Martial Tomb

Chapter 136

Martial Tomb Chapter 136


[The third update is delivered, please support, the monthly ticket is urgent! ! ]

Immediately after the report, General Tian Zhen led the army back to Dragon Gate Town without hesitation, and teams of elite soldiers were dispatched from other military camps one after another. The original 8,000 soldiers in Dragon Gate Town will be increased to 15,000 in just two days. Among these generals, most of them are warriors of Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, and each of the generals is a powerhouse who has been promoted to the Blood Sea Realm.

On Dragon Gate Town, the frequency of patrols has increased again.

Almost the first line of soldiers will pass, and the next line will appear immediately.

In the whole town, street by street, patrol without dead ends.

In the Lin Family mansion, inside the huge mansion, a guard is also vigilantly scanning all around, his eyes are constantly patrolling all around, even a mosquito can never escape them. Eye.

For fear that the strange demon would suddenly appear in front of him.

In the mansion, the mansion occupying thousands of square meters is extremely huge, and the houses are extremely spacious. Walking in it gives people a huge sense of comfort.

Clap! !

At the door of the Lin Family, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the darkness.

"Who is it?"

The guard at the door immediately became nervous, and there was a nervous shouting from his mouth.

"It's me!!"

From the darkness, the silhouette of the blood robbery slowly walked out, the guards saw it, and immediately sighed in relief, respectfully saying: "Yes Eldest Young Master, Madam is still asking where Eldest Young Master has gone, you can go and see. It is not safe outside, Eldest Young Master should not go out easily, lest there be any accident.”

Blood When Jie heard it, he walked into the door with a faint smile and said, "Since mother misses me, then as a child, of course I'm going to 'comfort'." Fuzhong.

He walked into an attic with ease.

The attic is located in a garden, quiet and pleasant, very quiet, no one dares to approach this attic easily, because this is the Lin Family hostess, where Sun Clan lives. .

The blood robbery came to the attic unimpeded. The servant girl in the attic saw it, and hurriedly bowed to meet him: "Eldest Young Master, you are back, and the lady is looking for you everywhere."

"Okay, you all go out, this Young Master I have something to say to my mother. Don't let other people get close to the attic, otherwise, it will be dealt with by family rules." Xue Jie's face showed a touch of majesty, and he scolded softly in his mouth.

"Yes, Young Master!!"

Several servant girls did not dare to disobey, and after hearing this, they hurriedly bowed and left.

The blood robbery entered the attic, came to a master bedroom, and pushed open the door.

In the room, a woman wearing a light green palace dress, who looks only in her twenties, is standing in front of the window, with a plump figure, which outlines the endless charm of a mature woman. , as if it was a ripe peach, which makes people feel heartbroken. As a Martial Artist, appearance is often unable to reflect a specific age.

"It's Hai'er, you're back." Sun Clan heard the sound, turned his head and looked towards Xue Jie, with a look of doting in his eyes, and said, "Listen to the guard at home, you are going out again. Now, the town is not safe and there is nothing to do, so try to avoid running outside as much as possible and stay at home for cultivation, you have just broken through to the sea of blood, and seclusion is the right way to stabilize the cultivation base.”

In his words, although There is blame, but more of it is a kind of doting and caring.

"Mum, you have misunderstood. This time I went out not for fun, but to find a birthday gift for you. Tomorrow will be your birthday. It happens that the child is in Wufang. I saw a precious gift in the Auction House, I believe mother will like it.”

Xue Jie smiled lightly, sitting beside Sun Clan naturally, holding out a small The jade bottle was held in his hand and sent to Sun Clan.

"Gift, Haier, what kind of gift did you prepare?"

Sun Clan heard the curious rays of light in his eyes like autumn waves. He immediately asked.

"Mother, you will know when you open it and smell it." Xue Jie said with a smile on his face. Hand the jade bottle to Sun Clan.

Sun Clan would naturally not have any precautions against the blood robbery. After seeing it, he immediately stretched out his jade hand, squeezed the jade bottle, and opened it. In the jade bottle, there is a strange fragrance, which makes people want to smell it again after smelling it.

Very peculiar.

"What is this? Is it a special perfume?" Sun Clan asked curiously. She has used many kinds of perfumes, but she has never smelled this unique fragrance. .

"Hehe, this fragrance will make you enjoy the blissful pleasure of mother." After seeing Sun Clan smelling the fragrance, Xue Jie showed an extremely evil and strange smile on the corners of his mouth, making him When people saw it, there was a shuddering feeling.

"Hai'er, why are you showing such a strange smile."

Sun Clan asked incomprehensibly at first. A kind of dry heat that is hard to describe, this kind of dry heat is extremely strange, constantly bred out of the body, making her feel like she has to take off all the clothes on her body, and at the same time, she only feels that countless unspeakable illusions and impulses have emerged in her mind. .

All kinds of silver and dirty pictures appeared one after another.

Moreover, what made Sun Clan the most ashamed was that there was a sudden burst of warmth at the base of her legs, as if there was a stream of heat flowing out, making her involuntarily clamp her slender legs.

"What kind of scent is this?"

Sun Clan instinctively felt a bad feeling.

"Hehe, did Mrs. mother feel the heat all over her body and wanted to tear off all her clothes, and a strong urge to ** emerged in her mind." Xue Jie Xie asked with a smile.

"How do you know?" Sun Clan said in horror.

The heat in the body became more and more intense. From the lower body, one after another heat flow continued to pour out, and even the pants were soaked.

"What mother just smelled is not a perfume, its name is Wan Shexiao, no matter how virtuous a woman is, once she smells it, she will burn her body in flames, and she will not be able to extricate herself. It is one of the most Peak aphrodisiacs between Heaven and Earth. Mother, you can see the gift that the child prepares for you is a favorite."

Blood robbery Faint smile looked towards Sun Clan, a hand suddenly came from behind He looped to Sun Clan's chest, pinched out the pair of plump breasts, and pinched it recklessly. Sun Clan let out a coquettish cry, twisting his body to resist constantly, but the strength of his body was disappeared in an instant.

The desire in my mind is like a tide that continuously impacts my whole mind.

Can only make an angry questioning voice: "Hai'er, what are you doing, I am your mother and your mother, how can you do this, do you know what you are doing? , you're in [***]. You're going to be struck by thunder."

"hmph! What about thunder and thunder, mother, aren't you excited? Look, it's all here. The water is out."

Xue Jiexie smiled and fell into Sun Clan's crotch with one hand, and when he stretched out, he brought out a crystal clear liquid.

"Come on, I've enjoyed all kinds of women, but I haven't enjoyed the taste of my own mother." Xue Jiexie smiled and hugged Sun Clan, threw it into the bed, and waved , tore the palace suit into pieces, and the snow-white attractive body was completely presented in front of him. Make the bloodline boil.

Blood robbery even let out a weird laugh, and slammed on it, his clothes were naturally shattered into pieces, a long spear was as hard as iron, and he unceremoniously slammed Sun Clan under his body. hole through.

Ah! !

Sun Clan let out a mournful groan as if he was pumping up his body. In his eyes, the last lucidity completely dissipated and was completely replaced by endless **, frantically seeking. .

The blood robbery began to whip up the unique prey under his wicked smile even more frantically, and in his eyes, there were traces of evil blood rays of light. That sight makes people horrible to see.

In the frantic movement of the blood robbery, the moaning sound from Sun Clan's mouth was like a landslide and tsunami, and it continued to spread all around. Spread beyond the attic.

Bang! !

But in a short while, the door of the attic was slammed open, and Lin Zhan, who was wearing a black robe, stared at the scene in the room blankly. Turned into a crimson, a mouthful of blood spurted out on the spot, angrily roared: "Lin Hai, you beast, she is your mother, you dare to be incest."

"It's father, mother is like a wolf Like a tiger, do you want to come together, our family will make out and make out together." Xue Jie saw Lin Zhan's appearance, he didn't care, said with an evil smile, while saying that, he also tried his best to whip the seductive body under him. .

"Beast, I'm going to kill you."

Lin Zhan's eyes were red, and he roared, the rays of light flashed in his hand, and a sharp sword suddenly appeared in his hand. At a terrifying speed, moved towards Xue Jie's throat and cut it like lightning, as if to cut him into two pieces with one knife.

"My dear father is really boring, if that's the case, let it be the nourishment for my growth." The strange dragon altar for the sacrifice of all spirits appeared out of thin air, bringing out splendid blood light. On the altar, the white bone sword suddenly turned into a stream of light in mid-air, with lightning speed. A sword swept across the air, directly piercing Lin Zhan's heart.

A strange power emanated from the white bone sword, and Lin Zhan, the powerhouse of the Blood Sea Realm, was killed on the spot.

Ah! !

Under Xue Jie, Sun Clan let out a high-pitched moan, and his whole body stiffened. Then, he saw that the originally white skin began to dry up at a speed visible to naked eyes, and he took a few breaths. In time, it becomes powder and dissipates invisibly.

"It's boring, it's really boring, the blood starts now."

Xue Jie casually put on the clothes on the ground, laughed evilly, held up the altar, and walked out attic.

Not long ago, in the Lin Family mansion. Countless screams rang out.

The blood light fills the sky.

The fire began to burn and spread rapidly, spreading to the entire mansion in a blink of an eye. Lin Family is completely covered by fire sea. Countless buildings were destroyed in the fire, connected with... sins, burned together.

However, sin... Can it really be burned and turned into ashes! ! (To be continued.)

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