Martial Tomb

Chapter 122

Martial Tomb Chapter 122


Near a street stall, the owner of the stall covered his appearance with a cloak, so he couldn't see the specific appearance, but from the perspective of body shape, He should be a man.

On the stall in front of him, there are quite a few things on display.

There are medicine pills in jade bottles. On the jade bottles, the names of medicine pills are also marked, depending on the quantity. Among them, nourishing blood pills are the most commonly used medicines in Shedding Mortality Realm cultivator. The pill can nourish the bloodline essence in the body and help itself tempering the fleshy body. Its main material is brewed with the blood essence of ominous beast and various mild medicine ingredients.

Of course, this blood-nourishing pill has nothing to do with the blood essence of Bronze Ancient Lamp tempering. After all, this blood nourishing pill contains medicine pill residue. Taking too much will produce erysipelas in the body, which is not a small harm to the fleshy body.

In addition to the medicine pill, there are several weapons and various strange materials. Those weapons looked very ordinary, they were ordinary ordinary soldiers, and they did not enter the level of Divine Weapon.

In addition to these, there are some broken Divine Weapon fragments. The pieces are extremely broken, and there are signs of fracture. There is no trace of dive light on the weapons. On the surface, it is impossible to see the origin and grade of these broken weapons. It may be worthless, or it may be a fragment of Divine Weapon, Heavenly God Weapon, etc. That way, the value is immeasurable.

These are all things that skeleton thieves loot during looting.

I can't see the value, so I sell it. See if you can get some money in exchange.

However, Wu Mu couldn't see the origin of these Divine Weapon fragments, so naturally he wouldn't buy them easily. Just take a look.

Wu Mu doesn't need medicine pills or anything. He didn't stop at the stall for a while. After a few pauses, he continued to walk forward, carefully walking around. Watching in the booth, probing.

Not long after, in a booth, several quaint scrolls suddenly appeared in front of me.

Wu Mu's footsteps stopped on the spot and stopped in front of the booth. Squat down and look at the entire stall. The stall is very simple, and there are not many other items. There are only a few yellow scrolls, and some broken and rusted Divine Weapon-like broken items.

The stall owner is a man who also wears a cloak.

Squat in the back, not say a word.

Wu Mu stretched out his hand and picked up a scroll, looked at it, and saw a line of ancient seals - "Pan Shi Gong" appearing on the scroll. As if, this should be a blood sea realm ****. Moreover, looking at the names of **, there are ten ** who belong to the ** of bloodline cultivation of the native surname.

"Panshigong is suitable for bloodline **. After **, you can use bloodline Divine Force to wash the fleshy body, making the body like a rock, extremely hard, high grade **. If it is a brother If you need it, I can sell it to you for a cheaper price.”

The stall owner saw the scroll Wu Mu picked up and introduced in a low voice.

Although it is a mortal high grade **, it is also a ** classic of the Blood Sea Realm.

Wu Mu didn't say much, and picked up another scroll again. Impressively, several ancient seals - "Shui Lingjing" appeared on the scroll.

"This is the Shui Lingjing, suitable for bloodline ** of the water type, ice type, and bloodline Divine Force, which is extremely long and gentle, this is a low grade ** of the king order, if you If you need it, you can get a little more discount."

The stall owner whispered again.

"What is the price of Panshi Gong and Shui Lingjing. If they are suitable, I will buy them. To tell you the truth, I don't have much money on me. If your price is too outrageous, I'm afraid I can't buy it. Let's start."

Wu Mu put down the scroll in his hand, looked towards the stall owner, and said in a low voice.

"Well, they're all from Skull Island. I do business. I've always been innocent and fair." Said with a smile: ""Pan Shi Gong" is a high-grade **, although the rank is not high, but it is the ** of the blood sea, if the brother is interested, then the price is 1,000 bronze coins."

""Shui Lingjing" is even more powerful, even if it's a low-grade king, it's still a king-level pro, so the bloodline Divine Force produced from this **** not only absorbs World's Essence Qi, the speed of condensing the bloodline Divine Force is greatly increased, and it is also of great help to the bloodline Divine Ability. It can exert the huge might of the bloodline Divine Ability. Its price is not cheap, at least seven Thousand Bronze Coins."

The stall owner quickly said the price.

Indeed, for the **, the general Shedding Mortality Realm**, as long as it does not reach the emperor rank, the emperor rank, the price is probably above one hundred bronze coins and less than one thousand bronze coins. As for the emperor rank, the emperor rank, the price is no trivial matter. It's okay to say that the emperor's order is a market that is priceless.

At the level of the Blood Sea Realm, the lowest price is above 600 bronze coins. As for the higher price, there are thousands or even tens of thousands.

**These things, no one will ever despise themselves too much.

"It's too expensive, you have to know that on the island, even if it is redemption, it only needs the price of one thousand bronze coins. These two volumes of **, together, need seven or eight thousand bronze coins. , it's too expensive, I can't pay such a price."

Although Wu Mu also knows such a price, it is not too expensive for this rank, but relatively In terms of the market situation on Skull Island, there are not many people who can take out such a huge amount of money at once for ordinary servants, and even those who have been redeemed.

Wu Mu previously sold spirit wine, and later received a generous bounty from the Bounty Hunter Temple. In the money card, there are 12,000 bronze coins in possession.

It's more than enough to buy these two volumes, nothing difficult.

However, this Skull Island is unusual. When the price can be lowered, why can't it be suppressed. In order not to have enough money in the future and miss the major event.

"Adding it up, 8,000 bronze coins are already very cheap. It can't be any less, this is a king rank **, if it's not inconvenient to go out, put it outside and take it to auction, let alone eight Thousand, even if it is 10,000 bronze coins, someone will still want it."

The stall owner heard it, but he gritted his teeth. Unlike the black iron coins, it looks a bit complicated. After absorbing it, it can quickly increase its bloodline Divine Force. For the martial cultivator in the blood sea realm, bronze coins are the best resources to increase the cultivation base.

Where can you easily reduce the price.

"On Skull Island, every time we earn a bronze coin, it will take a lot of effort. If I hadn't reached Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, ready to break through the blood sea, there is no suitable I wouldn't make up my mind to spend money to buy it. However, I don't think the two movies are suitable for me."

Wu Mu said calmly.

The meaning is also obvious, buy it, I will definitely buy it, but if the price is not right for you, then I have to go to other stalls to have a look, maybe there are cheaper ones. Not necessarily suitable for sale.

With that said, Wu Mu is about to get up and leave.


The man heard it, and hurriedly stopped him: "If you sincerely want to buy it, I can make it cheaper, this mortal ** Even if there are 500 bronze coins, plus the "Shui Lingjing", there are a total of 7,500 coins." Said, paused, clenched the teeth, pointed to the broken Divine Weapon utensils on the booth, and said: "If you really want to buy it, I will These things on the stall, let you choose two more, what do you think."

It is said to be a broken Divine Weapon, but the items placed on the stall include wine glasses and broken swords. , It is clear who is the treasure or the waste, but the waste may occupy the majority.

Even if it is a precious material, it is also extremely troublesome to separate those materials.

However, giving five hundred bronze coins is already a huge concession.

Wu Mu didn't intend to leave at first, but when he heard it, he squatted down again and moved towards the pile of broken weapons on the stall.

At this moment, suddenly, a bronze-colored object came into view.

For some reason, perhaps because of the Bronze Ancient Lamp, Wu Mu has a natural sensitivity to bronze. Looking at it carefully, suddenly, the item is clearly presented in front of you.

It wasn't a weapon, but a bronze-colored Ancient Ship. It didn't look like a Divine Weapon, but a toy model made of some kind. Just only palm-size.

Moreover, looking at the shape of the bronze Ancient Ship, it is different from any Ancient Ship. On the Ancient Ship, one after another, bronze iron pillars stand up from the hull. There are nine in total. Among them, the one in the middle is the longest and stands tall, and the other eight are in descending order and land on the Ancient Ship, like a pyramid.

The nine bronze-iron pillars, as if, are the masts and masts on which the Ancient Ship hangs the sails.

You should know that if you are on a normal warship, a single pole can hang three long sails. In general warships, one is erected at the bow, hull, and stern. The masts, each of which hangs three sails, add up to the nine-sail warship in the ship. The control of direction and speed is extremely flexible.

If these nine bronze and iron pillars were full of sails at the same time, it would be a ship with thirty-nine-twenty-seven sails.

since ancient times , never.

This bronze Ancient Ship looks like a child's work.

And, on the bronze Ancient Ship, only the longest mainsail hangs an incomparable gigantic sail, which, from top to bottom, stretches the entire mainsail Occupied together, it is as if this main sail is not suspended from three sails, but is exclusively occupied by a huge sail.

Unfortunately, on this big sail, you can also see that one after another clear hole is densely packed in every area of the sail. Obviously, it has been dilapidated and leaked everywhere. It could turn into ashes at any time. It's unstoppable.

Moreover, look at the bronze masts, there are traces of fractures, a large number of cracks appear on it, and there are holes in the hull. (To be continued.)

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