Martial Tomb

Chapter 135

Martial Tomb Chapter 135


[Second update, if you have a monthly pass, give one, and brothers give some strength. 】

"hmph!! The guys in Heaven's Chosen Hall have always been arrogant, and they have to step in no matter what, they really see themselves as the peerless Heaven's Chosen, one by one, walking on the road. , eyes are all staring at the sky, there is no good thing. What a shit Heaven's Chosen, but a group of people from extraordinary backgrounds just bragging about themselves." The corners of his mouth sneered again and again.

It seems to be full of contempt and look of ridicule for the so-called Heaven's Chosen Temple.

"Yes, a bunch of bullshit Aristocratic Family children, don't even look at what they are, Heaven's Chosen, is it what they say, this Young Master hates them when they think of their faces. gnash the teeth, I can't wait to put their faces under their feet and step on them fiercely to see how proud they are."

Ximen Qing also hated gnash the teeth. For that Heaven's Chosen Hall, the hostility was directly on the face.

"hmph, when we got to the Heroic Spirit Battlefield, the four of us had a good time playing with them, and even dared to look down on us, and didn't even look at what they were, and didn't beat those Heaven's Chosen into dogs, The great aunt can't take away that bad breath."

There was anger in Shen Yun's eyes, and she seemed to think of something extremely angry.

"Since everyone has the same opinion, everyone will do this vote. However, everyone must prepare first." Zhong Wuming disappeared drunk, waved his hand, and the four quickly gathered together. Putting their heads together, they discussed quickly, talking fiercely, and rolling up their sleeves from time to time, as if they were going to have a big fight.

From time to time bursts of weird smiles that make people feel chills.

It makes me shudder.

Instead of saying what's going on on Skull Island at the moment, it says, on Dragon Gate Town.

Nowadays, it is a scene of turmoil. On the streets, teams of troops covered in Battle Armor kept patrolling back and forth. While patrolling, there were also batches of Bounty Hunters all around searching with anger.

A foul-mouthed cry is made from time to time.

"Damn, rumors have come out from the Bounty Hunter hall again, and there is another missing person in Dragon Gate Town. This is already a short period of six days. One hundred and thirty people have disappeared, most of them are missing.

It's the Bounty Hunter and the residents of the town." A big man said with a hint of fear in anger.

"I don't know who the murderer is, but they killed almost everyone. The army of the Dynasty has also lost no less than a dozen sergeants, the people of Dragon Gate Town, no less than a dozen of them, and us. Bounty Hunter has the largest number. There are no people in life, no corpses in death. There are rumors in the Bounty Hunter hall that some evil martial cultivator may have entered Dragon Gate Town."

"I heard that some cultivation techniques are extremely evil. , often cultivating with the blood and soul of living beings, this time maybe it is such a demon who entered Dragon Gate Town."

A Bounty Hunter made bursts of discussion while searching.

In their conversation, it is not difficult to hear the fear and fear that comes from the heart. You must know that among the disappearing Bounty Hunters, there is no lack of Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, and it still disappears extremely strangely, without even making a sound, this situation is extremely terrifying.

Darkness falls.

In the dark, even if there is a street lamp in the town that keeps dispelling the darkness and emitting rays of light, it still gives people an unspeakable depression.

In a lonely alley.

Several Bounty Hunters foul-mouthed walked in, heading back down the alley to where they lived. Suddenly, in front of the alley, a layer of strange red light appeared, and the red light fell directly into the eyes of the several Bounty Hunters.

Immediately, the footsteps stopped and looked at each other.

"There are red light, rays of light, is it a treasure?"

"Could it be a Divine Weapon, the pie falling from the sky has fallen on our heads. ."

"Let's go and have a look together."

A look of excitement and greed flashed in the eyes of several Bounty Hunters immediately, and the red light looked the same as those legendary The rays of light emitted by the Divine Weapon are very similar, one by one swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and walked towards the flashing position of the red light.


Within a few steps, several Bounty Hunters have come to the red light, and the things in the red light are clearly presented in front of them. At this sight, the pupils of several people contracted violently for a while. , with a surprised look on his face.

"It's a Divine Weapon!!"

"There's actually a Divine Weapon here, it's really a pie in the sky."

Look in front of you , in the red light, I saw a mysterious altar appearing on the ground. This altar is very strange. It is an octagonal altar. On the altar, there is an object hanging from each corner, which is a handle. A white bone sacrificial knife, a black bell, a white mirror, a bone sword, a bloody conch, a white bone umbrella, a black seal, and finally a jade bottle. There are eight pieces in total, which are respectively hung on the octagonal. On the altar, a black and lifelike True Dragon Totem emerges. The dragon body stands up, and the dragon head looks directly on the altar. It seems that he is looking down at all living beings, and his eyes reveal evil rays of light.

It's very weird, and the imposing manner is very extraordinary.

The coercion that vaguely exudes made the excitement in the eyes of several Bounty Hunters even more intense.

"Grab it, rush up, this Divine Weapon is ours."

"Own the Divine Weapon, we can become a true powerhouse, let's see who dares to look down on us ."

The greed in a Bounty Hunter's eyes almost completely erupted, although the Divine Weapon appears to be a little weird here, but at the moment they are greedy and eroded their minds, they simply don't want to think about it. aspects of things. They rushed to the altar like wild wolves.


As they approached the altar, they saw that the pitch-black bell hanging on the altar suddenly sounded a crisp bell without wind. The entire body suddenly paused, and the madness on his face turned into a stunned look, his eyes were full of confusion and ignorance, and he didn't even have a focal length, which was extremely scattered.

The whole body, as if being controlled, moved towards the altar stiffly step by step, and stepped on the altar.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

At the moment of stepping on the altar, I only saw that the bodies of the few Bounty Hunters, at a speed visible to naked eyes, cracked on the spot It shattered, exploded, turned into countless flesh and blood, and was swallowed up by the pitch-black Black Dragon on the altar. disappeared without a trace.


After the altar strangely killed the Bounty Hunters, it turned into a blood light, drew a strange arc in the midair, went straight into the darkness, and appeared in a silhouette. overhead.

And at the same time, from the faucet of the altar, a strong blood light spewed out, creeping into the silhouette under him.

"tsk tsk !!"

In the mouth of the shadow, a few strange laughter, with a feeling of satisfaction, slowly came out of the darkness. Walking out, the rays of light of the nine-fold street lamp, you can see that the shadow turned out to be Lin Hai in a black robe, no, it should be said to be a blood robbery.

"Human blood is always so sweet, always so full of sin, it's a wonderful sin, unfortunately, these are just little Shedding Mortality Realm martial cultivators, blood is far less The blood sea realm is even sweeter."

"The Dragon Platform of the Ten Thousand Spirits Sacrifice, the old fart of the Long Family, the madman of the Wu Family, I'm afraid I can't think of it, my dragon body and Secret Realm's origins are merged, and they will Such a secret treasure was directly bred. With this Ten Thousand Spirits Sacrifice Dragon Platform, I will restore to the cultivation base of the year as quickly as possible, and even become stronger. Human Race's body is indeed full of treasures. Unlimited potential, tempering to the extreme, may not be weaker than my True Dragon back then."

Xue Jie looked towards the weird altar above his head with a pair of evil eyes, opened his mouth In the meantime, swallow the altar directly into the body and put it into the sea of blood.

Looking at the sea of blood, you can see that there is a deep dark well, in the well, there is one after another divine spring gushing out continuously, this dive spring is the realm of blood sea. The second realm, dive spring! !

In just a few days, he was quickly promoted to the Divine Spring level when he just broke through to the Blood Sea Realm.

Condensing the dive spring, this is already a powerhouse in the blood sea realm.

"Unfortunately, there are still a few old farts in Dragon Gate Town, so I can't hunt and kill arbitrarily. Otherwise, I just need to sacrifice the entire Dragon Gate Town blood with the ability of all spirits to sacrifice to the dragon platform. It's enough to quickly push me above the sea of blood, um, it should be the realm of enlightenment."

The corner of Xue Jie's mouth showed an evil look.

If he hadn't had the slightest scruples, he would have wanted to blood sacrifice the entire Dragon Gate Town together.

"hmph, this Dragon Gate Town is still too small to accommodate my True Dragon. I threw that thing into the Tianxian River back then. Given the dangers of the Tianxian River, it should be quiet. Lying at the bottom of the sky, I have to find that thing again, if the two Old Guys hadn't arrived at the last minute, this king could have completely controlled it."

Blood Tribulation There was a trace of anger on his face.

However, he immediately said with a smile: "This Dragon Gate Town can no longer stay, and must leave as soon as possible. Those old bastards should have noticed something."

"However, before leaving, I need to do something to leave some traces in this Dragon Gate Town."

"The original mother of this body has a good appearance and still retains its charm. A Top Grade MILF, I'm sure she'll be thrilled to lie on the same bed with her biological son. tsk tsk, I can't wait to see my 'father' face."

Blood robbery murmured with a faint smile.

The entire body gradually disappeared into the darkness. disappeared .

The other Bounty Hunters disappeared at the same time.

Not long after, in the Dragon Gate Town, the news of someone missing was delivered again. This news once again made the whole town shake, and countless sergeants were frantically searching in the town.

Some people quickly went to the entrance of the Secret Realm in the Meteor Dragon Mountains and reported to several Peak powerhouses in the town. (To be continued.)

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