Martial Tomb

Chapter 116

Martial Tomb Chapter 116


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"According to Little Fatty and what I have experienced before, the most terrifying thing about this blood burning spell is that once it occurs, the blood in the body will start to burn, turn into flames, and burn itself."

"In this case, blood is equivalent to oil, and the Blood Burning Charm is a fire star that ignites oil. Once touched, an amazing formidable power will erupt. If it can't be blocked, the blood will follow the lead. Just like burning oil, it burns completely and turns to nothing. The only thing that can sustain life is to keep the supply of one's own blood. Continuously replenished."

"But....this is Refueling tactics, sooner or later, will hollow out my heritage, struggling on whilst at death's door. Not advisable!!"

With Wu Mu's wisdom, the terrifying of the blood burning spell, along the way, It has been extremely clear that the act of waiting for the blood curse to erupt is absolutely unacceptable.

That's just struggling on whilst at death's door.

"In order to solve the Blood Burning Curse, we must start with blood. However, in order to cultivate blood, we must reach the sea of blood, and then the tempering and transformation of blood can begin. It is possible to find a solution to the Blood Burning Curse from the transformation of blood."

Wu Mu's mind quickly ran through various thoughts.

Continuously burst out the sparks of wisdom.

"The Blood Sea Realm is the key to Martial Arts that opens up the Blood Sea and finally condenses the Blood Sea Divine Force. Although I don't know how the Blood Sea Realm can be opened up and broken through, the Blood Sea Realm is the key to the Martial Arts. Importantly, it should be similar to the Qi Sea dantian in the previous life, that is to say, the Inner Strength cultivation technique in the previous life can cultivate the sea of blood and cultivate the bloodline Divine Force.”

“If the bloodline Divine Force is regarded as The Inner Strength, True Qi, and the blood burning spell of the previous life are just like the alien True Qi in the True Qi, such as the ice, the flame-type alien True Qi, entrenched in the body. It restrains its own path of cultivation.”

Wu Mu recalled that in an unofficial history of rivers and lakes in his previous life, there was a passage: Zhang Wuji, who was caught in the Profound Abyss Divine Palm when he was young, and the cold air of the Profound Abyss Divine Palm invaded his body, which made him no magic cultivator since childhood. Cultivation of martial arts Inner Strength True Qi, once cultivation, it will collide with the cold in the body, and eventually the pain will be unbearable, even the meridians broke apart. Only with the cultivation technique True Qi, can we dissolve the cold in the body and set foot on the Marital Arts Path.

In this way, the blood burning spell in the body can be used as a kind of alien True Qi-like existence. As long as the right method is found, it can be completely resolved.

"There are many cultivation techniques that can defuse the alien True Qi in the past life, which can be used as cultivation techniques for your own cultivation of the bloody sea. If you can integrate those cultivation techniques into my "Azure Lotus Canon" In the middle of the book, creating a sea of blood!! That may not be able to completely solve the blood-burning curse once and for all."

Wu Mu is familiar with various martial arts books in China, although he does not know the content of them, but probably The special surname is almost all known.

There are not a few things that can be done in the Chinese cultivation technique, such as: "Great Profound Scripture", "Purple Glow Divine Art", "Sucking Stars**" ", "Darknorth Divine Art", "Three Parts Return to Essence Qi", etc., each of them has a powerful ability to resolve the cultivation technique of different species, and some cultivation techniques for surnames, which are even more powerful.

As soon as his thoughts opened, Wu Mu's mind flooded with inspiration like a tidal wave, and almost every moment, sparks of wisdom were constantly flashing.

If you can have the ability to dissolve alien powers in the blood sea realm cultivation technique of your own cultivation, as you think, then the blood burning spell may not be able to swallow and dissolve, or even expel it.

"I need to get an ancient book on the ancient continent about the breakthrough experience in the blood sea, and even the blood sea cultivation technique books, so that I can accurately deduce the complete blood sea cultivation. technique."

Wu Mu pondered to himself, he wanted to use the real blood sea cultivation technique in the ancient continent as a reference, so that he could better derive his own blood sea cultivation technique.

"I have broken through to the realm of the five internal organs, tempering has reached Perfection, and I have three opportunities to enter the arsenal to select cultivation techniques. That is to say, I can only have the opportunity to take advantage of the three cultivation techniques of Huaxia. If you want to make the cultivation technique more perfect, you must start to collect other cultivation techniques in the sea of blood, which belong to the cultivation technique of the sea of blood in the ancient continent. It is even a higher-level cultivation technique of enlightenment.”

Wu Mu Secretly pondering.

There are only three opportunities to enter the arsenal of ancient lamps, which is too few. However, fortunately, the rule in the arsenal is that you can exchange the cultivation technique from the outside in exchange for the qualification of entering the arsenal and continue to select the cultivation technique. Chance.

After finding the cultivation technique, you can first memorize it by yourself, and after writing it down, send it to the arsenal, and then exchange the Chinese ancient martial arts cultivation technique from the arsenal, which is equivalent to a cultivation technique. It can be turned into two cultivation techniques, which is a transaction that changes from one to two.

"I don't think much about it, I have to rest first. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. The blood essence in the ancient lantern is exhausted. Every crisis."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, and did not immediately enter the arsenal to choose the cultivation technique of the Blood Sea Realm, but chose....sleep! !

The series of fights, the painful torture of the blood curse, and the encounter on the Skull Island, everything, is a heavy pressure for Wu Mu.

No matter how tenacious his spirit is, he has only become a martial cultivator in just a few months. The depression of the mind is too great. Rest now is the most important thing.

Not long after, Wu Mu has gradually fallen into a deep sleep.

My whole mind, in a deep sleep, slowly began to recover.

While Wu Mu was sleeping soundly, in another mountain peak, Xiaoyue in tattered clothes also began to sleep soundly in a separate house, her little face was still sloppy, she didn't know what she was dreaming about, Even in deep sleep, he was curled up like an abandoned child, looking extremely helpless.

Dark night, quietly left on Skull Island.

Xuyue is rising in the east, and strands of golden rays of light continue to spread over the vast land everywhere. It landed on Skull Island, but it seemed to be blocked by some invisible force, and even the rays of light became strangely weak.

"9537, take your slaughtering tools and go to the slaughterhouse. Complete your task today."

As the sun just rose, Wu Mu's eyes opened instantly, The right hand subconsciously held the stone sword on the side, and in his ear, a loud voice immediately came out.

ka-cha! !

Wu Mu got up quickly, glanced at the stone sword in his hand, frowned slightly, took out a scabbard from the ancient lamp, put it on his back, and inserted the stone sword into the scabbard. middle. Make a hard sound.

Open the door.

It was dark in front of him, a tall and burly body, which blocked the light outside. At a glance, it was a burly man with a height of three meters, with muscles all over his body. Distributed on every inch of the body with perfect regularity, the skin is bronze and exudes an ancient scent.

On the face with clear water chestnuts, there is a simple and honest look, and the huge eyes are like copper bells, which is daunting and looks like is a Little Giant.

Bring out a huge oppression.

"Dare to ask if the big brother is..."

Seeing the Little Giant in front of him, even Wu Mu, couldn't help but feel suffocated by his breath. Asked openly.

"9537, you can call me Bronze Furnace. Now you can go to see the butcher with me. The butcher will arrange work for you." Bronze Furnace grinned, that big mouth is really a bloody The mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, with snow-white teeth and cold light flashing, is daunting. Moreover, there is also a strong bloody air on his body. It is in stark contrast to the simplicity and honesty of its surface.

"many thanks, Brother Tonglu."

Wu Mu said with a condensed expression, "I'm ready, so I can go to the slaughterhouse."

"Follow me!!"

Bronze Furnace did not hesitate, turned around, took a step, and then walked towards a huge compound on the mountain. Each step, stepping on the ground, makes the ground make a dull sound, as if the earth is shaking. This is in the footsteps of giants.

Wu Mu looked at the huge back of the copper furnace and secretly suspected it.

Is there a giant bloodline in the copper furnace.

He was traveling fast on the mountain, and after a while, he came to an incomparable gigantic courtyard. That courtyard is far more lively and huge than the place where he lived before.

At the gate, huge iron cages were constantly being sent into the compound.

In the iron cage, there are fierce ominous beasts. Chills. These are not ordinary ominous beasts, they are all ominous beasts with murderous surnames.

As he stepped into the compound, Wu Mu's eyes were completely attracted by a back figure almost instantly.

This back is extremely fat, and it looks like a two-meter tall Big Fatty, covered with lustrous fat, shiny, bare-chested, carrying An unremarkable Pig Slaughtering Blade, standing on a huge desk.

On the desk in front of him, there is an incomparable gigantic tin rhinoceros with sharp horns on its head. Boundaries, the pressure of qi and blood all over the body, all brought out the feeling of suffocation in the air all around.

A thick white gas, one after another, was continuously exhaled from the nose of this tin rhino.

It is alive.

But motionless stood strangely on the desk, like a sculpture, motionless. Exudes a slight illusion of disobedience.


With the sound of a crisp knife, I saw that the Pig Slaughtering Blade in Big Fatty's hand was directly inserted into the mouth of the rhino, and then pushed and pulled, the Tick the Bone Blade and swipe across the rhino like a stream of water. In a blink of an eye, a complete rhino skin peeled off from the rhino without a trace of flesh.

Following, is a piece of flesh and blood.

Separated from the rhino without any excess from each piece of flesh. Meat is meat and tendons are tendons. In a few breaths, I immediately saw the original complete rhino. It is quickly broken down into chunks of the same size.

The original fleshy rhino.

All that was left was a snow-white skeleton still standing on the desk.

There is no trace of flesh on the skeleton.

During the dissection, the rhino did not let out a shriek of pain or resistance. (To be continued.)

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