Martial Tomb

Chapter 1294

Martial Tomb Chapter 1294


Ding! !

Bliss Venerable's reaction is not unpleasant, Bliss Yin-Yang Sword has already rung in front of him, moved towards Azure Lotus Sword and slashed over, but when the two swords collided, Bliss Yin-Yang Sword was forcibly cut by a sharp edge on the spot Open, directly cut into two sections, without even a trace of blocking, the Azure Lotus Sword still fell on the neck of Bliss like a hot knife through butter.

A head flew high, but following it, a strand of hair appeared in front of him with lightning speed, passing through the seven orifices in the head, and was bound on the spot. In the hair, it is quickly refined.

Immediately after, a Heavenly Tablet has fallen from the sky, suppressing the blissful body in the Heavenly Tablet unceremoniously, and then flying into the sky, falling into the Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto, and suppressing it at the foot of the Chaos God Mountain. .

As long as it does not completely destroy the strength of the entire Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto, it is absolutely impossible to break free from the suppression of Heavenly Tablet.

Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto is still Great Thousand Worlds, and it is still an extremely powerful existence in Great Thousand Worlds, although it has shrunk to a certain extent after experiencing the great catastrophe of Chaos Destruction. , not only the scope is very vast and vast, but after suffering the catastrophe of chaos, every inch of the void, every inch of soil, and even the mountains and rivers in the entire Celestial Grotto has undergone a strange transformation.

Heaven and Earth have become more stable, and the Law Power is more profound. It is completely based on the Azure Lotus Avenue as the core and the Three Thousand Avenues as the auxiliary, weaving an incomparable gigantic Heavenly Dao network, Filling every inch of Heaven and Earth. Coupled with the suppression of the Chaos God Mountain, even if the Great Emperor fights inside, it cannot shake the void barrier and cause too much damage to Heaven and Earth.

Even if it can withstand the slaughter of the Supreme Realm powerhouse, it will not cause destructive damage. With the suppression of the Chaos God Mountain, the entire Heaven and Earth is too stable. Moreover, in the chaos of the annihilation of the world, Countless Primal Chaos Qi are directly integrated into the entire World's All Living Things, making the entire piece of Heaven and Earth extremely hard. Stable to the extreme.

Bliss Venerable is indeed Supreme, is a Supreme powerhouse.

Even with the sword intent Space-Time Reversal, the time and space on Bliss will be forcibly reversed. But this reversal. It is limited, not a permanent reversal. Once the sword intent dissipates, the time and space of the reversal will be restored. Moreover, the time and space of the reversal is only limited to the Venerable of Bliss.

No effect on Heaven and Earth outside.

Once you really want to reverse the time and space outside, the cost will definitely not be summed up in the slightest.

But even if it can only be reversed for a few moments, the target of the reversal is aimed at a powerhouse, causing damage. Still unimaginably terrifying. Even Supreme can be reversed to the Great Emperor and beheaded with one sword. This is also the time for Venerable to preach Supreme, otherwise, even the sword intent of time and space may not be able to reverse the time point.

It seems that those who have been proving the power of Supreme for thousands of years, even Wu Mu may not be able to reverse the years before their proving. But to deal with bliss, it is just right, the most perfect move.

However, Supreme is not so easy to die, even by beheading. It can also grow again, and all Wu Mu will suppress their bodies together, constantly destroying and devouring all the power in their bodies.

But this scene is still full of shock.

This is the first time that Wu Mu has shown his own powerful battle strength between Heaven and Earth after he preached Supreme. The basis of this show is the fall of a Supreme. Test yourself the terrifying of Wu Mu battle strength.


There has been silence in Ancient Battlefield.

Extends a terrifying look.

This is simply a battle to subvert cognition.

The fight at the Supreme Realm level appeared so grandly in front of us, and, from start to finish, it ended so quickly. Moreover, the process is so shocking and surprising.

"This is death, this is the end of the fight, this is a Supreme-level fight, I haven't heard of it long ago, once the strength reaches the Supreme Realm level, it is easy to decide who wins or loses, but if you decide between life and death , but it's definitely not that simple. It's almost difficult to kill. Although Bliss has just preached Supreme, he is not an ordinary Heaven's Chosen. He was beheaded by Heavenly Venerable in just a few rounds. It's incredible." One cultivator muttered in disbelief.

"It's amazing, it's really terrifying, is this the Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable after entering Supreme, it's already inhuman terrifying, even Supreme can't be arrogant in front of him, it's easy Just beheaded, the terrifying Azure Lotus Sword Scripture can really Space-Time Reversal, even if it is only aimed at one person, it is an inhuman terrifying. Even Supreme was transformed into a Great Emperor by Space-Time Reversal.”

There are cultivators who are strongly apprehensive about the time-space sword intent revealed by Wu Mu.

This is definitely something you can't guard against it in an attack and kill, like a deadly killing sword.

"It's hard to find a Supreme. In my All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the number of Supremes is still too small. Just after one appeared, it was beheaded by Heavenly Venerable. Is this a bit disrespectful? The big picture."

Some cultivators muttered to themselves.

Any Supreme, at present, is a powerful help to the cultivator of the heavens, it is indeed a bit too regrettable for such a worthless loss.

"hmph, that's what he deserves, I've heard of Venerable things before, it's definitely a hungry ghost who doesn't like girls, but every beautiful woman, once he sees it, will do everything possible I got it, played tricks, and this time I actually took a fancy to the woman in Heavenly Venerable. This is simply wanting to court death, bring about one's own destruction, no one can blame others."

"Yes, Venerable of Bliss goes in. Afterwards, I haven't seen the arrogant picture of him hunting Heaven Beyond the Heaven. He only cares about himself increasing cultivation base, but he doesn't care about other people. Even if he preaches Supreme, he may not be able to bring much to the heavens. It's good to be dead, but death ends all one's troubles, anyway, it's not a good thing. With Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable, it's enough to suppress most of Heaven Beyond the Heaven's arrogance and dare not act recklessly."

In Ancient Battlefield, there are countless cultivators who secretly discuss spiritedly.

There was an uproar everywhere.

Although some people still feel sorry for the meaningless fall of a Supreme in the heavens, they didn't say anything. After all, it's not Wu Mu's fault, it's simply Venerable who wants to court death. .

No one else to blame.

However, Wu Mu's battle strength still shocked All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and secretly felt a strong fear in their hearts, even in the Great Desolate, when the Great Saints saw it, they all felt To a strong threat, that threat, absolutely deadly. Fighting head-on, no one dares to say that Wu Mu's edge can be directly suppressed.

Once they fight, they will fall into a disadvantage, and they may fall at any time.

Wu Mu is a Supreme, that is, a supreme powerhouse.

This is truly terrifying.

In the Azure Lotus Dojo.

Yue Changqing and other women witnessed the beginning and end of the battle with their own eyes. He was naturally very happy with Wu Mu's powerful battle strength, but the moment he saw Venerable of Bliss fall, a strange rays of light bloomed in his eyes.

"Bliss has fallen, I remember, Venerable Venerable is the owner of an Eternal Heaven boat, and there is also an Eternal Heaven boat in his hand, called the City of Elysium. He has fallen, and the City of Elysium is a masterless object. If If we can snatch it down, we can greatly enhance the heritage of our Wu Family immediately. It can even help Wu Tomb to transform again.”

The more wise rays of light flashed in the blue eyes, and An unspeakable determination and confidence.

See at a glance the opportunities that come with the fall of Bliss.

An Eternal Heaven boat, that is definitely a big opportunity for unimaginable.

Anyone who gets it will have infinite good fortune.

"The City of Elysium has undergone transformation, and it is certain that it is a sky boat above the Supreme level. Even if the sky boat at this level is directly captured, we can no longer recognize Master again, right? It's too risky."

After Yang Chan slightly hesitated, she said immediately.

She also knows something about Tianzhou, and naturally knows some taboos and key things about Tianzhou.

"Even if it is impossible to re-recognizing the Master, the various resources in it, and even its own materials, are unimaginable treasures. If there is any benefit, just ask Linglong to find out. Let's go to Tianzhou. ."

The evergreen said decisively.

There was no hesitation in the words.

Thoughts move, the diving light has fallen on the sky boat, all the entire group immediately stepped on the sky boat and appeared in the palace in the Azure Lotus sky.

"Linglong, will it be good for you to capture and capture Bliss City?" Yue Changqing asked Linglong without hesitation.

"Of course there are benefits, however, Bliss City can no longer continue to recognizing Master, but the various resources inside, even building units, can be integrated into our martial tomb number, enhancing the heritage, and even Directly devour the City of Bliss completely. Become a part of Tianzhou. It can enhance its own heritage faster."

Linglong didn't hesitate after hearing it, and quickly replied.

The benefits of a sky boat are too great.

It's just that, in the past, absolutely few would do this. After all, every heavenly boat is extremely precious, even unique and unmatched. Such a heavenly boat, who would not It can be easily destroyed, and it can even be said that the possibility of capturing it is quite small. After all, every heavenly boat, for the heavens, is a powerful background that stuns the heavens.

Who does not manage with heart.

If it can be obtained, it is to gather the heritage of the two heavenly boats in one body, and the benefits obtained can be estimated.

"Well, Venerable of Bliss has been beheaded by Husband, we are here to capture Bliss City, grab it, and strengthen ourselves. This is the king's way. Husband's spills of war can't be cheap. Others. Husband is not here now, so let us help Husband to complete it.”

The more evergreen heard, he immediately made a decision and said directly.

"Okay, I'll open the divine mirror immediately to check the location of Bliss City. Then I'll attack and kill it immediately." Linglong agreed immediately without any hesitation. (To be continued~^~)

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