Martial Tomb

Chapter 1237

Martial Tomb Chapter 1237


Nine Eight Trigrams Arrays are gathered in the Nine-Palaces Diagram. To get out of the Nine-Palaces Diagram, you must pass through the Eight Trigrams Array diagram in the first sequence, enter the second series, and then go to the third series. Only by walking out of the ninth sequence of gossip diagrams can we get out of this sky-defying battle. This kind of difficulty definitely reaches an outrageous level.

In the absence of any markup, the possibility of finding the correct sequence order has reached a very small level, which is simply impossible. If you really want to calculate, it can make people collapse on the spot.

This is a sky-defying barrier, enough to completely block countless powerhouses from the battle.

Finding the correct sequence order in a completely indistinguishable case, even Wu Mu, is giving up immediately without the slightest hesitation.

This is simply what Impossible does.

Unless you study this battle for thousands of years, it will be possible to do so.

It is also the legendary Great Grandmaster. It is possible to spy on the mystery of its operation.

Walking the nine palaces and gossip, this is the most orthodox method, and it is also the method for the eternal family to enter here. The order, but outsiders can't know, even if there is a back door inside, they will never know.

This method, at first, is destined to be impossible to complete, and is destined to be impossible to achieve.

And, most desperately, if Wu Mu's reckoning is correct. This nine palace pattern is simply not the ultimate. It should be that nine Eight Trigrams Arrays converge into a nine-pattern pattern, eight nine-pattern patterns converge into a large Eight Trigrams Array, and nine large Eight Trigrams Arrays form a large nine-pattern pattern. Even outside the Big Nine Palaces, there are more terrifying formations.

Together, endlessly, endlessly.

Really unimaginably terrifying.

Already very human beings can see through.

From this, you can see how the Eternal Clan's accomplishments on the formation path have been proven to an incredible level, just think about it. It can make people crazy on the spot, completely crazy.

Little Fatty was speechless at this, it was an inexplicable battle.

This is still the battle on the surface.

I really want to rush in. Whether it can be cracked is almost conceivable, absolutely impossible to crack.

After Wu Mu also noticed it, he immediately gave up on breaking the battle with the first method.

Except for first. The only way is to use the second method to force through the formation, even in the face of a death trap, without flinching, go straight forward, push it horizontally, and don't pay attention to any gossip. Don't pay attention to any method of breaking the formation. In the most arrogant way, push it horizontally, if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas.

Even if it is a big mountain, it will be leveled.

This kind of arrogant means, without absolute strength, is to die in battle, and the death is extremely miserable. No one knows what kind of fatal danger they will experience, and they may fall at any time. Falling into it, I am afraid that I will never be able to break free. Completely lost.

This is a life-or-death choice.

"There is no other choice but to push horizontally."

Wu Mu had already made a decision in an instant, and he could break the battle by himself. There is only one choice, only horizontal push, and with its own battle strength, kill a bloody path.

These thoughts just popped into my head for a split second.

speaking of which is long. It's really just the blink of an eye.

When he looked back, Wu Mu had already noticed that he stepped on a lotus flower, and the moment he stepped on the lotus flower, an invisible dive light quickly intertwined and circulated, Dao Rhyme changed, and the outside The scene changed in an instant.

Looking closely, all around is already in an independent Small World, Independent Space.

In all around, you can see that it is a golden wheat field. In the wheat field, a purple scarecrow is guarding all around, guarding the wheat field, as if guarding the wheat field, not letting any Birds and beasts approached and damaged the wheat fields. Scarecrows were one by one. If you look carefully, there may be hundreds of them.

These scarecrows were originally stationary,

but the moment Wu Mu came in, they all turned their heads and fixed their eyes on Wu Mu, and their bodies were immediately filled with excitement. Send out a strong fighting intent.

"There are grain thieves, there are grain thieves."

"Brothers, hurry up and kill the grain thieves."

A scarecrow sent out Yell.

looked towards Wu Mu, just like seeing a life-and-death enemy, with a strong killing intent in his eyes. Treat Wu Mu as a food thief, whoever dares to steal food is their scarecrow's enemy. If it is an enemy, kill it directly.

The scent emanating from each scarecrow is more terrifying than the scarecrows seen in the manor before. Vaguely, there is already a terrifying strength comparable to the Peak Great Emperor.

And, definitely comparable to Peak's Heaven's Chosen of the same order.

One is quite terrifying, but here are hundreds of them, gathered together, this is definitely a terrifying force. Moreover, these scarecrows held various tools and weapons in their hands. Quickly swept from all directions.

There are bamboo sticks, shovels, hoes, buckets, net pockets, long flags, sickles and so on.

Swept in like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

“Kill the food thief to death.”

A scarecrow appeared first in front of Wu Mu, holding a huge sickle in his hand, moved towards Wu Mu and cut it with a sickle. Come here, the speed, the power, and the trajectory of the swing are all unpredictable and very strange. There is an involuntarily involuntarily urge to stand still, like a straw being cut by a sickle.

It was really irresistible when the knife came over.

Major Perfection, already wonderful to Peak.

This sickle is enough to sever the void and tear mountains and rivers. Countless dive lights gather in the sickle. There is Dao Rhyme intertwined to form Dao Rhyme, the terrifying law.

"It's a powerful knife, but it's a little too short to deal with me." Wu Mu's eyes flashed with a strong fighting intent, and he took a quick step forward. Do not retreat but advance.

This step seems to be able to Change the Heaven and Switching the Earth, appearing in front of the Scarecrow in an instant.

At the same time, he waved his sword moved towards the scarecrow's neck and slashed out like lightning, a sword slashed out, a bloody sword light locked in the sky, saw the sea of blood rolling in the sky, a sword light flashed, instantly Cut through the scarecrow's neck.

speed to the pinnacle.

bloodline Divine Ability - Shrinking the Earth into an Inch! !

Martial Arts Divine Ability - Life-Seizing Thirteen Swords! !

With mutual cooperation and Wu Mu's terrifying half-step Supreme's fleshly body strength infusion, even the scarecrow who is a Peak was still beheaded under the Azure Lotus Sword. A terrifying sword intent, quickly tearing apart the scarecrow's body. The sword intent is destroying the Great Dao Law within it.

There is absolutely no resistance at all.

With a single step and a wave of a sword, a scarecrow will be completely killed. This method is fast, neat, and without the slightest bells and whistles.

"Catch the food thief."

A large net fell from the sky and instantly covered Wu Mu.

Other scarecrows are also immediately quickly encircling them.

Suddenly, they fought fiercely together, reaching a white-hot level.

This scene was instantly watched by the cultivators and Heaven Beyond the Heaven on the deserted islands, with a look of shock in their eyes.

After Wu Mu stepped out of the gossip map, the changes that happened were so fast that it was too fast for people to simply react. The picture presented in the world.

There was a constant uproar.

"What a weird battle, but it must be related to gossip. Before that, Azure Lotus Fellow Daoist had clearly understood some of the changes in the battle. Otherwise, it would be impossible to step out of the gossip and walk out of a small battle.

, but there seems to be a change later, it is gossip and non-gossip, it looks very strange, and depending on the situation, Azure Lotus Fellow Daoist is also recruited."

"It's still weird, it seems that I want to use the battle situation. It is almost as difficult as heavenly ascension to crack it. If you step wrong, you will fall into a fatal crisis. I don't know if Azure Lotus Fellow Daoist can get out. This is a death trap."

"It's so weird. This lotus actually contains the world, and the things inside, depending on the situation, should be real, if you can get through it, I don't know if there will be a big harvest."

"A lot of scarecrows. , these scarecrows actually have the battle strength of Peak Heaven's Chosen Level 1, I feel that I can't even beat a scarecrow, it's a tragedy. However, Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable's shot is really fierce and domineering, and it can be killed with a single sword A scarecrow, this speed, fast and accurate, has reached Peak. It's incredible. I'm afraid that these scarecrows may not be able to kill him."

The chatter continued.

This is the word in the mouth of the cultivator of the heavens, how can there be no good words in the arrogance of Heaven Beyond the Heaven. What you say is predictable, and you don't need to worry about it.

But the heavens really care about Wu Mu's safety.

No one wanted anything wrong with Wu Mu.

A pair of eyes are staring intently at the picture in the lotus world. For fear of missing even a single moment.

But the more you watch, the more intense the shock in the eyes of a cultivator.

Even some of the proud faces of Heaven Beyond the Heaven became a little ugly.

It can be seen that Wu Mu is a terrifying god of killing after fighting with the scarecrow. The whole body, every inch of the fleshy body, the whole body, every part, is a terrifying Slaughtering Tool. When they fight, terrifying destructive power erupts.

Various battle skills such as swinging arms, and the steps under your feet are even more mysterious. Among the scarecrows, like an immortal, they keep going in and out, one after another sword intent, it seems that they can directly Tear apart the whole lotus world and burst out terrifying destructive power.

Various Martial Arts Battle Skills come out naturally.

One after another terrifying Martial Arts Divine Ability, blooming endless rays of light one after another.

A powerful scarecrow, almost every breath, a scarecrow will fall under Wu Mu. Every time you take a step, a scarecrow falls.

(To be continued~^~)

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