Martial Tomb

Chapter 123

Martial Tomb Chapter 123


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Such a boat, even if it is a wooden boat, will sink to the bottom in an instant, broken to the extreme, with rust on it, and it looks like it has experienced the erosion of time. traces left.

This bronze Ancient Ship is a broken ship, a broken ship without any value.

Looking at the situation where it is placed here, obviously, it is not favored by the stall owner. If it is placed here casually, it is naturally good if it can be sold. If it cannot be sold, it is regarded as junk.

"This thing has some meaning."

Wu Mu saw the bronze Ancient Ship, although the Ancient Ship looked very unremarkable, but after the Divine Source tempering fleshy body Afterwards, there is also a vague sense of some things. The rust on the Ancient Ship is not ordinary rust, but the traces left by the years. Obviously, the ancient ship has been passed down for a long time.

It is an antique.

I don't know why, but Wu Mu still took it from the stall, picked up another quaint purple wooden bottle gourd in the vicinity, picked up the two rolls of **, and said: "Since the big brother is refreshing, I won't say more. I want these two volumes. Here are 7,500 bronze coins. You can count them and see for yourself."

Wu Mu Without hesitation, I took something, thoughts moved, and with a wave of my hand, once the azure light flashed, from the money card, bronze coins fell like a waterfall and piled up on the stall.

Thousands of them are piled up together, and there are also a lot of them, which seems to give a feeling of horrible to see.

The stall owner's eyes shined, quickly waving his hand to collect all the coins, nodding his head and saying, "There is no difference in the coins, the payment for the goods is clear, and the transaction is completed."

Obviously , there is no obstacle for Wu Mu to take the scroll and those two items.

The clearing of money and goods is the process of transaction.

Wu Mu didn't say much. He put the scroll, bronze Ancient Ship, and wooden bottle gourd into the ancient lamp with a calm expression, then got up and left, not staying any longer. moved towards other stalls at a moderate pace.

Wander the night market carefully.

I can't say, Wu Mu also opened his eyes to the night market. There is really everything here. The most strange thing is that there are women's apron on the street stall. The apron is not Mortal Grade, it is Clothing that reaches the Divine Weapon Level. However, if you can take it out and sell it openly, the stall owner is really not an ordinary Top Grade.

Although Wu Mu was dazzled by the various items in the night market, he did not continue to buy it. The 12,000 bronze coins on his body were only 4,500 after he bought it. Hundreds.

Two thousand of them will be redeemed for myself and Xiaoyue. There are only 2,000 pieces that can be used. It looks like a lot, but in fact it is not much. Can not use, naturally or restraint not use.

After a full hour in the night market. Wu Mu didn't stop, and quietly left the night market.

When he left, he also noticed that there were a few silhouettes behind him. Those eyes, as if, did not carry any good intentions.

However, Wu Mu didn't care, and moved directly towards the Slaughter Peak. When he was about to approach the Slaughter Peak, the secret spies behind him suddenly dispersed, as if they were the same.

"The Slaughter Peak does not seem to be ordinary. Just its prestige can deter those who are secretly evil."

Wu Mu naturally does not think that those who follow secretly follow , is a kind-hearted guard for himself, the only possibility is to plan to kill in secret, but when he sees the slaughter peak but retreats at the same time, I am afraid, it is the name of the slaughter peak.

I was secretly curious about the status and existence of Slaughter Peak on Skull Island.

However, these things are not the most important things for now, Wu Mu slightly hesitated, put them aside, and quickly returned to the place where he lived.

When I entered the courtyard where I lived, I also saw that the old man was still leaning on the bamboo chair, picking grapes leisurely.

"Another little butcher."

When Wu Mu passed by, he seemed to say something casually.

"There are three people on the Slaughter Peak. Among these three people, there should be a butcher and two cooks. The last one should be the old man in front of him. I don't know what his identity is."

Wu Mu pondered secretly in his mind, secretly curious about the old man in front of him.

The butcher and the cook could all see what he was doing, but the old man couldn't see any saplings at all.

In the return to house, Wu Mu closed the door, took out the four things he just bought from the ancient lamp, first picked up the bottle gourd, looked at it a little, and put it away. On the one hand, this bottle gourd is just an ordinary wooden carved bottle gourd, not a Divine Weapon, but it is fine if it is used to hold wine.

"This bronze Ancient Ship is interesting, but I don't know what it is."

Wu Mu reached out and took the bronze Ancient Ship in his hand, playing with it secretly, feeling that the Ancient Ship was on it. The traces of those years were suddenly placed in front of the nose and sniffed slightly.

My eyes changed, complexion sank, and my mouth couldn't help but be surprised: "The smell of blood, such a strong bloody smell, what kind of ship is this, there is such a strong bloody air."

On this bronze Ancient Ship, Wu Mu could faintly smell an indescribable odor of blood. Wu Mu was extremely sensitive to the odor of blood in the fights, and naturally he would not feel wrong.

With such a strong bloody smell, this bronze Ancient Ship is definitely not an ordinary plaything. I'm afraid the origin is not simple.

Wu Mu frowned slightly, pondering to himself.

Would like to find out the secrets of the bronze Ancient Ship, but Wu Mu could not find out its true mystery from the Ancient Ship no matter what.

"It smells bloody. I'll burn it with the Bronze Ancient Lamp to see if it can reveal any mystery." Even blood recognizing Master has no effect. As if this is an ordinary thing, even a decoration.

However, ordinary furnishings can be contaminated with such a strong bloody smell.

After thinking for a while, a bright light suddenly flashed in my mind, and I reached out and put the bronze Ancient Ship moved towards the flame of the ancient lamp.

chi chi chi!

In the burning of the Bronze Lamp, a surprising change appeared in front of Wu Mu. There was a crisp and strange sound on the Ancient Ship, and then, I saw that the bronze-colored Ancient Ship, at a speed visible to naked eyes, turned a blood-red, blood-like red. Moreover, above, Wu Mu even saw a horrible to see look.

"Don't, why, what did we do wrong to suffer Heavenly Retribution."

"Ah, we are so wronged to die, what did we do wrong and why? To suffer such Calamity Tribulation."

On the blood-colored ship, you can see that countless ferocious faces let out a shrill howl, some ordinary people, some farmers, some The rich children in gorgeous clothes, officials, etc., almost all kinds of people can be clearly seen above, each with a hideous look.

He let out bursts of shrill howls. Obviously, there was endless resentment in every face. Those faces kept flashing and densely packed, making people look at it at a glance, it was horrible. to see , chills in my heart.

Tick tock!

Tick tock! !

As the flame of the lamp continued to burn, the blood-colored rays of light on the ship became more and more intense. In the blink of an eye, drops of dazzling red blood were continuously dripping from the Ancient Ship. One drop is the purest blood essence. Dripping in the ancient lamp, fuse together with the blood essence in the ancient lamp.

Drop by drop, in the end, it was like running water.

one after another blood essence, which continuously infiltrated and flowed out from the Ancient Ship, just like a blood-colored waterfall. It becomes stronger and more compact at a speed visible to naked eyes. In an instant, the blood-colored lotus seeds became like spar.

The amount of blood essence is simply too amazing, too huge and terrifying.

It is definitely not to kill one person. What a hundred people can save must be thousands, thousands, hundreds of thousands, even several millions, not necessarily tens of millions.

Only blood flowing into a river can burn tempering out such a huge and amazing blood essence.

In the blink of an eye, the tempering in the ancient lantern came out of the more blood essence that was drawn from the dragon and mosquito blood pool.

Although the unexpected addition of blood essence surprised Wu Mu, it was more of a horror to see.

"It's amazing, such a huge blood essence, how many souls must be slaughtered to gather such a huge and amazing blood essence, who is so crazy, this is a kind of **."


"How many lives has this Ancient Ship been stained with blood?"

"Why, such a huge blood essence, appeared on this small bronze Ancient Ship, and It's still such a broken Ancient Ship, what kind of Divine Weapon is it, how can it absorb such a huge blood essence."

Wu Mu's heart was like a stormy sea roaring frantically.

Even if you can't see it with your own eyes, you can guess in the heart that that scene is absolutely horrible to see and sensational.

It is impossible to guess what kind of situation will make the Ancient Ship have such a huge bloodshed and suffer the resentment of so many creatures. resentment.

Time ticks by while the blood continues to flow in the Ancient Ship.

The blood essence in the Ancient Ship, in the tempering of the flame, flowed all night.

The Blood Lotus in the ancient lantern has been condensed to an almost extreme state. The rich blood essence constantly emits bursts of strange fragrance in the Blood Lotus. Then one after another pure Bloodline Power.

"The blood essence tempered from the Ancient Ship is probably hundreds of times, or even hundreds of times, more than that obtained from the blood pool. If such a huge blood essence, if If the human race is tempered, it will take several millions of human races to temper it.”

Wu Mu waited until the last drop of blood essence was tempered from the Ancient Ship, and the Ancient Ship gradually recovered from blood to bronze. , I couldn't help but spat out one mouthful of impure air in my mouth, and my eyes were full of shock and awe.

I didn't expect that this unintentional move would lead to such a thrilling scene. (To be continued.)

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