Martial Tomb

Chapter 1292

Martial Tomb Chapter 1292


This sword divides Yin and Yang, and the black and white sword light is flashing.

This sword, boundless, ten thousand zhang sword light traverses Heaven and Earth, across the void, intimidating all directions. Condensed as real.

This sword contains a powerful yin and yang Law Power, and it conveys a strong sword intent of bliss, the movement of yin and yang is great bliss, surrounding the sword light, you can see that a place close to The perfect world of bliss unfolds before your eyes. Inside you can see all the best things, the most yearning sights.

You can see Jinshan and Yinshan make up for it, countless treasures are shining with precious light, countless stunning beauties in different poses and expressions, people are intoxicated and unwilling to wake up, and you can see any scene you want to see in your heart. It simply appears for all the desires in the human heart. As long as there is desire and emotion, you can feel what you want from it.

That blissful sword intent can attract the attention of countless cultivators, fall into it, and it is difficult to extricate oneself.

And the danger is also contained in it. Once exposed, he will die on the spot in an instant, and he will die without knowing how to die, and he will think that he is in a world of bliss.

This kind of sword intent is also terrifying weird.

Once you can't keep your mind, you will get lost in it and die instantly.

This sword intent may not be much inferior to Azure Lotus Sword Scripture.

But this is enough to kill thousands of souls, but it does not have much impact on Wu Mu, it is enough to affect the sword intent of the mind, in Wu Mu's own powerful mind and even the heavens Under the suppression of Investiture of the Gods, there was no ripple, but like an outsider, watching the vast world of bliss come.

He could feel the infinite murderous intention hidden in the blissful world. As long as you are addicted, you don't know how to die. This is a terrifying killing sword.

Wu Mu has only one response to this sword.

With the Azure Lotus Sword in hand, the sword was moved towards the oncoming bliss world and slashed.

This sword, you can see that the sky is full of dark clouds, countless thunders are flickering, and countless Divine Lightnings are falling from the sky. The entire Heaven and Earth will be completely transformed into a vast terrifying domain of thunder seas and thunder, in which only thunder is the only one. All other things will be completely destroyed and turned into powder. In thunder, convey the meaning of grandeur.

It seems to be able to suppress everything. Crush everything, and everything that stands in the way will be completely destroyed by thunder.

Breaking straight into powder.

Azure Lotus Sword Scripture - Lei Lian Haoran Zhen Qian Yuan! !

At first glance, it seems like a sea of thunder has directly moved towards the entire bliss world swept away, and in the sea of thunder, there are even more gorgeous thunder lotuses blooming. Blooms a dazzling dive light. Brilliant.

More intoxicating, it is the majesty of Heaven and Earth, the creation of nature.

Beautiful beyond words.

It seems to be transformed into two vast natural phenomena, which is the manifestation of sword intent. The confrontation between sword intent avenues. In the two sword intents, there are each other's avenues, the blissful avenues of blissful Venerable. Wu Mu's Azure Lotus Avenue. It's all into it.

With one sword, the vastness of thousands of miles swept Heaven and Earth.

Boom! !

Sword intent confrontation, I saw it immediately. There is a terrifying picture in the void, only the world of bliss and the strikes of the minefield are seen together, countless thunder strikes like howling wind and torrential rain in the world of bliss, all the beautiful things in it are blasted into powder and broken into pieces , completely annihilated into nothingness. Blissful beauty, destroyed under thunder.

Although various existences in the blissful world constantly exert their power to resist thunder. Even crashing thunder.

But still an utterly inadequate measure, to no avail.

Moreover, the thunder in this minefield is the terrifying Heaven and Earth spirit thunder—the Myriad Tribulations, this Divine Lightning, is domineering to the level of incomparable, strikes down, and a large blissful world will melt. For the powder. Completely crushed. Even the true meaning of the Supreme Law, which contains the great avenue in the blissful world, is still destroyed in the thunder.

Moreover, this kind of destruction is a kind of almost crushing destruction.

The world of bliss, shattering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, the entire thunder world has been crushed and appeared in front of Bliss.

"How is this possible, my road of bliss has reached Supreme, and I can completely control it, such as swinging my arm, or a random sword, I can completely mobilize the entire Power of Great Dao. Why, why would I lose to you? Under the Azure Lotus Sword Scripture. The sword intent contains the Great Way. This is the Azure Lotus Great Way, and your Great Way also contains the breath of Supreme, and you have proclaimed Supreme."

Bliss is not an idiot, nor Not a fool.

It was just information asymmetry before, plus Wu Mu's intentional restraint, he simply didn't notice Wu Mu's Profound Void, but this direct face-to-face collision made him wake up in an instant. To, not only he is Supreme, Wu Mu is also Supreme. Moreover, Wu Mu preached that Supreme was still ahead of him.

A body of strength, directly crushing itself.

Under this sword, all the complacency, all the beheaded thoroughly, not even a single trace left.

It even gave birth to a kind of humiliation hard to describe.

Preaching Supreme, Wu Mu didn't show the slightest, but he was constantly clamoring and provoking here. Does this treat him as a clown? As soon as this feeling appeared, there was a strong anger immediately.

This is obviously to see him make a joke, dig a hole and let him jump in it.

"Damn, Azure Lotus, you pit me."

Bliss face turned black and became quite ugly, he let out a humiliated roar, looked towards Wu Mu , completely become bad, killing intent soaring.

"hmph, you want to insult me and blame me for cheating on you. It's funny. Don't think about leaving today. Even if it is to preach Supreme, I will kill it for you." Wu Mu heard , spit out a sneer full of disdain.

This is the biggest joke.

"This seat will never take a break from you."

Bliss complexion became very ugly and extremely hideous.

Seeing the thunderclap sword that is still moving towards itself, madness flashed in his eyes, said with a sneer: "Azure Lotus, you really think that you can press me again by proving Supreme. One of them. I asked myself on sword dao that I can’t compare with you, I’m really inferior to you. However, I’m also Supreme, and I’m also the owner of the Eternal Heaven boat, so how can I be afraid of you. The winner will be divided this time. Life and death."

The voice fell, and the blissful violin in front of him was already in front of his knees.

At first glance, this blissful magic-defying piano is obviously much more powerful than before. When Wu Mu saw it, it was only the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure of the 9th layer gods, but now it has transformed. Become Innate Supreme Treasure. Moreover, depending on the situation, it is definitely not an ordinary Innate Supreme Treasure, and the number of divine bans in it will inevitably increase greatly. In Innate Supreme Treasure, Peak is also present.

The formidable power of the piano is bound to increase exponentially several times.

Innate Supreme Treasure like this, even if it is enhanced by one or two gods, can make the formidable power undergo the transformation of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

"You've heard the deity's "Blessed Moon Song", the Fengyue Song can't control your mind, but the "Blessed Soldier Song" and "The Ultimate Bliss Heavenly Soldier Song" were simply not brought into full play at the beginning, so let's make them today.

You know the true formidable power of these two movements."

ding dong! ding dong! !

With ten fingers like shuttles, they quickly plucked the strings on the blissful demon violin. The sound of the violin was very low, but it was full of a terrifying killing intent.

one after another sound waves swept out continuously, with the spirit of fighting. As if you can hear the sound of blade and sword collide, as if there is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses in constant slaughter and entanglement, as if you are in the Ancient Battlefield, in the place where all armies are fighting. That feeling is very terrifying.

A strong murderous intention fills Heaven and Earth.

The Qi of Death is circulating, and the Yin-Yang Energy is reverberating.

I only saw that, in the sound of the piano, two black and white Flood Dragons suddenly appeared. The Flood Dragons converged and intertwined, turning into a pair of black and white scissors, which cut Wu Mu's waist. . This cut, like the yin and yang cutting the dawn, the void was cut open on the spot with a hideous crack. Incomparably fierce, it seems to cut the entire void directly.

"Blessed Soldier Burial Song", a song to bury all the soldiers in the world. The evolved Divine Weapon Spirit Treasure has terrifying formidable power, and evolved from some kind of mystery communicating the world somewhere. No matter it is any weapon, it has definitely existed, and it has left traces in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, it is a terrifying ultimate weapon.

The Divine Weapon magic weapon that evolved at the beginning is already quite terrifying, and the formidable power that erupts may not be much inferior to the body of those Divine Weapon Spirit Treasure, but now, the edge it shows is direct. to a level of inhumanity.

The formidable power of this yin and yang scissors directly enters the level of Innate Supreme Treasure. That formidable power can really cut through the void with a pair of scissors, cut through the entire Heaven and Earth, and cut the stars in half together.

Formidable power is terrifying like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

ka-cha! !

Even the thunderclap sword meaning in the sky, cut by the terrifying yin and yang, was cut lazily on the spot, directly cut into two sections, and constantly shattered in the terrifying black and white rays of light. But the Yin Yang Scissors were also smashed into pieces by the Myriad Tribulations Demon Execution Lightning that filled the sky.

Both sides annihilate at the same time.

But then, as the sound of the piano continued, when the sound became exciting and high-pitched, the killing sound became more and more terrifying and overbearing.

Qi of Black and White is rolling, constantly turning into various Peak killing Supreme Treasure, pagoda, Treasure Cauldron, ancient mirror, sword, yin and yang grinding, etc., all kinds of terrifying Divine Weapon Magic weapons evolved one after another in an instant. Each of them burst out with the terrifying killing power of the Innate Supreme Treasure level, and when they came together, they directly turned into a terrifying magic weapon.

It swept like a vast torrent.

That air machine, the entire void that can be pressed is twisted, and the sea all around is roaring wildly, rolling up ten thousand zhang huge waves, turning into a tsunami, swept away in all directions.

A Supreme Treasure like this is very difficult to deal with. Hundreds of thousands, even swept in continuously, gather together, and the condensed air can make Heaven. and Earth collapsed.

This song "Blessed Soldier Song" really becomes more terrifying with the transformation.

"My dear, this movement is really terrifying. It swept in like a mountain torrent and tsunami." Little Fatty couldn't help but change his face on the spot.

"Let me destroy your magnificent army with thousands of men and horses."

Wu Mu was fearless. (To be continued~^~)

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