Martial Tomb

Chapter 132

Martial Tomb Chapter 132


【Ask for some recommendation tickets. Brothers, give me some strength. ]

"Hehe, Big Brother knew you were Xiaoyue, but didn't expect that our Xiaoyue was actually a beautiful woman in the making, no wonder that Ximen Qing wanted to snatch you."

Seeing Xiaoyue's anxious appearance, Wu Mu smiled indifferently and said slowly.

"I hate it, Big Brother, you are laughing at me." Xiaoyue pouted and muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Xiaoyue, do you know where your father is? If you do, I will find a way to get you to leave Skull Island and send you to your father." Wu Mu hesitated slightly, his expression changed, said suddenly.

Xiaoyue has no power to tie a chicken. With her appearance, it is not too safe on Skull Island. There will be dangers at any time. Even if it is Slaughter Peak, Wu Mu does not feel that it is absolutely safe. .

"I don't know!!"

Xiaoyue shook her head gloomily, bit her lip, and said, "Xiaoyue has been living with her mother since she was a child, and she has never met her. After my father, when Xiaoyue asked mother, mother said that father is a big hero, who is defending the invasion of Archfiend for mankind. The rest, Xiaoyue doesn't know."

As she said, in her eyes With a look of longing, he said firmly: "My father must be a great hero, and Xiaoyue must be like my father in the future."

Wu Mu heard it and didn't say much. I don't know if it's true or false, but Wu Mu guessed that many of these words were comforting Xiaoyue. Perhaps, her father encountered some unpredictable danger.

"Boy, if you can't take care of her, then I'll be taken care of by the old fogey. Just as old fogey, I also want a nice little granddaughter." At this moment, suddenly, a voice Slowly pass from the courtyard directly to Wu Mu's room. Clearly echoed in my ears.

"It's blind!!"

A thought instantly popped into Wu Mu's mind.

There was a contemplative look in his eyes, and then he pulled Xiaoyue and said with a smile: "Go, Xiaoyue, I will take you to see a great grandfather, remember, be polite."



In Xiaoyue nodded, Wu Mu pulled her, then pushed open the door, walked out, looked towards the position of the grape trellis, and sure enough, The old man was still leaning on the bamboo chair, swinging the fan, and his eyes were always closed, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep. He also sat up slightly when he heard Wu Mu come out.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, facing Xiaoyue, he waved gently and said, "Your name is Xiaoyue, come to the grandfather."

An unspeakably easygoing and close.

It makes people unconsciously feel Confucianism and affection, as if they are really their own grandparents.

When Xiaoyue saw it, she blinked her eyes and showed a happy smile on her face. She jumped to the old man's side, threw herself into the old man's arms, and said kindly: "grandfather, on your body. The breath is very comfortable, just like Big Brother, Satsuki likes it."

Satsuki seems to have a kind of sharp spiritual sense that is almost innate, and can clearly distinguish whether others are hostile to her. On the old man, I felt a closeness like a grandfather.

"Xiaoyue, I am your grandfather."

The old man smiled and said again, reached out and touched Xiaoyue's head, suddenly raised his head to face Wu Mu, slowly said: "youngster, if you bring me a nice granddaughter, I can chat with you. Take a look for you."

"You can tell fortunes!!"


Wu Mu's heart froze. In the previous life of Huaxia, the blind who could tell fortunes was an extremely remarkable existence.

"I will usurp my life!!"

The old man said calmly with a smile.

Only a few words fell in Wu Mu's ears, but they sounded like thunder, as heavy as Mount Tai.

Fortune-tellers can only watch all living beings, and see a trace of fate from the River of Destiny, while fortune-tellers can usurp, tamper with, and transfer the fate of living beings into another one. fate track. Its ability, compared to a fortune teller, is even more amazing and powerful. When he heard that the old man in front of him turned out to be a usurper, Wu Mu's heart became even more solemn.

"Please show me the senior!!"

Wu Mu took a deep breath and said respectfully.

"youngster, although old fogey, my eyes are blind, but my heart is not blind, you... a disaster of blood light." The old man said to Wu Mu with a faint smile. In his voice, there seemed to be a hint of This kind of inexplicable rhythm makes people unconsciously believe what he said, creating an illusion of conviction.

"The disaster of blood light? I, Wu Mu, walked all the way, and there was no blood everywhere." Wu Mu was not surprised by this. He had come all the way through suicide, how could he Fear the blood light disaster of these actions.

Marital Arts Path, kill or die! !

"Yes, old fogey, I really did not see you wrong, you are a killer." The old man nodded, no surprise to Wu Mu's words, and said: "Although I don't know why, your fate , the past was chaotic, hidden in the fog, and in the future, it was covered by blood. It is impossible for people to know what kind of turns and changes your destiny will take.”

“But The color of blood represents blood light, blood, and it is destined that your whole life will be accompanied by endless blood and slaughter, either buried in the slaughter, or marching on the blood."

"You don't live in blood, you sleep in blood."

Although the old man's words were very calm, there was an unspeakable blood and terror in his voice, what kind of person was he? , so that the entire destiny can be covered and obscured by endless blood light. This is a very terrifying killer. No matter where it goes, it must be accompanied by endless bloodshed and killing.

"Marital Arts Path, there is progress and no retreat, either life or death, the road is difficult, and the only way is to fight for life by killing." Wu Mu's belief is unshakable and unshakable, since when he decided to set foot on this path , there is no way out.

If people want to kill me, I will kill. If the beast wants to kill me, I will kill the beast.

This is the simplest truth.

"Hehe, it really is a killer. However, in this world is not as simple as you think. There are all kinds of incredible existences that you can't imagine. The old man also expects you to go. How far. The world outside is far bigger than you think." The old man spit out a sentence.

“No matter how big the world is, I would like to measure it with blood!!”

Wu Mu said categorically.

"Senior, I don't know where the Ancient Battlefield of the Undead is." Wu Mu's voice turned and suddenly asked the question in his heart. Wu Mu was also curious about the battlefield mentioned by Ximen Qing when he finally left. The general situation must be clear.

"That kid Ximen Qing invited you to the Ancient Battlefield."

The old man seemed to know everything, but his face suddenly straightened, and said, "Well, since you want to Go to the Ancient Battlefield of the Undead, and I will tell you about the old fart."

"The boy is all ears." Wu Mu took a deep breath and said respectfully.

"You know what this Skull Island is like." The old man did not immediately tell the secret of Ancient Battlefield, but suddenly mentioned the Skull Island where it is now.

"hope to hear the details!!" Wu Mu's eyes turned rays of light, and he shook his head and asked.

Although he is on Skull Island, Wu Mu has only been here for two or three days. He knows very little about Skull Island and its origin. Naturally, he does not dare to say anything about Skull Island. discourse.

"This Skull Island is located in this undead lake. Under the lake, it is not just mud, but countless bones. The bones are not only formed now, That has existed since ancient times. The lake water in the lake of the dead, the Death Aura with terrifying, ordinary ships, as long as they come in, they will be corroded and sunk."

The old man also seemed to know Wu Knowing this information, Mu impossible said calmly: "Here, it can be said to be an area where countless lives have been buried. If you really want to count, Skull Island is part of the Ancient Battlefield."

"This should not be The real Ancient Battlefield of the undead." Wu Mu hesitated slightly, with a look of doubt, looked towards the old man.

"Of course, this is not the Ancient Battlefield of the Undead, it can only be said to be a part of the Ancient Battlefield." The old man shook his head, nodded, and said, "It is rumored that in the ancient times, there was a legend on my ancient continent. There was a tragic war, that war was extremely tragic and vast, and countless Human Race powerhouses, and even the ominous beast, Divine Beast were involved in the war."

"That war made the entire ancient continent Life, death and injury are countless, the moon has no light, the blood rains cover the sky, and the bodies of countless Human Race powerhouses continue to fall like rain, one after another, until an era ends. The final result is unknown, but, What remains at the end is a vast Ancient Battlefield."

The old man's voice was filled with endless vicissitudes, as if he was nostalgic for the tragic past.

"What kind of disaster would make countless powerhouses in the entire ancient continent participate in the fight? Who is the enemy?" Wu Mu's eyes revealed a terrified look that could not be concealed.

There was such an amazing battle on the ancient continent.

The most terrifying thing is what kind of powerful enemy can launch a huge war that rolls over the entire continent.

"Youngster, there are some things that you are not qualified to know with your current strength. If you know in advance, it will not be of great benefit to you. What kind of feet will naturally wear what kind of shoes."

The old man said in a tranquil voice, he did not intend to answer Wu Mu's question.

“Junior is taught.” Wu Mu nodded if he has comprehension. With one's own strength, knowing things far beyond one's own strength in advance will inevitably have a huge impact on one's own state of mind.

This is not a very good thing.

"student that can be taught!!" The old man was satisfied and nodded, and continued: "The Ancient Battlefield of the year, after it was formed, just happened to converge and merge with a Secret Realm that was being formed. Swept in by the Secret Realm and converged with the origin of the Secret Realm, after thousands of years of evolution, most of the original Ancient Battlefield and the Secret Realm were completely integrated to form a unique Secret Realm - the Ancient Battlefield of the Undead!!" (Unfinished To be continued.)

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