Martial Tomb

Chapter 139

Martial Tomb Chapter 139


Slaughter Peak Creampie Butcher.

Even with Wu Mu, he is regarded as a butcher by others in the valley. Even if he is not a butcher now, he is definitely a butcher in the future. Anyway, in their eyes, no one who came out of the Slaughter Peak is a normal person. It is the butcher among the butchers. Killing is as easy and casual as eating and drinking.

No psychological stress.

In the slaughter, even the powerhouse of the same realm, when faced with the people of the Slaughter Peak, almost all of them end in a tragic end.

The prestige of Slaughter Peak was created by killing and fighting again and again.

With just one sentence of the butcher's words from the Slaughter Peak, you can feel the world's strong fear of the Slaughter Peak.

For such a situation, Po Jun, Xing Lei, and Bronze Furnace were not surprised at all, as if they had long been used to it, they walked straight into the valley.

"Po Jun, Xing Lei, Bronze Furnace, and you 9537, you are here too."

Ximen Qing greeted Wu Mu with a smile on his face, An affectionate look.

"**, stay away from me!!"

Xing Lei saw Ximen Qing approaching, a look of disgust appeared on his eyebrows, and he suddenly spit out a cold sentence The scolding, the disgust for him, made no secret of it.

When Ximen Qing heard this, an ugly look appeared on his face.

"Xing Lei, are you willing to make a big deal?"

Shen Yun stood up with a light smile, looked at Xing Lei with a cold and indifferent face and said.

"What business?" Po Jun frowned, immediately asked.

"Let's come over here and talk." Zhong Wuming laughed, hugged the big bottle gourd, waved his hand, and said.

Xing Lei, Po Jun, etc. heard it without hesitation, and immediately walked over with them. Wu Mu slightly hesitated, moved his feet, and approached together.

To a remote corner.

Zhong Wuming rolled his eyes and said: "Everyone, this time we plan to do a big vote, the Heroic Spirit Battlefield opens, and those guys from Heaven's Chosen Hall will definitely enter the battlefield. According to the information, this time that The Halo King who opens halos everywhere will lead the guys from Heaven's Chosen Hall into the battlefield, I mean, this time, I will find an opportunity to kill the Halo King.

"Hehe, it is said that the Fairy peony in Heaven's Chosen Hall will also appear. Peony, tsk tsk, the descendant of the new generation of awakened peony bloodline in the Hua Family, the appearance is nothing but temper. Too arrogant, I thought back then when I handed her a greeting card and wanted to invite her to swim in the lake, didn't expect to throw my post into the kennel, and said to the outside world, even if I was walking with a dog, I will not be with me, Ximen Qing Youhu, this viciousness, I will say anything, and if I don't rip her off and fuck her, how can I make my name as Ximen Qing."

Ximen Qing said with a smile .

"Fuck those guys in Heaven's Chosen Hall, and 70% of the other precious Divine Weapons on them will belong to you, don't do it!!"

Murong chong gnashing teeth With a bang, he looked at Xiang Pojun, the copper furnace, etc., and directly set out the conditions, but this tone seemed to be working like a bandit.


Po Jun's eyes burst out with rich baleful aura, and immediately decided.

"Okay, done."

Zhong Wuming said with a smile: "There is a brother from Slaughter Peak, plus a few Divine Weapons we picked up from home. , I'm not afraid that they won't fall into a big somersault."

There was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

In order to deal with Heaven's Chosen Hall this time, they took a lot of treasures from home, and they were very well prepared. They had already inquired about the situation of Heaven's Chosen Hall. However, even so, when the people from Slaughter Peak did not join in, they still had little confidence in their hearts. You must know that the Halo King was not an ordinary martial cultivator.

In Heaven's Chosen Hall, is the Halo King of one of the Nine Kings in Heaven's Chosen Hall! !

What is the Halo King? It's really because this guy is too crazy, he can actually bring together various Divine Ability and condense into a new Divine Ability, and it is the Halo Divine Ability. It is said that he is the most powerful ** is the incomplete ancient scripture spread from the Heroic Spirit battlefield. It can use various Divine Ability as the fire, tempering the halo Divine Ability, which is very strange.

Once you are fighting, thoughts move, you can display one after another bizarre aura Divine Ability. Moreover, he doesn't need to spend his energy to cast, as long as his thoughts move, he can naturally bless a lot of auras and burst out terrifying battle strength.

With the halo added, that guy is like a god who is a terrifying, with a battle strength that can surge to the extreme in an instant, making all those who are hostile to him feel a deep sense of depth. deep powerlessness.

Extremely terrifying! !

And, it is said, its cultivation base has crossed over to the realm of enlightenment.

Using the cultivation base of the Blood Sea Realm to prepare a layout to deal with a powerhouse who is suspected to have been promoted to the Enlightenment Realm, this is already a bold move.

"9537, in this operation, with your cultivation base strength, you cannot get involved, enter the battlefield of Heroic Spirits, and experience in the First Layer area. Once Secret Realm is opened, it will take a year to leave. , the door of Secret Realm must be found."

Po Jun glanced at Wu Mu, coldly said.

That tone unceremoniously pointed out that Wu Mu's cultivation base is not enough to participate in this action. Once inside, there will undoubtedly be mortal danger.

"Yes, 9537, although you were able to capture me last time, but that was just the result of this Young Master's lack of seriousness, exerting all his strength, and being attacked by you, besides, entering the Heroic Spirit battlefield. , even in the First Layer area, as long as you have luck, you may gain more than entering the Second Layer."

Ximen Qing tsk tsk said with a smile, and winked hard at Wu Mu.

"Relax, I will do what I can."

Wu Mu didn't show any expression. Some things are not to be argued with words, but to be proved with practical actions. The approval of others has always been made with both hands and weapons. When is it given by someone else.

"That's good!!"

Tongluo laughed, the huge palm clapped on Wu Mu's shoulder, and a huge force fell on him, if it wasn't for Wu Mu's body Strong, this shot can be directly on the ground.

Not much time, just a moment.


Suddenly, I only saw that in the valley, countless ** mists were continuously spewing out from the ground at a speed visible to naked eyes, and that trace of mist conveyed a strong Death Aura. , and even a stench, as if it was transmitted from countless corpses.

"It's Death Qi, this is Death Qi released in the Battlefield of Heroes, Secret Realm is about to open."

"Look, there's an ancient door in Death Qi, it's The gate of the Secret Realm."

In an instant, one after another shouts resounded continuously in the valley.

In the fog of that **, I suddenly saw that a gate of white bones made of countless white bones appeared in the valley and appeared in front of everyone. Seeing the ** fog, excited expressions appeared in each and everyone's eyes.

"The gate of Secret Realm has been opened, and there is no limit to the number of Secret Realm entries in the Heroic Spirit Battlefield. Everyone enters in sequence, and the locations they appear are all in the same place. When the time comes, you can decide where to go."


A glimmer of light flashed in Zhong Wuming's drunk eyes, laughed and said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, go ahead and move towards the gate of white bones with Ximen Qing and others. After entering, a layer of rich bloodline Divine Astral appeared outside, The white Death Qi was forcibly excluded, not letting it get close to itself. You must know that these Death Qis are the Death Qis that Secret Realm has accumulated for 30 years.

It contains a strong yin and cold energy, once it invades the body, the ordinary person will immediately die, even if it is a Shedding Mortality Realm martial cultivator, it will feel the bone-piercing cold air and become seriously ill.

Wu Mu was slightly frowned, seeing that they naturally displayed bloodline Divine Astral, and instinctively felt that Death Qi must be very unfavorable to him.

However, slightly hesitated, and still followed.

No matter how unfavorable it is, there is no way to do it. After all, it is only a Shedding Mortality Realm cultivation base. The impossible means to display bloodline Divine Astral can only be resisted by fleshy body.

"What an ice-cold Death Qi."

Wu Mu stepped into Death Qi and immediately felt that in the fog all around, there was a trace of Ice- Cold Qi continuously moved towards the flesh and blood all over his body. However, the whole body membrane almost instinctively closes all the pores quickly. In the film, the texture of one after another azure emerges instantly.

Distributed all over the body, completely resisting the strange coldness.

Do not give any gaps dead ends.

He moved quickly towards the gate of the bones and walked in.

shua~ shua~ shua~! !

In front of Wu Mu, as soon as Po Jun and the others entered the gate of Secret Realm, the whole body was disappeared immediately, as if approaching another world, Wu Mu did not hesitate, and immediately stepped into Secret Realm inside the door.

Under a strange force, the whole body shuttling through the void, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed, and there was a feeling of being on the ground under my feet.

ka-cha! !

However, a crisp cracking sound was constantly heard from below.

Wu Mu moved towards and looked down, only to see, under his feet, is a piece of white bones, piled up on the ground, already covered by countless bones, at first glance, it is almost boundless.

Behind him is a gate of Secret Realm made of white bones.

all around, Po Jun and others stood impressively, looking at the scene of all around with a calm expression.

It seems that there is no movement in the countless bones in front of him.

They are the killing stars who came out of the suicide. Where would you be shocked by these.

"tsk tsk, is this the Heroic Spirit Battlefield? I've only heard of it before, but this time I've seen it for real. The bones in this battlefield are really unusual. How tragic."

Ximen Qing's mouth opened wide, looked towards all around, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

The bones in front of me are no longer just a simple number that can be accumulated. It is an ocean of bones that can only be formed by several millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of lives. (To be continued.)

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