Martial Tomb

Chapter 1293

Martial Tomb Chapter 1293



Wu Mu looked at the oncoming magic river, this torrent was enough to shock the past and present and crush everything , even if Supreme falls into it, I am afraid that it will fall on the spot, and there is no chance of survival. That imposing manner, that coercion, is too terrifying. In the face of ordinary people, I'm afraid they don't even have the courage to face it.

But Wu Mu didn't.

Stepping out one step, across the void, waving the sword in his hand, the Azure Lotus Sword Scripture kept swaying out in his hand.

Every sword turns into an amazing Celestial Phenomenon, boundless.

A variety of images keep popping up.

It's either wind and snow, or thunder like the sea, or Raging Flames Burning Heaven. Floods galore.

Being with that vast torrent of magic weapon strikes, I immediately saw that one piece of Peak's Supreme Treasure, one after another, forcibly shattered, completely shattered, even in Heavenly Sword's mind. At the same time as it was broken, Azure Lotus Sword unceremoniously plundered and devoured the Dao Rhyme fragments that were formed after the Supreme Treasure was broken.

If there is really no residue left, I will not let it go. Although these Supreme Treasure shards are not real Supreme Treasure shards, they are just Dao marks condensed, but the Dao marks inside are real , the same Dao marks. Being swallowed, once refining, it can still bring a powerful accumulation to Azure Lotus Sword.

The Azure Lotus Sword Scripture, plus the Azure Lotus Sword, and the Peak Innate Supreme Treasure that has reached forty-nine heavy sword bans. The existence of the real cream of the crop, slashing down, almost like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, wherever the sword edge goes, no matter how terrifying Supreme Treasure, it is constantly being cut off under the Azure Lotus Sword , destroyed, completely chopped to pieces.

Wu Mu's Azure Lotus battle body is so powerful, after merging with Dao Idol, the fleshy body source in the body is perfectly fused with Azure Lotus Avenue, and twelve kinds of Source Power are completely integrated into it. In the avenue, fuse together, no matter what, the Azure Lotus Avenue is like the trunk of a big tree. able to support both heaven and earth.

And these twelve origins are branches and leaves separated from the main pole, each of which is extremely thick. The branches and leaves are scattered to embellish the prosperity of the trees, and after they are integrated with each other. These twelve origins are also like having a foundation, and they have become more mysterious. They used to be like a rootless plant, but now they are deeply rooted and rooted on the Azure Lotus Avenue.

Thoughts move, you can do it like waving your arms. It easily erupted with infinite might. Moreover, with Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto in, even fighting for decades will not exhaust the Divine Force.

Still able to kill the enemy bravely, imposing manner like a rainbow.

Each strike can do as one pleases to reveal any kind of origin, even if all origins are all condensed, it is also with no difficulty, as easy as eating and drinking.

Let the fleshly body strength completely reach the horror level of Supreme Realm, even if it is Supreme. If you are hit with a punch, you will be blown up on the spot, and your flesh and blood will explode into a blood mist, completely shattering your bones. Not to mention the powerful Azure Lotus Sword in the body, with the support of the Azure Lotus Avenue, every sword can suppress Supreme. When the two come together, the power generated is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Slash out with a single sword, even if it is the most common sword. Both have the destructive power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Wu Mu stepped out step by step, Lotus Blooming at Every Step under his feet.

Every time I take a step, the sword in my hand is constantly slashing forward. I don't know if it's one sword or ten swords. There are one after another sword light all over the body, and various sword intents. Across Heaven and Earth.

You can see with your own eyes that Wu Mu went upstream in the long river of magic weapons, and wherever he went, even the long river composed of magic weapons, Divine Weapon, was cut off, forcibly torn, forcibly killed. Bliss Venerable. It's like a fighter going against the current.


Bliss Venerable saw it, his eyes flashed with madness, and he opened his mouth to spit out a voice.

Boom! !

As the voice fell, I immediately saw that in the torrent of magic weapons formed in front of me, each piece of Divine Weapon Supreme Treasure directly transmitted terrifying fluctuations in an instant, one after another. The explosion, the complete explosion, the speed, and the strength of the destructive power that erupted all showed a level of several times and dozens of times.

In an instant, it turned into a tide of destruction.

Destroy everything, even a wisp of aftermath can completely crush everything, terrifying than any force, pure force of destruction, this is the force of destruction generated by Innate Supreme Treasure self-destruct . One or two pieces may be okay to say, but now there are hundreds of thousands of pieces, and there are continuously Divine Weapon Supreme Treasure follow closely from behind.

Continuously derived from the sound of the piano, as soon as it was born, it self-destructed itself unceremoniously, turned it into a force of destruction, moved towards Wu Mu, and swept over it.

Those Supreme Treasure explosions, the resulting dive light all kinds of strange things, come together, multi-colored, but inside, they contain a terrifying gray gas, which is the purest destructive power.

Swept up, World's All Living Things will be destroyed in it, more terrifying than Primal Chaos Qi will come.

Full of destructive power, and, very domineering.

Any substance will be destroyed, the destructive force generated after Innate Supreme Treasure self-destruct is so powerful, almost Innate Supreme Treasure will be destroyed in it. That's how terrifying.

"Azure Lotus body protection, Azure Lotus body protection, invincible, Myriad Tribulations Inextinguishable."

Wu Mu also immediately felt the destructive power that erupted in it, and thought about it. I don't even think about it. During the thought move, the rays of light flickered outside the body. Twelve body protection lotuses have appeared directly outside the body. Immediately, they fuse together. If they can't breathe, they will naturally merge into one flower. Bright ten Grade 2 Azure Lotus.

Appearing at the feet, endless dive light blooms, azure Shenhua flickers, outside the lotus platform, a piece of bright petals are blooming, and countless mysterious Dao Rhyme are circulating.

The violent destructive power swept in and was forcibly blocked by the ten Grade 2 Azure Lotus, no matter how violent the destructive power was terrifying, full of destructive power, no matter how hard it hit the Azure Lotus , is still blocked by the ten Grade 2 Azure Lotus, unable to enter an inch, like a warship in the ocean, no matter how big the storm is, it still can't overturn the ship.

Let the wind blow and rain, I will naturally stand still, like a breeze blowing my face.

This body protection Azure Lotus condensed by twelve kinds of Source Power, its own defensive power is outrageous, no wind and waves seem to be raging in front of it, ten Grade 2 Azure Lotus The defense itself is second to none, and coupled with the support of the Azure Lotus Avenue, it is even more terrifying. At every moment, there is a complete Azure Lotus Power of Celestial Grotto supporting and a world resisting.

In this terrifying long river of destruction, Wu Mu actually went upstream and went directly to Venerable of Bliss.

Although the ten Grade 2 Azure Lotus are constantly shaking, they have never been broken.

"Impossible, even Supreme, bury me in it, how could your defense be so strong." Bliss witnessed, but obviously unacceptable, Wu Mu would be so strong terrifying. Even the most terrifying ultimate move in this Bliss Burial Song can forcibly resist, go upstream, and rush out of a bloody path. It's just incredible.

Terrifying is really too terrifying.

"There is no impossible, it's just that you are too weak."

Wu Mu said indifferently.

Between the arms, a sword moved towards Bliss slashed out.

This sword, on the Azure Lotus Sword, can feel the strong Time and Space law flickering, the sharp sword intent is circulating, this is the time sword intent, the space sword intent.

The two inverse Heavenly Sword intents merge with each other, condensing the time and space sword intent.

You can see the long river of time and space flowing on the sword, and a mysterious time and space sword lotus is flashing.

The sword swings out.

Immediately, I saw, all around between Heaven and Earth, showing countless mysterious pictures, various things, pictures of what happened, and then reversed at an inhuman speed and flowed backwards.

Those pictures seem to be the images of sentient beings inscribed in the long river of time and space.

Silver Lotus annihilates the gods and demons! !

Shi Lian time passes like water! !

The fusion of Time and Space instantly makes Heaven and Earth reverse time. This reversal is not just the reverse of time, but also the reverse of space. Wherever the sword intent goes. A terrifying situation is presented between Heaven and Earth.

Only see that piece of Divine Weapon Supreme Treasure that shattered and exploded.

Under the sword intent, the strange start suddenly started from the fragment, quickly reversed back, returned to when there was no self-destruct, and quickly dissipated, as if returning to the Bliss Funeral Song had not yet before you start playing.

The time and space in this place is twisting, going backwards, and going back again.

The scene was so weird.

"The reversal of time and space, how is it possible, I am Supreme, how can you reverse the attack I issued. This is absolutely impossible. What are you going to do." Bliss complexion greatly changed, naturally clear from his experience What is in front of you.

Sword intent like this can be called against the sky.

However, to Space-Time Reversal, especially an attack against a Supreme powerhouse like him, is absolutely extremely difficult, even almost impossible to succeed. This is the reversal of Good Fortune of Heaven and Earth. The pressure on oneself is absolutely terrifying, and the backlash can be eaten by a pot.

The pressure transmitted from Heaven and Earth is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

Even those who control the laws of time and space will not take it lightly.

But Wu Mu obviously had no scruples, and the sword intent swept in.

A terrifying thing made Bliss look rather ugly.

He felt that the years on him were reversing, and the time and space were reversing. This reversal was very terrifying, and he actually reversed the time and space node that he had moved towards the Supreme.

Once he succeeded, he was directly knocked down from the Supreme realm and sent back to the moment when he had not yet preached Supreme. Let his realm fall completely. Once he fell, what the consequences would be, he didn't have to think about it.


The sword intent with no opportunity of time and space enveloped the whole body of Bliss in an instant. Immediately, I saw mysterious pictures appearing on the body of Bliss, but those pictures were rapidly flowing backwards. Although this reversal is not fast, it is definitely not slow. In a moment, it is time to return to the moment of blissful sermons of Supreme.

The breath on his body fell instantly.


Bliss let out an unwilling roar.


An azure sword light appeared directly in front of its neck. Slash down. (To be continued~^~)

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