Martial Tomb

Chapter 138

Martial Tomb Chapter 138


[Monthly ticket is urgent, brothers will help. 】

Outside the courtyard, two silhouettes with a strong presence like a crane in a flock of chickens come into view directly. Even standing in the crowd, you can be noticed at a glance.

Wu Mu's eyes naturally noticed immediately.

His eyes fell on the two figures and he looked at them carefully.

Looking at one of them, one is extremely burly, with a height of no less than two meters, wearing an ominous beast hide on his body, a young man with black hair wantonly sprinkled on the outside, two One eye, exudes a bone-chilling cold **, as if this is not a person at all, but an ominous beast in human skin. The whole body exudes a strong ominous beast breath. Like a lone wolf out of a pack of wolves.

There is also a girl who is covered in black clothes. The black clothes completely restrain her perfect body, and outline a line of ** curves, ** * * * Standing pretty, on his back, on his back, he was carrying a dark sword on his back, the incomparably delicate oval face was icy cold, and there was a baleful aura between his brows. When one glances at it, one can feel like winter is coming.

Any ** will dissipate instantly.

Wu Mu, who walked out from the killings, could feel the blood and baleful aura of the two people in front of him almost at a glance. Compared with himself, he didn't know how much richer it was. That kind of murderous aura makes people feel cold all over.

"You are 9537!!"

The lone wolf-like man glanced coldly at Wu Mu, nodded and made a hoarse voice.

"The current me is 9537." Wu Mu nodded and agreed, yes, now he is 9537, even if he has the opportunity, he is unwilling to say his own name. , this is a kind of recognition, but also a kind of test for oneself.

Weak people are not qualified to let powerhouse remember their names! !

"Very good, you can call me Breaking the Army!!" The man was coldly nodded and spit out a sentence.

"9537, this is Po Jun, this is Xing Lei." The copper furnace introduced to Wu Mu: "I am only the third person to be recognized on the Slaughter Peak, Xing Lei is the First, breaking the army is the second.”

Although the voice is simple and honest, it brings out a kind of baleful aura that is hard to describe.

According to the slaughter peak's approval, in terms of the baleful aura emanating from their bodies, they can clearly feel that each one is an existence that has climbed out of the sea of blood and corpses. Definitely not an ordinary martial cultivator, but a true powerhouse that has experienced countless killings.

Only the copper furnace, Ximen Qing knew from his mouth that his nickname, the Giant of Death, was already extremely shocking, not to mention that those who were recognized by Slaughter Peak before the copper furnace were bound to be more powerful. Terrifying.

"Go, go to the gate of Secret Realm, and wait to enter the Heroic Spirit Battlefield!!"

Po Jun said arrogantly: "9537, remember, on the Heroic Spirit Battlefield, you can die , but don't lose the reputation of my Slaughter Peak, otherwise, when you come back, in the Slaughter Peak, you will be the one to be slaughtered." In the voice, there was an awe-inspiring killing intent.

That Xing Lei didn't say a word since Wu Mu came out. After breaking the army's voice, he turned around and walked outside.

Wu Mu did not hesitate, and immediately followed behind, walking towards the bottom of the Slaughter Peak together.

Watching their backs leave.

Xiaoyue bit her lip and stood beside the old man, with a firm look in her eyes, she looked towards the old man in a childish voice, and said: "grandfather, Xiaoyue wants sex, wants to Learn martial arts, you will become stronger in the future, you can protect Big Brother and grandfather."

"Okay, Xiaoyue has ambition, grandfather will teach you a powerful martial arts."

The old man seems to be She had been waiting for Xiaoyue's words for a long time, and after hearing her finish, she said with a doting look on her face: "Your father is very brave, he is a True Martial Artist, I am proud to have such a son, you It's his daughter, my granddaughter, how could she be ordinary. I originally planned to wait for your bloodline to wake up before starting Martial Arts' sex work, but since you are willing, starting now, you will have a deeper self-training. But Martial Arts **, but very hard."

"en!! grandfather, Satsuki is not afraid to endure hardship."

Satsuki's nodded hard, very close to the elderly, it seems , are the real grandchildren.

"Okay, grandfather, I'll hand over to you, the ancient emperor's scripture in our family, "The Great Dream Sutra" - "Dream of a Butterfly"!!" When the old man heard this, his expression changed. Nodding his head, he spit out a sentence.

"Xiaoyue wants to learn, Xiaoyue wants to learn!!"

Xiaoyue said excitedly when she heard it.

"Okay, grandfather will pass on the chapter to you, remember the Visualization Picture in your mind, whoever realizes a big dream first, a dream turns into a butterfly!!" The old man slowly spit out a motto. , in the blink of an eye, a finger was pointed on Xiaoyue's eyebrows without warning, and the message of one after another mysterious got into Xiaoyue's mind at an incredible speed, and was imprinted in her mind.

Xiaoyue's eyes closed involuntarily, and then, her whole body slumped strangely, and she moved towards the ground and lay down, but the old man picked it up in his arms and moved towards the courtyard. Went to Yue's room and put her in the room.

A sleepy look appeared on Satsuki's face.

It seems that he has fallen into the deepest slumber, with strange expressions flashing on his face from time to time, as if he is in a strange dream.

Although the old man didn't open his eyes, he seemed to be able to clearly feel Xiaoyue's situation, he said with a smile: "Whoever sleeps first in the big dream, I know myself in my life, go to sleep! Go to sleep! !!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned to leave, returned to the grape trellis, lay on the bamboo chair, and slowly fell into a deep sleep, making sounds of sound sleep from time to time.

Go down the mountain with Po Jun and so on.

The direction I went to was not the location of the Skull Island Lord Peak, but moved towards Skull Island and walked into a hidden valley. This valley is extremely hidden and is usually guarded by heavy troops. Now It was all around Taniguchi, where a large number of skeleton thieves were stationed, and they glanced around all around with a cold expression, and no one was allowed to approach.

In almost every ten of these skeleton thieves, one is a powerhouse in the Blood Sea Realm.

It is the elite of the elite, all fierce! !

However, when Wu Mu and the others walked into the valley, the faces of the skeleton thieves who looked sinister changed greatly, and they all moved out of the way without stopping, allowing Wu Mu and others to shuttle in.

unobstructed. It seems that he can recognize Po Jun and other identities.

“This should be the special status of Slaughter Peak!!”

Wu Mu thought to himself in the heart as he walked through the valley.

I became more and more curious about the status of Slaughter Peak on Skull Island. I don't know why this Skull Island would allow such an uncontrolled existence to appear on its own territory.

"It's here!!"

After a short while, after stepping into the valley, I immediately saw that the number of people inside the valley was not small. Maybe even a little bit more.

Among them, Zhong Wuming and Ximen Qing stood in the middle of the valley like a crane in a flock of chickens, chatting from time to time, making weird noises, and all the people around , they stayed far away from them, keeping a certain distance, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

Looking at the people in the valley, some of them are women wearing all kinds of gorgeous clothes. These women all convey a charming charm, as if every frown and smile can seduce people's souls. Gathered together, from time to time bursts of light laughter such as silver bells, flowery branches, people's eyes involuntarily attracted to the past.

Looking at the number, there are hundreds of them, and almost every one of them has a breath that reaches the level of the Blood Sea Realm. The kind of coercion transmitted from the Life Level cannot be faked at all. .

This is the evolution on Life Level.

If a woman in the sea of blood is stripped naked and lying on the **** and let you go, even if those ordinary persons are full of desire and **, they really want to pounce on it, and the things below are very good It's not that they can't get up, but the invisible pressure on Life Level makes them unable to get up at all.

There is another group, a group of martial cultivators wearing fiery-red robes, standing all around with a cold expression. Stand proudly.

apart from this , those skeleton thieves in dark suits.

Almost all those in the valley are powerhouses in the Sea of Blood. There are no less than a hundred people on each side, adding up to more than three hundred.

"It's the butcher of Slaughter Peak."

"Slaying the wolf and breaking the army, the celestial beings in tears, and suing the giant bronze furnace. These are the three killing stars of Slaughter Peak, Butcher. They actually came together, and they are preparing to enter the battlefield of Heroes."

"My darling, these three guys are butchers who came out of the mountain of corpses and blood. It is said that Po Jun was abandoned since he was a child. , was raised by a pack of wolves, and was not found until he was eight years old. He was brought back to the human world to survive, but his wild surname was ferocious. After his adoptive parents were killed by bandits, he spent a year removing thousands of people in the entire cottage. Thoroughly killed by the famous thief, the entire cottage, blood flowing into a river."

"It is said that the ghost of the solitary star will kill her parents as soon as she is born. In the event of various accidents, die without a burial site, she is a lonely star, and she will do everything to be close to her and connect with her, no matter who it is, as long as she encounters her, she will encounter an accident. The public is very similar."

"The death giant is not bad. It is said that he was born with a pair of strange eyes. When he was a child, everyone he saw would die of an unfathomable mystery. Weird. These three are butchers with countless blood on their hands."

"I don't know if the people behind them are from the Slaughter Peak. Could it be that another butcher will appear in the Slaughter Peak. "

"The one who can be brought in by the three of them must be someone who must be recognized by Slaughter Peak. This is another butcher. In Slaughter Peak, that's a place for butchers."

In the valley, after everyone saw Wu Mu's entire group, their expressions suddenly changed, as if they had seen a flood of beasts, they quickly retreated backwards, looking very afraid. (To be continued.)

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