Martial Tomb

Chapter 137

Martial Tomb Chapter 137


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After the Lin Family caught fire, countless sergeants quickly surrounded the entire Lin Mansion in all directions at an astonishing speed, and countless large waters fell from the sky, extinguishing the raging flames.

However, the flames were burning too intensely. Even if they were extinguished in time, most of the Lin Family buildings were still burned thoroughly, and the huge Lin Mansion was reduced to ruins.

"Who turned the entire Lin Family to the ground and turned it into ashes, with no one alive? Could it be that the murderer didn't succeed? He actually started killing the family in the town."

"Patriarch Lin Zhan in the Lin Family is the powerhouse of the Blood Sea Realm, and his wife is also an expert in the Blood Sea Realm. Lin Hai is also promoted to the Blood Sea Realm after Secret Realm, not to mention the family is sure There are other experts hidden, and they were all destroyed in a short period of time. What the hell is going on? What a formidable cultivation base the murderer will be."

"Although the strength of the Lin Family is not the cream of the The crop, but also the bloodline Aristocratic Family of Grade 8, even said that it will be destroyed if it is destroyed, could it be that the murderer has begun to completely ignore the majesty of the dynasty.”

There were also a large number of Bounty Hunters who arrived, and saw the Lin Family in an instant. The scene turned into ruins, each with a horrified look on his face, his eyes full of horror, Lin Family This is the bloodline Aristocratic Family that has survived in Dragon Gate Town for countless years.

Moreover, it is said that the Lin Family here is just a branch of the real Lin Family. The real Main Sect is not Dragon Gate Town, but in other ancient cities, Grade 8 The bloodline Aristocratic Family, perhaps the bloodline rank is not high, but the accumulation of countless years is enough to accumulate a lot of heritage.

This kind of Aristocratic Family, now it is said that it will be destroyed.

Although it is a branch, it is still extremely terrifying.

"It's daring, it's simply lawless, and the crime should be punished!!"

A team of soldiers came quickly, surrounded by soldiers, the lieutenant general of Dragon Gate Town Tian Zhen came forward, sat on his horse, and glanced at the Lin Family mansion, which was almost in ruins in front of him. Cold rays of light flashed in his eyes, and he spat out a few words coldly.

To openly slaughter a bloodline Aristocratic Family on Dragon Gate Town is simply a provocation to the entire dynasty, a kind of naked contempt, and an unceremonious trampling on the laws of the dynasty.

What is the dynasty law, that is the face of a dynasty.

In the Imperial court, whether you like it or not, you must abide by the law. This is to respect the face of the dynasty, and now, it is a complete slap in the face.

As a general of the dynasty, how could Tian Zhen not be angry, how could he not feel empathy.

"didn't expect my old man just left Dragon Gate Town for a few days when such a big thing happened. The slaughter of a family, the extinguish sect tragedy, I don't know who did it."


A hunchbacked old man appeared in midair strangely while coughing. His cloudy old eyes looked all around, shook his head and sighed.

"hmph!! Dare to commit such a crime in the imperial court, no one can escape, please senior to find out the real murderer. Give justice to the deceased, and maintain the majesty of the law of our dynasty."

"hmph!! p>

Tian Zhen took a deep breath, slammed a cup one fist in the other hand, moved towards the hunchbacked old man in midair.

"Well, let's see the truth!!"

The hunchbacked old man coughed and shook his head, as if he had found something. It can be seen that a water mirror naturally appears in the air. and zooms in quickly. In a burst of white light, it quickly glanced over the ruins of the Lin Family.


On the empty water mirror, a series of real pictures appeared quickly one after another.

The silhouette of Xue Jie wearing a black robe appears on the screen.

The next step is to enter the attic, throw Sun Clan into the **, the taboo scene of mother and son **, kill the father by hand, etc., scenes of shocking scenes are continuously presented to each sergeant, Bounty Hunter's eyes.

One by one, their eyes are wide open and their hearts are jumping! !

The screen is constantly changing.

The blood robbery annihilated the biological mother, killed the biological father with his own hands, brutally slaughtered the a guard, and even assassinated the clan elder without any warning in the family. The Lin Family had hundreds of people. In just a short while, Tongtong died in his hands, and finally, a fire set the mansion on fire.

To burn the entire Lin Family to ashes.

That chilling smile.

Every scene makes people feel chills.

"It's Lin Hai, I recognize him, he's Lin Hai, he's the murderer, and he's so cruel, that's his own mother, and he dares to attack and kill him cruelly, this is simply a beast, it's * *.** is not as good."

Some Bounty Hunter trembled in shock, gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Killing one's mother and killing one's father is unforgivable. Lin Hai has completely fallen into the evil way. I'm afraid that the tragedy on Dragon Gate Town was all his doing. How cruel is he? Do the extinguish sect."

"What a cool and thin-hearted surname, this kind of person is already a **, and should be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades."

Countless Bounty Hunters scolded and scolded. They felt the same way about what Lin Hai had done, and they burst out with the strongest killing sound.


Tian Zhen sent out coldly snorted, with cold glow in his eyes, scolded to the left and right: "Notify the county owner immediately, issue an arrest warrant, and want Lin Hai, Wanted all over the country, issued a bounty task, wanted Lin Hai, provided information on Lin Hai's whereabouts, there was a big reward, wrote down the case file, and handed it to the Ministry of Justice. Let the Ministry of Justice issue the official document of sea arrest."

"This is how to kill the mother and kill the father. If you don't kill it, how can you make people angry."

In the words, the terrifying anger almost wanted to spit out directly. Thoroughly burn the entire Heaven and Earth.

"Yes, General!!"

Let's go quickly left and right.

Not to mention the tragedy that happened on Dragon Gate Town, but to say that on Skull Island, after supporting the second blood burning spell, Wu Mu no longer hesitated, and kept making preparations to enter the Heroic Spirit battlefield. .

During the day, enter the slaughterhouse and complete the tasks given by the butcher.

Almost every time you enter the slaughterhouse, the ominous beast you have to face is constantly increasing, even with Wu Mu's strength, when facing those ominous beasts that are almost ordinary peaks, accidentally, it is still the same. will suffer great damage. Every day, they leave the slaughterhouse soaked in blood.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the butcher started on the seventh day after Wu Mu slaughtered one after another, and directly let Wu Mu fight with a soldier rank ominous beast, even if it was only the weakest rank ominous beast, Wu Mu. Under the trump card that Mu couldn't reveal his bloodline Divine Ability, almost in a situation where he was about to die, he used his powerful fleshy body to kill the ominous beast under the sword.

Since then, almost everyday all have to fight ominous beast with soldiers.

Every time they fought, they fought extremely violently.

During this process, Wu Mu's battle skill, Sword Art, has grown and transformed at an astonishing rate. This is a field that has to progress and has to transform with an ominous beast.

In constant battle.

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms is completely complete.

Wu Mu got the three palms when refining the skin, got the three palms again when forging the bones, and achieved the Great Perfection of the five internal organs, finally, got all the 18 palms of the Dragon Subduing 18 Palms, and even more. In the continuous killing, he quickly became familiar with all the palm techniques.

At night, I also seize all the time to enter the Martial Palace inside the ancient lanterns. Under the illumination of the smart lanterns, I constantly understand the true meaning of the battle skill. I feel about the Dragon Subduing 18 Palms almost every time. Growing and transforming day by day.

In the killings, Wu Mu's body, almost every part of his body, can burst out terrifying lethality.



As a ray of light flashed, Wu Mu stood on the ground covered in blood. All over the body, hideous and terrifying wounds make people horrible to see. But the baleful aura on his body is even more amazing.

"Yes, you can survive under the wolf's claws, your skin is really thick enough, remember, if you don't become a blood sea realm martial cultivator, it is simply not a real martial cultivator. The sea of blood is the first step in the evolution of the human body. Only after the real breakthrough will you know what a martial cultivator is. What is the evolution of life."

The butcher raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Mu, coldly said : "No matter how strong the Shedding Mortality Realm is, it can kill the ominous beast by leaps and bounds, but after all, it is difficult to resist the stronger existence. If you go to the Heroic Spirit Battlefield, you may die."

"Don't enter the battlefield. , I will never have the opportunity to experience the transformation and evolution on the Life Level you mentioned. Even if it is death, it will be on the road of constant fighting."

Wu Mu said flatly.

"There are still three days until the Heroic Spirit Battlefield starts, and you won't be using these three days. Prepare yourself and die." The butcher raised his big knife, picked his teeth, and said disdainfully.

But in his eyes, there was a vague look of admiration.


Wu Mu agreed with a nod.

"The copper furnace will also go. After three days, follow the copper furnace to the gate of Secret Realm. Naturally, you can enter the battlefield of the Heroic Spirit. I hope to see you again next time instead of hearing the news of your death. ." Butcher said with a cold laugh.

Time passed quietly.

For three days, Wu Mu didn't go anywhere, just talking and chatting with Xiaoyue in the courtyard, and went into the ancient lantern alive to hone his battle skills.

The third day.

In the early morning, the moment when the sun rises.

A rude voice sounded.

"9537, the time is up, we should set off. The gate of Secret Realm is about to open. The sooner you enter, the more opportunities you will encounter." The thunderous voice of the copper furnace sent the entire courtyard to the ground. A flurry of dust fell.

Squeak! !

Wu Mu, who was already ready, immediately picked up the stone sword, pushed the door, walked out, saw the burly copper furnace, nodded nodded, and said, "I'm ready, now You can go."

"Let's go, I'll introduce you to some brothers."

The bronze furnace nodded, took huge steps forward, while walking, said while saying.

Wu Mu just followed behind, secretly curious about who the brothers mentioned by Tongluo were, but guessed, they should be the people on the Slaughter Peak, after all, the huge Slaughter Peak, impossible only Only one copper furnace is recognized. (To be continued.)

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