Martial Tomb

Chapter 115

Martial Tomb Chapter 115


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Of course, the price of a thousand bronze coins is enough to make most of the captives unable to hope to redeem their lives on the island. The only outcome is to continue to work for Skull Island, doing all kinds of hard and tiring work. Work, live every day like an Old Huang ox ploughing the land, until it dies.

Have been serving and doing things for Skull Island all my life. Give your all! !

After death, it will naturally turn into one of the bones on Skull Island, or throw it directly into the Undead Lake and become the skeleton at the bottom of the lake. die without a burial site.

Another option is to choose to become a skeleton thief.

However, it must have its own cultivation Martial Arts, and, having stepped into the level of Shedding Mortality Realm, it must also be a martial cultivator with certain strength in Shedding Mortality Realm. Once you become a skeleton thief, you will be forever It's a skeleton thief who can never get away. Among the skeleton thieves, there has never been a successful escape.

It is said that skeleton thieves are no ordinary thieves. Once you join, you're cursed with some kind of terrifying.

This curse will never escape.

As for what the curse is, unless it is the skeleton thief himself, no one will know, just know that as long as you become a skeleton thief, you will never get out of it. It seems that this is an invisible in itself. curse.

a prisoners, sent to the island one after another.

Wu Mu, led by a servant, arrived on a small mountain not long after.

This mountain is naturally incomparable to the huge mountain in the middle of the island. It is only a few dozen zhang highs, but above it, there are courtyards standing.

A large number of men kept lifting huge cages from the outside. In these cages, there were ominous beasts with ferocious heads. They were all alive, roaring furiously from time to time. Hit the iron cage. But I don't know what the iron cage was made of, no matter how the ominous beast collided, it was always as hard as ever.

Cannot be easily destroyed.

roar! roar! roar!

The ominous beast eye shows the ominous light, making a thunderous roar, which seems to deter the crowd all around. The breath exuding from the body actually has an ordinary rank ominous beast and a soldier rank ominous beast. The breath is extremely terrifying. It was continuously transported to a huge compound.

On this mountain, almost every man looks extremely fierce.

The bare chest, the strong muscles, the oily shine on the body, and the killing intent that cannot be concealed from time to time.

The servant sent Wu Mu to the foot of the mountain, and seeing a burly man above, the complexion changed and became a little pale, and he quickly said: "Okay, Brother Wu, this mountain belongs to the cooking house. The location is called Slaughter Peak. Those who can survive here are not good people. Be careful, go inside, report to Manager Liu, and pick up your accommodation. In the future, you will be a member of Skull Island. Remember, your The name is 9537, and this is your lifetime code name on Skull Island."

Wu Mu's eyes narrowed, every man on the mountain had an amazing breath of baleful aura and bloody air. That kind of bloody air breath, even with more hot water, can't be cleaned.

Only a large number of killings can cultivate such an amazing killing intent.

"Many thanks to Brother Li for taking care of me all the way, let me know a little bit about Skull Island, these worthless things are treated as gifts for Brother Li to play with."

Wu Mu looked at the servant, nodded, and suddenly, a dozen black iron coins fell into the opponent's hands. The surnamed Li man quickly collected the coins, not knowing where to hide them.

Obviously, also a veteran.

"I advise you that on Skull Island, except for the skeleton thief, the Slaughter Peak is the most perverted. The one who emerges from the Slaughter Peak is the only person on the island who is not afraid of the skeleton thief. The key is, You must survive on the Slaughter Peak. You must know that every time you are sent to the Slaughter Peak, it is very remarkable that one out of ten people can survive. Moreover, on the Slaughter Peak, the most important thing is three people, As long as you can be appreciated by those three people, it's hard to die."

After finishing speaking, the servant of surnamed Li turned his head and left without stopping. Leaving dozens of feet away, he didn't look back, as if he was afraid of Wu Mu's further questions.

"Pay attention to three people?"

Wu Mu faintly smelled an unusual charm in that last sentence.

This Slaughter Peak really has a mystery.

Concentrated in his heart, Wu Mu took a deep breath without hesitation, then stepped onto the Slaughter Peak, followed the stairs step by step, and moved towards the compound.

"Another one, I don't know if I can survive."

"The body is strong, but I don't know if it's an embroidered pillow, it can't hold up, it's all waste. "

"Stable breath, Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, maybe it can hold up, this kid, I'm optimistic."

When Wu Mu walked into the compound, he met along the way. There are not many people, there are only a few, each of them is covered in baleful aura, blood energy is skyrocketing, and there is a trace of blood in the eyes of people looking at people, and a kind of power from Life Level. The pressure is passed from them without reservation.

Wu Mu could clearly feel a pressure in the air as he walked past them.

Blood Sea Realm! !

Anyone on this mountain is a martial cultivator of the Blood Sea Realm. That kind of suppression from Life Level is absolutely not wrong.

In just a few steps, Wu Mu already had a general understanding of the Slaughter Peak.

Stepping into the courtyard, the courtyard is not lively, not like the courtyard on the other side where the ominous beast is imprisoned, people coming, people going, it can even be said to be deserted.

There is nothing else in the compound, just houses and a deep well in the courtyard. Then there is the wide square. In the square, there are wooden piles and other items used to temper the battle skill. This is not an ordinary square, but a Martial Practice Stage.

"Hey, new here, come pick up your things, and then choose a room in the courtyard to live in. Take a day off, and someone will take you to where you should go tomorrow morning."


Squeak! !

Just as Wu Mu was looking at the courtyard, suddenly, a word that seemed to be careless, accompanied by a strange noise, entered Wu Mu's ears. Following the sound, he saw that, on the east side of the courtyard, There is a grape trellis, on the trellis, covered with emerald green grape vines, a bunch of attractive purple grapes radiate a gorgeous streamer.

Under the grape trellis, there is a rocking chair made of bamboo. An old man in a gray robe is lying on the bamboo chair with his eyes closed. Following the customary surname of the bamboo chair, one gets up.

It swayed and made a crisp sound. Holding a palm-leaf fan in his hand, he fanned it a few times. Looking at the expression, it is like falling asleep.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no other people in the courtyard at the moment, Wu Mu would also doubt whether what he just said was what he said.

"Dare to ask Old Senior your surname."

Wu Mu took a deep breath and walked forward slowly.

You can still see one or two points of depth in others, but the old man in front of him only feels like an ordinary person, but now, this will definitely not be an ordinary person.

The ordinary person didn't even notice it before he made a sound.

How is this possible! !

Obviously, this old man is not simple, not ordinary.

Could this be one of the three people who need attention on the Slaughter Peak?

Wu Mu's mind quickly turned his thoughts.

"hehe, new here, I'm not qualified to know the name of the old man, you smell blood, but it's not strong enough, go to the butcher to hone and see if you can become a I slaughtered the people of the peak. If there is still life, I will know the name of the old man." The old man kept his eyes closed, and seemed to have no interest in seeing Wu Mu. He opened his mouth and uttered an impatient word.

When! !

Speaking and waving. A rag bag fell on the ground, not knowing what was in it, it landed on the ground and made a clear and heavy sound.

"Boy, take your things, find a room first, and go to the butcher in the morning."

Squeak! Squeak! !

Speaking, each minding their own business swings the bamboo chair, making a rhythmic sound.

"Thanks Senior."

Wu Mu didn't say much, took a deep look at the old man, picked up the rag bag in front of him, and then walked towards the nearby courtyard Go, not long after, I have already selected an unmanned house, walked in, there are simple quilt beds and so on. There are no other items. Extremely shabby.

Open the bag.

In it, there is nothing else, just a stone sword that looks like it is made of stone. This stone sword is not a heavy type. The swords are exactly the same. There are also sword edges on both sides. The sword edge and ordinary war swords are also impossible to compare, as if there is no opening.

Is this a stone sword, or a stone sword that looks like it might break at any time.

"This stone sword...."

Wu Mu looked at the stone sword in the cloth bag, and vaguely had a bad thought in his heart. This is the slaughtering peak, then Director Zhao sent himself here, talking about the work of slaughtering, don't you want to use this stone sword to slaughter the ominous beast?

Hold up the stone sword, let alone the weight of this stone sword is not light, it weighs hundreds of kilograms. If Wu Mu has already built the Nine Power of Dragon, the power is strong, Even if it is slammed down with one punch, if the hill will collapse on the spot, even if the stone sword can be lifted, it may not be able to dance.

When! !

Putting the stone sword aside and sitting on the bed, Wu Mu's mind quickly moved. For the hidden danger of his own blood curse, he started to think again.

The Marital Arts Path is almost restrained by the blood curse.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that this is a blood burning spell. Every time it occurs, it burns its own blood, even Bloodline Power. The Life Origin Spring of man lies in blood, and blood is the endless vitality in the body.

Blood is the root.

It's Source of Life! !

If the bloodline is burnt to nothing, it is the time when the lamp runs out and the body perishes. This is a sharp sword that hangs overhead and can fall at any time. (To be continued.)

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