Martial Tomb

Chapter 131

Martial Tomb Chapter 131


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Until now, although Wu Mu advanced by leaps and bounds in Shedding Mortality Realm along the way, almost like a hot knife through butter, he was promoted to the realm of Shedding Mortality Realm Peak. All kinds of things in the sea realm are extremely poorly known, and even how to open up the sea of blood is a bit ignorant. The location of the sea of blood cannot be directly recognized.

From this ancient book, although it is only a brief overview of cultivation, Wu Mu has a more direct understanding of Marital Arts Path.

It seems that the sea of blood here is not the Qi Sea dantian, but the position of the navel.

However, with just a little contemplation, you can realize the key point. This is indeed the location of the irreplaceable source of qi and blood. In the fetus, in the mother's body, the umbilical cord is the mother's gift. The final channel for the fetus to deliver nutrients, whether it is blood or nutrients, runs out of the umbilical cord.

After the umbilical cord is cut, the navel is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body.

Even an ordinary person, if they rub their belly button with force, they will have the illusion that wind is going in and out of the belly button. This is because even if the umbilical cord is cut and condensed together after healing, it is impossible to completely cut off the connection with the outside world.

While in the mother's body, the umbilical cord absorbs the purest nutrients of the mother's body, but when the umbilical cord is cut and the air is vented again, what it absorbs is the messy atmosphere of the outside world, and it can even be said to be evil.

It will have a very bad influence on itself. Or stomach pain, or loss of appetite, etc.

And women often have menstrual pain, which is also because of the belly button.

Wu Mu took a deep breath and continued to read it in the moved towards ancient book. I have to say that this ancient book has a very important surname for him.

"To cut off the golden lock, you must have enough strength, but the strength is not enough, just like a dragonfly shaking a pillar, it is futile, only with absolute strength, forcibly reopen the shackles, cut off the golden lock, open it. The source of the sea of blood can only open the treasure of fleshy body. The sea of blood is the beginning of life. The beginning of Martial Arts."

"Break the golden lock and remove the fog, and you can see the origin of your bloodline. When There is a mystery of the origin. Recalling yourself, looking for your own origin. Get bloodline, when you can exchange blood and rebirth."

The ancient book is very broken, after reading this, the content behind it has been corroded over the years. Once it was empty, simply couldn't identify it any more, and Wu Mu even saw traces of artificial tearing in the back. Doesn't seem to want people to see what's behind it.

However, Wu Mu was extremely satisfied, and only these residual contents gave him a clear understanding of how to advance to the Blood Sea Realm. In a situation where there is no clue.

"Knowing the method of breakthrough is to begin to absorb, comprehend, and even incorporate the cultivation techniques obtained before into my Azure Lotus Canon."

Wu Mu There is endless anticipation in my heart.

The last time he was in the arsenal, he not only chose "Ice Heart Art", but also found the other two cultivation techniques together. Of those two cultivation techniques, one of them is nothing else. It is "Darknorth Divine Art", and the other one, Wu Mu chose "Wedding Dress Divine Art".

《Darknorth Divine Art》, cultivation success, can draw thousands of martial cultivator bloodline Divine Force for your own use. Others cultivation base, taking all of them for their own use, can almost be called devouring everything, as long as there are enough martial cultivators to devour themselves and absorb them, they can become the ultimate powerhouse in the blink of an eye.

The "Wedding Dress Divine Art" is a very strange cultivation technique. Cultivation rises up and goes straight ahead. The bloodline Divine Force from cultivation is extremely domineering. However, this cultivation technique is similar to Darknorth Divine Art is the exact opposite. The ultimate goal is to transfer the bloodline Divine Force from its own cultivation to others, sacrifice oneself, and achieve others. But with a unique method of cultivation, one can avoid doing wedding dresses for others.

The two cultivation arts, selected by Wu Mu, are diametrically opposed.

One absorbs the cultivation base of others to complete themselves, and the other makes wedding dresses for others.

The two cultivation techniques are both emperor-level cultivation techniques in the sea of blood.

On the premise that only two cultivation techniques can be selected, Wu Mu chose these two cultivation techniques directly, just because they wanted to take advantage of the advantages of these two cultivation techniques. , and see if you can find a method to solve the burning blood curse in your body.

Without hesitation, after adjusting his mentality to the best state, Wu Mu naturally opened the Martial Arts inheritance in his mind, and one after another message continuously emerged: "Zhuangzi' Free and Unfettered Roaming 'There is a cloud: 'In the north of the poverty-stricken hair there is a sea of Netherworld, and there is also a Tianchi. There are fish, and it is wide and several thousands li, and no one knows how to repair it.' He also said: 'And the accumulation of water is also **, then its Even if you hold a big boat, you will be powerless. If you cover the cup of water on the hall, it will be a mustard boat; if you put the cup, it will be glued. The bloodline Divine Force is thick, the world's battle skill, and the bloodline Divine Ability are all for me to use, just like the north, the big boat and the small boat are all loaded, the big fish and the small fish are all intolerant."

From my mind, The essence of the cultivation technique in Darknorth Divine Art pours into the mind like a tide. Constantly reverberating in my mind. Although I can't fully understand it in a short time, the general outline of the cultivation technique can make people clearly feel the power of this cultivation technique.

At the same time, in my mind, strange pictures appeared one after another, and strange Dao Marks appeared in the picture scrolls. These Dao Marks, constantly changing and converging, turned into A complete pitch-black rune. The rune is extremely deep, and it seems that with just a glance, it can attract and devour a person's entire mind.

There are thirty-six copies of such scrolls.

Each pair has a large number of mysterious Dao Marks, which condense into a complete pitch-black rune between transformations. Gathered together, there are thirty-six pitch-black runes.

It's just that these dark runes are also weird, each of them is different, but they are all very weird and deep, and there seems to be a mysterious connection between them. constantly circling. In the end, the thirty-six picture scrolls formed a strange array of symbols in a strange way. Gathered together, it seems that these runes, with each other, can condense into a complete pitch-black talisman. It is constantly circling, exuding a terrifying phagocytosis.

Appears to devour the entire Heaven and Earth.

Extremely terrifying.

This is the blood talisman of the North Darkness that can be condensed by Darknorth Divine Art. It is the real Beiming Divine Force.

These are things that Darknorth Divine Art did not have in the previous life. It seems that after entering the ancient continent, these cultivation techniques have undergone incredible transformations, and the formidable power they possess is more powerful than before. Amazing, overbearing terrifying.

The agglomeration of this kind of Beiming blood talisman is the real essence of a Cultivation Technique.

Do Do Do Do! !

I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly, there was a crisp knock on the door, which woke us up from the cultivation technique.

Whoosh! !

He spat out one mouthful of impure air, a look of horror flashed in his eyes, and he whispered to himself, "The terrifying Darknorth Divine Art, once it is completed, as long as there is enough martial cultivator If you let me absorb and swallow, I can almost be promoted to a terrifying state in the shortest time."

"Unfortunately, I am still at the level of Shedding Mortality Realm, and I can't experience or even cultivation Darknorth personally. Divine Art, comprehend the true meaning of the cultivation technique, if you can't experience the profound mystery of the cultivation technique in person, it is almost impossible to fully master it. There is no way to integrate it into the Azure Lotus Canon to create a sea of blood that belongs to me environment cultivation technique.”

Wu Mu frowned.

After I really saw the cultivation technique in the sea of blood, I realized that if I didn’t experience it myself, cultivation has passed the cultivation technique of the same realm, and it is impossible to integrate one cultivation technique into another cultivation technique out of thin air. In the technique, it is like talking on paper. Even if the cultivation technique is created, I am afraid that no one dares to go to the cultivation.

That would kill.

Which cultivation technique is not created after thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

However, once you start the cultivation technique in the sea of blood, it will be extremely difficult to change the cultivation technique in the future. Even in the sea of blood, there is no way to replace the cultivation technique. Unless later promoted to an incredible situation.

"It seems that what I thought before was too simple. Too ideal."

Wu Mu smiled wryly and shook his head secretly.

"Big Brother, can Xiaoyue come in." At this moment, Xiaoyue's crisp voice came directly from outside.

"Xiaoyue, come in."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the bitterness in his heart, and tried his best to show a relaxed look at the corners of his mouth, He didn't want to bring any bad emotions to Xiaoyue because of his own affairs.

Squeak! !

With a crisp sound.

A silhouette in a white dress jumped into the room and appeared in front of Wu Mu.

"Are you Xiaoyue?"

Although there has been speculation for a long time, when Wu Mu actually saw Xiaoyue, Wu Mu still couldn't help showing deep surprise in his eyes With shock, he couldn't help but cry out in surprise.

In front of Xiaoyue, where is the sloppy look from before.

After grooming, I saw a head of jet-black hair draped softly on his shoulders. The face that was full of stains and dust was turned into a fair, ruddy, round face, which made people unable to help but give birth to an unspeakable love. The two small dimples bring out an unspeakable naivety and cuteness. At a glance, you can see that this is a stunning beautiful woman in the making.

A snow white clothed skirt makes it look like a Princess.

Those clear eyes make it hard for anyone to have any thoughts of hurting them.

In addition, his age is really young. He looks like he is only about eleven or twelve years old. The childishness and innocence on his face are both endearing and loving.

After stepping into the room, Satsuki squeezed the corner of her skirt with her little hands.

"Big Brother, you don't recognize me anymore, I'm Xiaoyue, I'm really Xiaoyue."

When Xiaoyue heard Wu Mu's question, her face immediately changed. There was a trace of anxiety, and he quickly opened his mouth to prove it, as if he was afraid that Wu Mu would not believe it. (To be continued.)

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