Martial Tomb

Chapter 1239

Martial Tomb Chapter 1239


On this grain of wheat, there are bursts of tempting fragrance.

That is the smell of the harvest, that is the fragrance of the harvest.

On the top, there is a strong Spiritual Qi, this Spiritual Qi, full of every grain of wheat, crystal clear and near-transparent, such as glazed, golden throughout, exuding a natural wheat fragrance, it is intoxicating, it is really about to be cooked, it must be the spirit rice of High Level.

Each capsule contains the rich Spiritual Qi.

If you eat it, it is undoubtedly a spirit pill and marvelous medicine.

In addition, it is free of any impurities, and the Spiritual Qi contained in it is extremely gentle, absorbs it very easily, and will not cause any harm to itself. This is where Spirit Valley is precious.

But the golden grains in front of me were not any kind of spirit rice that Wu Mu knew.

"This should be the legendary golden glazed wheat rice. Once mature, the whole body is like gold, brilliant and brilliant. When the shell is peeled off, it is crystal clear and near-transparent like glazed glass. If you eat it regularly, you can increase your life. essence, slow down aging, is very precious. The Spiritual Qi contained in it can warm the flesh, blood, and enhance life force. According to legend, if you take it every day, you can live a long life.”

Little Fatty Wu Mu didn't know what the amazing experience was, but he saw the origin of the golden grains in these wheat fields.

Golden glazed rice, this is one of Peak's spirit rice between Heaven and Earth, and, in the heavens, has disappeared, lost inheritance, no one has planted it, didn't expect here Can have planting, but also grow such a huge field of wheat.

Every grain is as good as gold.

If it is secular, I am afraid that Imperial Capital will exchange gold for this golden rice.

This is the hope of longevity. To increase life essence, this is the temptation that no one can bear.

"Good thing, this kind of spirit rice is not only edible, even if it is used to make wine, I am afraid that it can brew the peerless spirit wine of cream of the crop, and the peerless Immortal Wine that can increase the essence of life. ”

Wu Mu’s eyes flashed brightly, and his attention to the spirit rice in front of him instantly reached a new height.

Even in his eyes, it is more important than any Innate Spirit Treasure. Spirit Treasure is just one piece, but this spirit rice is planted. But it can last for countless years and create countless powerhouses. Good Fortune Heaven and Earth sentient beings.

Benefits can be provided continuously.

This is baby.

Even Wu Mu has already quickly deduced several Peak Immortal Wines brewed from this golden glazed rice.

"Put away, these are good things."

In front of the wheat field. All the wheat is ripe and ready to be harvested, just waved without thinking. A pitch-black Devouring Gate naturally appeared in the midair. From the gate, it exuded a powerful devouring power of one after another, swept out, and in a blink of an eye, I saw it. The grains of wheat were detached from the straw like raindrops.

Fly into the Devouring Gate quickly.

Countless grains of wheat flew into the sky. Gathering together in midair, it is like a golden torrent of golden-bright and dazzling. Before getting started, it is disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the number is astonishing. If you calculate it carefully, it is definitely an astonishing figure. As soon as it is swallowed, it will be sent to the treasure house immediately. With the technique of accepting mesons in the void, they are sealed in jade boxes.

Even accept the tempering of the treasure in the treasury, and continuously improve their quality invisibly. Let the Spiritual Qi inside become more pure.

The formidable power of the Devouring Gate is so huge that in just a moment, all the grains of wheat are collected and devoured. Return to warehouse. Nothing left.

Not a single grain was left behind.

"All the valuable treasures here have been plundered, and there is no value in continuing to stay. It's time to start a new journey." Wu Mu's eyes flashed, and a fighting intent flowed in his chest.


I only saw a crisp sword cry from the Azure Lotus Sword in my hand, and in the sword cry, I could see that the halo of one after another sword ban was continuously derived. Wrapped around the sword, it exudes an ancient Dao Rhyme.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are twenty-one sword bans.

Azure Lotus Sword, promoted to the second Eleventh Layer sword ban! !

However, this is not the end, Tsing Yi is still swallowing the Divine Weapon Spirit Treasure in the fast refining sword, the constant tempering sword, every breath seems to be changing, the sword edge is swallowing sharp. In the accumulation of strength, ready to start a new transformation again. This time, I swallowed too many treasures.

The benefits to Azure Lotus Sword are even more incomparable gigantic.

But Wu Mu didn't pay much attention to these. He had already escaped from this lotus space during the thought move. When he completely killed all the scarecrows, this lotus space had nothing to him. Confinement and confinement, as long as you want, you can get out at any time. In a blink of an eye, leave the space. Stand on the lotus where the space is. Appears on the lake.

The lotus under his body, even if there is a trap, still carries his body, not swallowing it.

"Look at me pushing across, try the methods of the Eternal Clan, and see if you can bury me here." , Yang Tian let out a long laugh, an invisible imposing manner naturally passed out, suddenly stepped forward, moved towards the direction of an island in front of him, and stepped over without the slightest hesitation, that is, moved towards in a straight line. Go to the island.

It's that straightforward.

While stepping out, I also saw that many cultivators stepped on the lotus on the lake. Obviously, they intend to enter the formation and gain opportunities. However, Wu Mu knew that among these people, not many would survive. The terrifying of this battle was definitely not as simple as talking about it.

“If the Fellow Daoists are in the formation, once they are involved in the lotus space, as long as they can survive and break the trap in the lotus space, they will be able to get out of the formation once, or even leave this eternal treasure house. Opportunities, but if you can't pass them, you will fall, Fellow Daoists still do what they can."

After Wu Mu slightly frowned, he still spit out a voice.

This is the message he got while leaving the lotus space.

If he is willing, when he left the lotus space before, he will be sent directly to the eternal treasure house under the operation of the battle, and then moved back to the ruins, completely free from the treasure house. Don't step into any danger again.

This is very important.

This sentence provides a goal for countless cultivators in an instant.

As long as you can withstand a death test, you can directly escape from this terrifying eternal treasure house, successfully escape, or even leave the ruins and return directly to the Tower of Time and Space.

Suddenly, the hearts of a large number of cultivators became hot.

No one wants to lose their lives in a daze here. If there is a chance to get out of here, who will not refuse, not to mention that they may also obtain a batch of treasures in the lotus space. This is even more a matter of who will not refuse. The key is whether they have the ability to obtain those treasures. the kind of problems that lie ahead.

Many cultivators were instantly moved, and they called their friends to form a team, ready to really break into the death trap, to fight for the future, to see whether it was life or death.

These have no effect on Wu Mu.

What should be said and what should be reminded, he has already done and said. How to choose, that is their own business, everyone is responsible for their own choice, whether it is life or death, no one can blame anyone.

Clap! !

Wu Mu has already stepped on a lotus flower in front of him. When he stepped on it, nothing happened. This lotus flower is safe and there are no traps.

But Wu Mu didn't stay too much, even if there were no traps, once he didn't make the next decision within ten breaths, he would be moved out immediately. That would be utterly bad, and no one knew where it would appear.

Wu Mu had already set a goal in his heart, and he was not shaken by the fact that he stood on a safe lotus.

Almost subconsciously, he continued to step forward.

Decisive, decisive! !

Without hesitation.

It is still moved towards the island with the shortest distance in front of it.


This step, obviously there is no luck anymore, the moment you step on it, the lotus flower automatically blooms a ray of magnificent light, and Wu Mu is pulled into it in an instant, just like crossing Heaven and Earth in one step, Step into another Independent Space.

"What kind of trap is this."

Almost the moment Wu Mu stepped into the lotus space, he glanced at all around vigilantly and didn't miss a single trace. The movement and the size of the space are not much different from the original scarecrow space. But there are no endless wheat fields and no scarecrows.

Only one altar stands on the ground. In the altar, a pitch-black long flag was erected. The long flag was automatic without wind, and it made a grinning sound. Suddenly, it was seen from the long flag. Each of the heroic spirits swept out like a tide, each of which was incomparably tall, riding a liger under him, each wearing a Battle Armor, holding a lance in his hand, and a sword under his body. It exudes a baleful aura of lingering, which is a rich iron-blooded baleful aura.

This is a soldier, a soldier's soul, and a heroic spirit in the army.

One statue, constantly appearing, in a blink of an eye, there are thousands of heroic spirits, and it seems that there are more and more terrifying spirits in the long banner. The aura emanating from each one is directly comparable to the terrifying battle strength of the Peak Great Emperor, and when they gather together, the imposing manner immediately swept through them like an overwhelming sea.

Standing in front of the altar, even if it is just a thousand statues, is like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, that imposing manner, people change color on the spot, like facing an irresistible mountain of terror .

"The spirit of the army is still the spirit of the Great Emperor Level."

Wu Mu's expression suddenly became extremely solemn. Such a military soul is definitely not easy to deal with. It can be dealt with alone, but if it is gathered into an army, it is simply a fearful thing.


These military spirits did not hesitate at all, their eyes fell on Wu Mu, who revealed a strong iron-blooded baleful aura. Raise the spear, moved towards Wu Mu to initiate a reunion. (To be continued~^~)

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