Martial Tomb

Chapter 121

Martial Tomb Chapter 121


Purple Glow Divine Art: Huashan sect protecting **, the blood sea realm high grade **, can absorb the Qi of Zixia, in the blood Condensed Zixia talisman in the sea, tempering bloodline Divine Force, suitable for most bloodline **, can absorb the purple Qi of Xuyue Dongsheng Xiaguang, bloodline Divine Force from tempering, extremely pure, very compatible with cloud-like bloodline, ** twice the results for half the effort, which can make Divine Ability burst into amazing formidable power.

Wu Mu watched mysterious ** on the stone tablet while walking.

Although it's just some introduction, you can also know that in these stone tablets, inheritance is the most exquisite martial arts in China for thousands of years, and it is another kind of ancient martial arts in China on the ancient continent. kind of presentation.

Along the way, there are a lot of things to see.

The essence of Chinese ancient martial arts is the method of **True Qi. And this also corresponds to the ** of the ancient continent Blood Sea Realm. Almost half of the essence of ancient martial arts in China is concentrated in this stage of the sea of blood.

All kinds of incredible **, one after another appear in front of you.

Even Wu Mu couldn't help but feel a heartbeat.

Even along the way, I saw the Martial Arts inheritance monument of the blood sea realm emperor rank with my own eyes, that sect emperor rank, called "Innate Merit". In the blood sea realm, it is even more up to the level of the emperor. The most important thing is that this **** is also the Supreme ** without any bloodline surname.

If it is released, the countless cultivators on the ancient continent will rush for it.

More valuable than those specially requested **.

However, with only three chances, Wu Mu didn't dare to make up his mind easily. If it is wasted once, Wu Mu is not sure, and will wait until the future to find an emperor-level ** from the ancient continent in exchange for the possibility of obtaining the emperor-level ** in the arsenal again.

At a moderate pace, scooted back and forth among the Martial Arts inheritance monuments.

I don't know how long it has passed, but suddenly, the ancient seal on a stone tablet came into view, which made Wu Mu's footsteps pause on the spot, and quickly looked over.

I saw an ancient seal on the stone tablet: "Ice Heart Art", special **, no product, with a unique rhythm, with a unique Visualization Technique, recite Ice Heart Art, tick Move the rhythm of Heaven and Earth, condense the ancient scripture of Bingxin, which can protect the mind, keep one's mind calm, keep the same mind, suppress Heart Demon, **Great Accomplishment, can condense Divine Ability talisman, and turn it into bloodline Divine Ability.

This article is very strange, it's not a ****, nor is it a battle skill. Instead, it is directly classified into the scope of special **,** to the extreme, and can even be derived into bloodline Divine Ability.

"Ice Heart Art, it really is Ice Heart Art."

Wu Mu saw that it was eyes shined, and there was endless joy in his heart, under the advice of the cook , It suddenly occurred to me that in China, there is a unique medicine, which may be comparable to Ice Heart Grass and achieve the same effect. That's Ice Heart Art.

In ancient China, there was a Martial World Aristocratic Family, which was the Nie Family. The bloodline of the Nie Family was born with a unique surname of a madman. To a certain extent, there will inevitably be a mind falling into the demonic. The danger of the path leads to madness in the end. However, the ancestors of the Nie Family also had great wisdom and perseverance, and even in madness, they created a mysterious novel called "Ice Heart Art". In fact, it is said to be * *, in fact, it can be said to be a peculiar ancient scripture.

It's just that this ancient scripture must be performed with a unique rhythm method and even Visualization Technique before it can truly exert its magical power.

Nie Family, relying on Ice Heart Art, finally suppressed the blood of the madman in the body.

Nie Family also has a problem with bloodline, and he is also suffering from bloodline conspiracy. It can be said that Nie Family can suppress the blood of the madman with Ice Heart Art, but he can't suppress it with Ice Heart ancient scripture. The erosion of the Blood Burning Curse.

It is precisely because of this thought that Wu Mu can't wait to enter the arsenal and look for Ice Heart Art.

"Whether you can suppress the Blood Burning Curse is up to you."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, and a firm look appeared in his eyes.

With certainty in mind, without hesitation, he quickly stepped forward, reached out and moved towards the stone tablet and pressed it.


As soon as the hand pressed on the stone tablet, immediately, a layer of rich dive light burst out from the stone tablet, completely wrapping Wu Mu in the dive light, at the same time, one The message of after another mysterious was continuously poured into my mind at an incredible speed. At the same time, the stone tablet conveyed the sound of chanting one after another mysterious.

"The heart is as clear as ice, the sky is not shaken, the changes are still stable, and the spirit is calm. Forget oneself and keep one, the six senses are calm. Take precautions to nourish the qi, selfless and inaction. Look up and down, look dependent on each other. Entrance, subduing thoughts..."

Sentences of **, with unique rhythm, are continuously transmitted to Wu Mu's mind, in the sound of chanting. Wu Mu only felt that the irritability in his heart, even the worry about the blood curse, the current situation, etc., all disappeared like a tide. An unspeakable coldness emerges out of thin air in the mind and spreads to all parts of the body.

Appears to be washing the whole body, and this washing is from all aspects of Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

In the blink of an eye, all the distracting thoughts were completely dissipated in the ancient scripture and turned into nothing. A trace of coldness, constantly shuttled in the flesh and blood around the body, makes people feel that the body is transparent, like stain-free glass.

Whoosh! !

I don't know how long it took, but the dive light emanating from the stone tablet disappeared strangely, and the sound of chanting in my ears also disappeared. Wu Mu didn't know when the closed eyes slowly disappeared. When he opened it, in his eyes, there was no hostility from the previous fight, but an incomparably clear and pure gaze appeared, as if it was a child who had just been born.

"A good Ice Heart Art, really mysterious, it can silently suppress the baleful aura accumulated in my body after killing again and again, and cleanse my soul. In the sound of chanting, it can even It attracts a strange cold air from one after another and melts into the flesh and blood, which must have a huge effect on suppressing the blood burning spell."

A look of surprise appeared in Wu Mu's eyes, as long as he could If you suppress the blood curse, there will be enough time to find a way to derive a solution.

"I'm going after the victory, since I already got Ice Heart Art, then I'll just get the other two pieces together." Wu Mu was overjoyed, but did not quit the arsenal immediately, but continued to start Look for other Martial Arts inheritances.

Time passed quietly.

On Skull Island, although it is not big, it is definitely not small. On an island, the number of people living on it is no less than hundreds of thousands. Most of these slaves are people who were taken captive to Skull Island before. After redeeming their lives, they married wives and had children on the island, and they reproduced offspring. They were willing to be slaves, work on the island, support themselves, and earn money. withdraw money.

In addition, on the island, a large number of people were taken captive.

Among these people, there are many powerhouses and experts. It is not incapacity to redeem oneself for oneself. As long as you have the ability, you can get all kinds of valuable things on the island, sell them, you can get money and redeem yourself. This is the opportunity given by Skull Island. In addition, there are skeleton thieves who will also sell the spills of war that they have plundered outside.

Transform money.

This also makes a square market naturally appear on Skull Island.

However, due to various reasons, there are no people in this market during the day, but many people at night. Therefore, this market is also called a night market, a ghost market.

This night market is located in a valley on Skull Island.

At the entrance of the valley, there is an archway standing, on the archway, there are two green lanterns hanging. It emits faint rays of light, illuminating the road ahead. But it brought out the slightest gloomy atmosphere. .

But under the archway, there is one after another silhouette constantly passing by, coming and going.

There are males and females.

However, most of them are men.

Some men and women go in and out, not with their own appearance, but with a cloak, a veil to cover their appearance. Obviously, they do not want people to know their appearance and identity. So as not to cause any unnecessary disputes.

"This is the night market!!"

Under the archway, Wu Mu in Tsing Yi stood quietly, raised his eyes looking towards the archway, and his eyes could not help revealing. A look of anticipation.

Participated in an auction at the Five Party Auction House at Dragon Gate Town. This is the first time I have participated in such a private night market. Say no. In this kind of night market, if you have the chance, you can also get amazing harvests. After all, the night market relies not only on its own money and wealth, but also on its own eyesight.

If your eyesight is proven, you can find real treasures in ordinary items.

This is just like in the Antique Street in the previous life, there are fakes everywhere, but there are also hidden pearls, it depends on whether you have eyesight.

Took a deep breath, Wu Mu did not hesitate, and immediately walked into this valley, without covering his appearance like most people, in his case, these It's not necessary at all.

Stepping into the valley, the scene inside immediately surprised Wu Mu.

I saw that in the valley, the first thing that caught my eye was the bright or dark lantern. Beneath the lanterns, there are simple street stalls everywhere. There are various items on the stalls. all kinds of strange things, almost everything.

However, everyone here seems to be silently abiding by some invisible rules.

Those shippers are sitting under the lanterns, not saying a word, even if guests come and talk to each other, they try to keep their voices down, down, down again.

Even standing in the vicinity, it is difficult to hear the conversation between them.

It is also quite covert when it comes to completing transactions.

It looks like a ghost is trading with each other. It's not just in name only, but also in reality.

In this night market, the transaction efficiency is extremely fast, and one after another silhouette leaves after completing the transaction. It makes the night market seem a little unending, and it is very strange.

"Let's see if we can find the most famous book of the Blood Sea Realm in this night market."

After Wu Mu stepped in, after getting used to it a little, he started without hesitation. moved towards the stall not far away and walked over. (To be continued.)

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