Martial Tomb

Chapter 1238

Martial Tomb Chapter 1238


Although the Scarecrow has a wealth of combat experience, this experience is inferior to that of Wu Mu, plus the fleshy body Even if there is no Great Dao Law, but with the powerful Martial Arts True Meaning, a scarecrow that is still killed keeps falling, and even some scarecrows are directly used by Wu Mu as Martial Arts Heavenly Tablet, and even Devouring Gate , the gate of yin and yang was completely suppressed and sent to the Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto.

Inside, Wu Mu is like an invincible general with a knife and a horse, constantly rushing in and out.

In each scarecrow fight, the battle ended in just a few breaths, without the slightest delay, clean and neat, even in the hunt for scarecrows, the attacks of other scarecrows landed directly on the body, tearing out one after another ferocious wound, still unshakable. Between shots, decisively very ruthless.

The fight was fierce.

The scarecrow fierce and unafraid of death, one after another.

Fighting together, the diving light of the fight is agitated, countless sword intents erupt, every blow makes the void oscillate, Heaven and Earth roll, showing a terrifying picture of destruction. Even Wu Mu was injured in the fight, body protection Baolian, broken one after another, constantly disillusioned, even the fleshy body was torn out one after another wound, but after these wounds appeared, they were all in a flash. recover.

The fleshy body has grown to an incredible level.

If someone else enters, I'm afraid they will be blasted by these scarecrows on the spot.

Those who can resist, can be counted on one's fingers.

A fierce blood light blooms.

As the last scarecrow was completely killed, the whole battle came to an end.

one after another Baoguang circulated up and down all over the body. In the blink of an eye, all the injuries in the body were restored to their original state in an instant, and the body protection Baolian outside the body naturally submerged into the body and merged into the flesh and blood.

"What a powerful scarecrow puppet, even more powerful than the scarecrow I met in the manor, but unfortunately, I can't use it for myself, otherwise, these are priceless treasures. Destroyed. It's a pity. ”

Wu Mu shook his head slightly, looking towards a scarecrow puppet lying all around.

To be honest, these puppets are a pity to kill. Each of them is the most loyal warrior. If it is not possible to know the method to control these scarecrows, he is not willing to destroy these scarecrows easily.

"Tsing Yi, swallow all these scarecrows. These are puppets. The weapons and magic weapons in their bodies and hands are all treasures that are not inferior to Innate Spirit Treasure. Swallowing them should bring you Great benefit, complete transformation."

Wu Mu said slowly to the Azure Lotus Sword in his hand.

These puppets use Peak's Heaven and Earth Treasure. Although a puppet. But it's not Flesh Puppet, it's like a walking Divine Weapon magic weapon, it can be regarded as Peak's Innate Spirit Treasure to devour refining.

Even if the body is crushed, it cannot be wasted.

"Yes, Master."

Tsing Yi was not polite at all. From the Azure Lotus Sword, a powerful devour was directly transmitted, and it quickly swept out. Swallow all around a shattered scarecrow and various Divine Weapon magic weapons, without the slightest hesitation, into the sword body, and the entire war sword exudes a glass-like azure sword wave in an instant, constantly circulating .

Ripple out the selected color.

"Master, Tsing Yi needs to sleep for a while to absorb the Spirit Treasure Divine Weapon that refining just swallowed." Tsing Yi just sent out a message, and immediately fell into silence.

This time I swallowed too much.

There are hundreds of scarecrows, as well as other weapons of Innate Spirit Treasure Level scattered on the ground. There are also hundreds of pieces. Although these Innate Spirit Treasures are only partially swallowed, there are still quite a few Spirit Treasures left that have not been swallowed. Some are absolutely not needed by Tsing Yi, and some are intended to be kept by Wu Mu. That said, it was a big win.

Even so, the number of Innate Spirit Treasure swallowed was no less than a hundred.

Even if the grade is not high, the quantity is enough to make up for it.

At this time, Tsing Yi was eaten alive.

Once the refining is thoroughly digested and the essence of it is integrated into Azure Lotus Sword, the benefits that can be obtained are all unimaginable, and a huge leap will inevitably be ushered in. The sword ban inside will inevitably increase again.

Wu Mu is looking forward to this.

I didn't care that Tsing Yi fell into a deep sleep. As long as he digested it thoroughly, he would naturally wake up. Moreover, Tsing Yi was in a deep sleep, and it did not hinder the use of Azure Lotus Sword. It's just that Sword Spirit is in a deep sleep, and the formidable power will be weakened.

"Sure enough, even if you are caught in a death trap, as long as you have a strong strength, you can still forcibly crack it and directly kill a bloody path. Even, such a death trap space also contains great opportunities. , once successfully survived, the benefits obtained may not be inferior to entering the treasure house."

Little Fatty was also amazed, sighed, and excited by tsk tsk when he saw what he got this time. , simply more amazing than robbing the treasure trove of interstellar pirates. The obtained Innate Spirit Treasure, if you take it out, is a good thing for countless cultivators to compete for. Many cultivators, but I have never seen the face of Innate Spirit Treasure, let alone have them.

Where can I usually put dozens or hundreds of Innate Spirit Treasures in front of me.

Some of them were sent directly into the treasure house, and Little Fatty's happy saliva was about to flow out.

This is a great opportunity in danger.

"My darling, Heavenly Venerable actually defeated those scarecrows. This battle strength is really amazing. The really strong Martial Arts combat body has long known the Martial Arts of the martial cultivator. The combat body is not inferior to the fleshy body of the Wu clan. Even the potential is powerful, which is even more amazing. Now that I have seen it, I know that the Martial Arts combat body has reached the ultimate formidable power. , even when Innate Spirit Treasure hits the body, it just rips the fur, and the resilience is even more amazing. It's inhuman." Zhu Bajie couldn't help but stunned on the spot.

He is the marshal of the canopy, the competent War General in the Celestial Court back then, and his knowledge is not bad at all. It's not that he has never seen those Quasi-Saints, but the fleshy body can reach this level Yes, like never before.

"Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable is the Martial Ancestor in Great Desolate. Martial Arts is developed in Great Desolate. Martial Arts combat body is comparable to any Body Cultivator. Venerable's fleshy body defense, between Heaven and Earth can be counted on one's fingers, my Dragon Clan little dragon girl worships under Heavenly Venerable's door, and now cultivation Martial Arts, a fleshy body is more than ten times stronger than the same level." White Dragon said solemnly.

"This time Lao Wu is going to make a fortune. Those scarecrows are holding all the Divine Weapons of Innate Spirit Treasure Level. Killing them all is hundreds of thousands. A piece of Innate Spirit Treasure level of treasure. Now, he will become an old rich man." Xu Feng tsk tsk exclaimed, full of envy. The opportunity was immediately perceived.

This is hardly different from looting a treasure trove.

"so that's how it is, all the things in the lotus world are real, not illusory, if you can't resist the danger in the lotus world, naturally body dies and Dao disappears, nothing Needless to say, if you can resist and suppress all dangers, the Lotus World is almost equivalent to a small treasure house. Everything in it can be harvested freely." Master Tianji Young nodded and said nodded.

Understand the opportunity.

But this opportunity is not so good. It is not a powerhouse. If you really want to do this, you are in courting death. You may fall at any time. If you don't get the opportunity, you will die in it.

"No matter, I want to go in and try. The road of cultivation itself is like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back, the opportunity is right in front of you. The chance slips away, and there will be no progress in the future."

A heaven's Chosen's eyes showed a resolute look, as if he had strengthened his confidence, without any hesitation, he turned around and moved towards the lotus and stepped in. , Obviously, is planning to make a foray, maybe with good luck, can get the treasure from it. Really soaring.

This was stimulated by what Wu Mu got.

The desire in my heart has been completely aroused.

There are not a few cultivators who have the same idea as this cultivator. They are excited and make decisions when they turn around.

And even more so on Heaven Beyond the Heaven on other desert islands.

Seeing that the opportunity is in front of you, as long as you force through it and suppress the danger in the lotus world, it is a treasure of amazing value. No one hesitated.

But they are all in groups of three or four ready to set foot together.

If you can't deal with it alone, if you gather into a group and help each other together, you may not be able to do it, and you may not be able to survive.

Anyone who can become Heaven's Chosen is a determined person of temperament, who makes a decision and starts to act in an instant.

one after another silhouette stepping onto the lotus one after another.

"Interesting, this battle is really weird, breaking the formation normally, almost impossible to do, the Eternal Family is really powerful, it is worthy of being the legendary taboo race. Since this is the case, then this seat is also here to make a foray. ”

Black Widow in black showed a playful smile.

Immediately set foot on it.

These did not affect Wu Mu at all.

Thoroughly scavenge the treasures left by the scarecrows all around, absorb all the refinings, and store them in the treasure house.

This is time to glance all around.

At a glance, I can only see that this space is not too big, it is only about ten miles in size, but all around, there are golden wheat fields. In these wheat fields, The golden wheat, golden-bright and dazzling, exudes dazzling rays of light, bringing the breath of harvest, fruitful and joyful.

It looks very pleasing.

The wheat in these wheat fields is not illusory, but completely real. Wu Mu can clearly smell the aroma of rice in the air, which is very charming.

"This is not an ordinary wheat field. The wheat here is actually Spirit Valley rice and wheat. However, this is a kind of wheat that has never been seen before. It contains Spiritual Qi, and the grains are as bright as gold. ."

Wu Mu stepped forward, picked a grain of wheat, and held it in his hand like a bunch of golden grains. (To be continued~^~)

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