Martial Tomb

Chapter 130

Martial Tomb Chapter 130


[At the end of the month, there are also two monthly passes. ]

"9537, believe them, the butcher said that although these boys are not good, but what they say still counts. Follow me and see who dares to move."

At this moment, suddenly, the ground shook and roared. Looking at the sound, I saw a burly Little Giant walking up the mountain from the foot of the mountain with steady steps. Tong Ling's big eyes exuded a simple and honest look.

"Slay the giant, the copper furnace!!"

The appearance of the copper furnace made Zhong Wuming, Murong Chong and other complexions greatly changed on the spot, each one showed a kind of unspeakable of vigilance.

Especially the title of the death giant brings out endless blood and coldness. It is conceivable that the copper furnace is definitely not like the innocent and harmless on the surface.

Wu Mu sighed inwardly when he heard this.

"Okay, many thanks to the big brother of the copper furnace."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, seeing the copper furnace coming, his vigilance relaxed a little, and after slightly hesitated, The palm that was holding Ximen Qing's throat immediately took it away and let it go.

Sure enough, Ximen Qing did not make a plot because of this.

He twisted his neck slightly, making a crisp sound in his neck, turned around and looked at Wu Mu with an angry look in his eyes. He didn't speak for now, but quickly sorted it out. He took a look at his hairstyle, flicked his hair, his black hair fluttered, and the jade fan in his hand shook in front of him, with a very scratchy appearance, and said: "The head can be broken, the hairstyle can't be messy, the blood can be shed, and the image can't be lost. !! Third Sister, is the second brother's hairstyle messed up?"

Said, and asked Shen Yun who was beside him.

"Second brother, don't disgust the third sister. With your appearance, how could you compare to my handsome like a jade tree." Murong Chong tilted his head in disdain, and wanted to More than Junmei, the demeanor of who else is mine.

For the previous fight between Wu Mu and Ximen Qing, it seems that it never happened.

Wu Mu understood, this is a kind of self-inflicted step down, he naturally wouldn't pick up a pot without opening it, and greeted Xiaoyue who was hiding by the side: "Xiaoyue, come here quickly. , we'll go now, and after going down the mountain to help you redeem yourself, we'll go back to Slaughter Peak."

Xiaoyue came to Wu Mu's side excitedly and nervously, pulling on Wu Mu's clothes. sleeve.

As if afraid that he would suddenly disappeared and leave her alone.

"9537, let's go." Tongluo honestly laughed, greeted him, turned around and walked down the mountain.

Bang! boom! boom! !

The ground made a fierce rumbling sound, and the heavy footsteps made the ground tremble.

"Boy, if you have the guts, 1 month later, go to the Ancient Battlefield of the Undead to compete again." Suddenly, just as Wu Mu was pulling Xiaoyue down the mountain, Ximen Qinghao Without warning, he spit out a word.

"Ancient Battlefield of the Undead?" Wu Mu's footsteps paused slightly, and then he firmly agreed: "As long as you dare, I will dare." , walking down the mountain. .

Under the leadership of the copper furnace, Wu Mu directly found the steward in charge of the prisoners below, and after paying one thousand bronze coins, Xiaoyue also directly returned to the status of ** from the slave, the original title of 9538 , is directly thrown away and can use his original name on the island. And, can come and go**. **Enter and exit on the island. As long as there are no accidents, the survival is exactly the same as outside.

Stand on Slaughter Peak.

Wu Mu felt a real sigh of relief just now.

I don't know when this Slaughter Peak, which is full of blood and slaughter, will become a subconsciously safe haven in his heart, a place where he instinctively feels safe.

"9537, try to slaughter. Since the butcher asked me to pick you up, it has already begun to recognize you. However, you have to be careful, to be truly recognized, you must break through to the sea of blood. Use the Shedding Mortality Realm cultivation base to fight with the ominous beast in the slaughterhouse."

The copper furnace turned his head and looked towards Wu Mu, smiled naively, and spit out a sentence in a low, muffled voice.

"Fight against the ominous beast of the soldier rank!!"

Wu Mu's eyes flashed brightly. The rank ominous beast of the slaughterhouse is definitely not an ordinary rank ominous beast, it must be the powerhouse among them, the elite. If you are not careful, there will be mortal danger.

The copper furnace didn't give him much time, so he quickly walked out.

"Big Brother, is this our new home?" Xiaoyue just cuddled Wu Mu's sleeves, and her smart eyes glanced at the entire compound curiously.

Seems a little excited and excited.

"Most of the rooms here are uninhabited. You live next door to me. Also, I'll get you some hot water to freshen up. Let's have dinner together later."


Wu Mu looked at the sky, the sun above his head had gradually risen, and it was almost noon.

On the boat, Xiaoyue's sloppy appearance can bring her a certain amount of safety and protection. Now that she has redeemed herself and came to the Slaughter Peak, there is no need to continue to maintain this sloppy appearance. I don't know if this sloppy appearance is Xiaoyue herself, or someone else helped her out.

"en!! Xiaoyue is going to freshen up now. Mother said that only in front of the most trusted person can she show her original appearance. Otherwise, it will attract bad people."

When Xiaoyue heard it, she was nodded with force, and said tenderly in her mouth.

"Where is **, do you want to go home?"

Wu Mu was shocked when he heard this. He had never asked about Xiaoyue's family background and origin. There is no time, and secondly, I am afraid of arousing her sadness. Now that I heard it, I also asked a question.

"Xiaoyue was separated from her mother, and her mother was fighting with many bad guys. Then, Xiaoyue was suddenly sent to a strange boat and caught. Mother said Well, when the bad guys are beaten away, they will come to me."

Xiaoyue said with hope in her eyes.

It can send a person from one place to another in an instant. This is the Divine Ability of space. It seems that Xiaoyue's mother is probably not an ordinary person.

"Before she comes to find you, you will follow me in the future. Now go and freshen up."

Wu Mu indifferently smiled, reaching out and touching her little head , slowly said.

"Well, that Xiaoyue then went." Xiaoyue said excitedly when she heard it. She is very smart and can instinctively tell who is good to her and who is hostile to her. Otherwise, while on the boat, she wouldn't have paid close attention to Wu Mu almost at first sight.

Watching Satsuki enter the room.

Wu Mu also quickly walked back to his house. Sitting upright, various pictures from the previous fight appeared in my mind. From the beginning of the fight to the end, although the time for the fight was only less than a moment, the danger in it made him almost touch death. Vaguely, he even felt that this Ximen Qing was even more powerful than the wolf warriors he had encountered before.

That strange battle skill, after being derived into Martial Arts Divine Ability, has such a strange ability, not only can it confuse people's minds instantly, but also can play a role in the body after the feelings of love. That terrifying ability.

If it hadn't been for an idea before and got Ice Heart Art inheritance, I'm afraid he would have died under that move. What's more, this is just Martial Arts Divine Ability, who knows what terrifying bloodline Divine Ability he has not revealed.

As the Young Master of Skull Island, it is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary dude.

If you have the Divine Ability in the Bronze Ancient Lamp, you will be able to compete with the blood sea realm martial cultivator with your own strength. Under normal circumstances, the powerhouse of the Blood Sea Realm has too many advantages.

"The blood sea is the real martial cultivator. You must advance to the blood sea, open up the blood sea, and awaken your own bloodline." Wu Mu's eyes flashed a firm look, and he was determined to dispel the blood curse. more urgent.

Reach out and grab from the ancient lamp.

Suddenly, three items appeared in his hands.

Two of the volumes were the two volumes of ** purchased in the night market before, and the last one was a dilapidated ancient book thrown out by the butcher. Compared with the scroll, Wu Mu valued the old ancient book more. From the butcher's hands, even if it was unremarkable, it would be worth a lot.

oh la la! !

looked towards the surface of the ancient book, on the surface, there is no handwriting, people can't know what type of ancient book this is, open the room, and suddenly, an ancient ancient seal appears in front of you.

"If you want to break through the sea of blood, it has a pivotal relationship with your own body. There is a universe outside the body, a universe outside the body, a big universe outside the body, and a small universe within yourself. The fleshy body is the Supreme treasure. Open the blood The sea is the door that opens the treasure of the fleshy body."

"The sea of blood is also the navel!!"

"At the beginning of human beings, when they were conceived in the mother's body, when the embryonic body was born, The nutrient supply of embryonic qi and blood is provided by the umbilical cord. The place where the umbilical cord is located is the source of qi and blood. When a baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut off, and the bridge of communication with the outside world is closed. Shackles, block the source of qi and blood."

"If you want to open up a sea of blood, you must break the shackles."

"In Awakening Bloodline, under the Bloodline Power unnoticeable influence, for the shackles Under the constant erosion, breaking the shackles, you can easily and freely, but not bloodline awakened, the shackles in the body are like a branding iron, tenacious, blocking the path of self-transformation. Under such circumstances, you must use amazing perseverance to mobilize all your strength to impact the shackles , cut off the golden lock. Open the door to mortal transformation."

Wu Mu was completely immersed in the ancient book, this book is simply not a ****, or even a Divine Ability secret scroll , but an ancient book that outlines the relationship between Shedding Mortality Realm and the Blood Sea Realm. Although it is not a ****, for Wu Mu, it is more precious and rare than any **.

The paragraphs of text in it all bring out unspeakable rhythm and reasoning. Make it clear.

It also gave Wu Mu the most intuitive understanding and cognition of Shedding Mortality Realm and the Sea of Blood, and even what the Sea of Blood is. (To be continued.)

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