.

Moreover, every 30 years that Secret Realm is closed and opened, Secret Realm will naturally evolve again, breeding more dangerous and previously destroyed areas.

Every time Secret Realm is opened, to a large extent, it is a new Secret Realm reclamation.

"Okay, the gate of Secret Realm here is open, then the gate of Secret Realm in other parts of the Heroic Spirit Battlefield will be opened together. Others have already entered the battlefield. Let's hurry up and rush to the Second Layer battlefield. area."

Zhong Wuming's drunk eyes flashed a trace of bright light, laughed heartily scolded.

"This time, I took out my mother's golden compass. With him, as long as I use a piece of belongings on the people of the Halo King's Heaven's Chosen Hall as a sacrifice, I can directly lock their compass. The location, traced the trail of Heaven's Chosen Hall. That peony stinky woman dared to call me a stinky and dusty woman, how can I have a good idea without speaking ill.”

Shen Yun turned her hand and took it out. A compass made of whole body gold. On the compass, there are four needles of black iron, bronze, silver and gold of different lengths. As long as you hold it, you can have a great chance to explore various nearby places. gem. Moreover, it can also use the unique breath carried in the item to find the trace of the creature and track it. In the Tianchi of the compass, there are also two circular grooves the size of coins, which seem to be inlaid with objects. Unfortunately, there is nothing in it now. is vacant.

This is not an ordinary Divine Weapon, but a very strange special Divine Weapon.

"This is the golden compass, you actually stole this Divine Weapon." Po Jun's pupils shrank for a while, and the expression on his face suddenly became solemn, he said in surprise.

"According to legend, the golden compass is an extremely rare Heavenly God Weapon, and it is the closest to the Emperor Divine Weapon. Later in the fight, it was broken and its rank dropped, but its own It is still an extremely strange human Divine Weapon, and its preciousness is even more precious than any other Divine Weapon."

Xing Lei's eyes narrowed, and he spit out a sentence coldly.

This golden compass is incomplete, just a broken product. The body was broken into pieces, and many parts were scattered around it. In the end, the rank of the golden compass dropped sharply, and even fell directly to the human level. The level of the Divine Weapon.

But no one can deny its preciousness.

That was the Heavenly God Weapon! !

Every piece of Heavenly God Weapon is an existence that has a great reputation between Heaven and Earth.

"Hehe, I have a petal left by that stinky peony. It's just right to be used to track their traces." Ximen Qing gave a wretched and strange laugh, and took out a flower in his hand. Peony petals.


A dazzling golden rays of light burst out from the golden compass, swallowing the peony flower in an instant, turning it into nothing, and then, in the Tianchi of the golden compass, it appeared impressively. A bloody spot of light.

This light spot is not stationary, but is constantly moving rapidly.

"Which ** is Peony!!"

When Ximen Qing saw the blood-colored light spot, the corner of his mouth suddenly showed a hideous look, and he let out a sneer.

"Go, let's go!!"

Po Jun glanced at him and said categorically.

"Okay!! Let's go, let's get on my fire!!"

Zhong Wuming rolled his eyes and waved his hand, and suddenly he saw a mass like a flame The fiery red clouds appeared in front of us in an instant, this fiery cloud was like cotton candy, **, a trace of cloud Qi was constantly rolling, and in the blink of an eye, the fiery cloud became incomparable gigantic at a speed visible to naked eyes. Suspended in midair.


Zhong Wuming flickered and appeared out of thin air on the flaming cloud. He stood on it without any sign of falling. Although it was soft, it was extremely tenacious and could bear a huge weight, like a Like the auspicious clouds in Chinese legends.

This is a unique Divine Weapon - Earth Divine Weapon Fire! !

Po Jun and the others did not hesitate, they all jumped up and landed on the huge burning cloud.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people were already standing on it. For the fiery-red auspicious clouds, this number of people did not feel the slightest pressure. Turning around, he said, "Everyone stand up, I'm here."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people on the Huo Shaoyun changed. All of a sudden, the feeling of drinking vanished, and he quickly yelled: "Brother Tonglu, please wait a moment, this fiery cloud can't bear your weight."

"I'm here!!"

However, before his voice fell, the copper furnace had already screamed, and when he stepped on the ground, his entire body rose into the air, just like a hill, appearing directly above the burning cloud.


Ximen Qing and others turned pale for a while, and let out an exclamation.

Bang! !

However, the body of the copper furnace had already landed heavily on the fire cloud, and the entire fire cloud sank violently, as if it were about to collapse on the spot, the martial cultivator all around was shocked and fell on the spot, and the whole cloud was in midair swayed and swayed constantly. It looked like he was playing around.


Zhong Wuming almost spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, but there is a strange smell of alcohol in that blood.

"Brother Tonglu, you are ruthless. Isn't it because you stole a pot of wine back then, you need to be so ruthless." Zhong Wuming glared at Tonglu, looking at the simple and honest The face, the heart has long been unable to believe this simple and honest expression. Just like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Hehe, let's go!!"

The simple and honest laughed of the copper furnace said in a low, muffled voice.

"hmph! !! Go!!"

Zhong Wuming heard this, his helpless patted head could only be coldly snorted, and then moved towards the direction pointed by the golden compass and swayed The situation is like a sailboat in the sea withstood a storm.

There were bursts of exclamations from time to time.

"I won't be left too far by you guys." Wu Mu looked at the silhouettes that were leaving quickly, and there were persistent and firm rays of light in his pupils, and he let out a firm voice. murmur.

Immediately looking at the boundless world of white bones all around, he moved his feet and stepped into the battlefield of Heroic Spirits.

That direction is exactly moving towards the interior of the Heroic Spirit Battlefield.

ka-cha! ka-cha! !

Standing on countless bones, many of the skeletons were broken on the spot, making a blunt terrifying sound, which made people feel a chill to the bones, but Wu Mu didn't pay any attention to it. The killings that have been experienced have long been rare, and there will be too much panic and fear because of these broken bones.

After stepping into the Heroic Spirit Battlefield, Wu Mu found that the gate of the Secret Realm was silently no longer found.

It seems that once you leave, there is no way back.

oh la la! !

Not long after Wu Mu entered the Heroic Spirit battlefield, suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the bones on the ground, and a ferocious and terrifying bone sharp claw ripped apart countless numbers without warning. The bones came out and grabbed Wu Mu's feet.

At the same time, a strong tearing force erupted from the ferocious White Bone Claws to the left and right. In that case, Wu Mu was torn into two halves.

“courting death!!”

Wu Mu is so powerful and domineering, although the power that erupted from those claws is no less than that of the Seven-Eighth Power of Dragon, but when he was sharpened by the sharp The moment claw grabbed his feet, his whole body, from his flesh and blood, instinctively burst out one after another powerful force, which instantly poured into his legs, his thoughts moved, and his entire body sank.

Like a giant mountain, it stands on the ground calmly.

The pair of sharp claws wanted to tear Wu Mu directly from the bottom up, but instead of tearing them apart, a strength of Backlash erupted from the legs, directly tearing the pair of Wu Mu apart. The sharp claw collapsed.


Wu Mu raised his brows and let out an icy snort, his right foot moved towards the ground below him and stepped out decisively. . Step on the ground.

Boom! !

With one step down, the terrifying power of the full nine Power of Dragon erupted, and the ground piled up with bones collapsed suddenly. In the violent rumbling sound, countless bones instantly collapsed. Annihilation, turned into powder, and constantly drifted in all directions.

With the annihilation of the bones, a tall and burly skeleton suddenly appeared in front of him, and a dazzling flame emerged from the skull's head, and in the flame, a rich Life Aura was conveyed.

This is almost a surname with two sides of life. The most important part of the skeleton, a pure dead creature, is the Fire of Life, which is full of rich Life Aura.

Quack! !

The skeleton made a strange, cold cry, looking at Wu Mu's silhouette, a strong desire and killing intent appeared in his eyes, the pale palm instantly turned into a sharp claw, flickering. A sharp cold glow came out, and suddenly at a strange speed, it moved towards Wu Mu's head and grabbed it like lightning.

There is no doubt that if this White Bone Claw falls on the head, the entire head will be scratched out five holes.

In midair, draw a mournful afterimage of one after another.


ka-cha! !

Wu Mu's icy backhand gripped the hilt of the stone sword behind him, and with a twist of his wrist, the stone sword in the scabbard broke out in an instant, and in midair, at an incredible speed, a dazzling line was drawn. The sword light is cut from the neck of the skull. The skeleton from the neck was split into powder under the domineering power of the stone sword. The head flew into the air. (To be continued.)

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