Martial Tomb

Chapter 117

Martial Tomb Chapter 117


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In an instant, it changed from a living tin rhino to a steaming skeleton.

After Wu Mu saw it, his pupils shrank violently almost on the spot, and his whole body seemed to be stabbed by a sharp sharp knife. , was decomposed alive by a knife, turned into a cold skeleton, the feeling almost touched death.

“Paoding Jie Niu!!”

Wu Mu sucked in a breath of cold air, and involuntarily murmured in his mouth.

He just saw with his own eyes that the tick Bone Blade in Big Fatty's hand fell into the body of the iron rhino, and the blade never left the rhino, it was just a knife. , the whole iron-skin rhinoceros was dissolved alive into a skeleton, and it was still an ice-cold skeleton without even a trace of shredded meat.

What a terrifying knife work, what a terrifying Blade Technique.

After the dissection, the tin rhino didn't even have time to react, and was completely dismembered. When he became conscious, he was already dead. This is an ominous beast of a soldier's rank, which makes people feel the terrifying and terror even more.

This kind of knife craftsmanship is really amazing, amazing craftsmanship! !

Big Fatty's silhouette, in Wu Mu's eyes, instantly became huge.


Big Fatty backhanded, inserted the Tick Bone Blade into his waist, turned around, waved all around, and said, "Hurry up, give these beef and tendons to Lao Tzu to the cook. Go there and cook a snack for me as soon as possible. The beef contains the freshest blood, so it must be cooked hot to make the highest-level herbal meal. Tell the cook, I want beef tendon and spicy noodles, Melaleuca steak. When it's done, bring it back to Lao Tzu."

There was a fiery aura in that voice.

"Yes! Yes!!"

Immediately, a servant quickly took the pieces of beef and tendons off the table, turned around and left. On the desk, it was transported in a blink of an eye.

Wu Mu also saw his face for the first time when he turned around.

A fat middle-aged fat face, with a hideous scar on his forehead, while speaking, this scar is constantly wriggling like centipede, which makes people look extremely shocked and full of face In the oily light, a ferocious baleful aura was revealed, and that aura was almost identical to those of the butchers Wu Mu had seen before.

It's just that compared to the fatty in front of the butcher in the past, it was like a small butcher meeting a big butcher. simply does not have any comparable last names. The fatty in front of me, if seen by a child, can stop the child from crying.

"Butcher, 9537 has been brought."

The copper furnace brought Wu Mu to the Big Fatty, said in a low, muffled voice.

That Big Fatty, no, it should be said that the butcher heard it, raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Mu, a hint of said with a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Boy, I don't care what your name was before, you are now 's name is 9537. If you want to call another name, then you should be here first. Live, the weak, you have no right to tell others your name. If you live and redeem yourself on this island, you will tell Lao Tzu's name. Now Even if you say it, I'm not interested in knowing. Powerhouse has the right to be remembered by me."

The butcher said with a smile.

On the face, the scar is constantly twisting and squirming, bringing out a horrible baleful aura.

Wu Mu's heart froze even more. In his eyes, he seemed to vaguely see a sea of corpses and a sea of blood.

"Yes, 9537 is here to stand by!!"

Wu Mu also felt an inexplicable aura from the butcher's words. Saying his name, indeed, a weak person, simply has no qualifications, nor any right to let others remember his name.

The weak means death.

People who are going to die at any time, why bother to remember a meaningless name. That's the most boring thing. Only powerhouse can keep its name alive.

"Very good, it's very good to be able to recognize yourself so quickly, this surname may have a chance for me to know my name. However, that is to be said on the basis of your survival, now , take me to the slaughterhouse, slaughter three mortal grade Grade 5 ominous beasts, in the slaughterhouse, you either slaughter the ominous beast, or be absorbed and slaughtered. How, you choose, now.... slaughter go."

The butcher looked at Wu Mu, nodded, waved his hand, and said categorically.

As if Wu Mu didn't care about going to the slaughterhouse.

It's a small thing.

As he said, the weak are not qualified to remember their names. They don't even need to remember their names, so how can they care about life and death.

"Slaughter and be slaughtered?"

Wu Mu took a deep breath, a cold baleful aura flashed in his eyes, coldly said: "I believe, I was slaughtered That side, not the slaughtered one."

As soon as he finished speaking, he followed the instructions and saw a huge compound not far away, and above it, there was a slaughterhouse. , three bloody ancient characters.

"This kid, it's interesting."

The butcher licked his lips, narrowed his eyes, looked at the back of Wu Mu heading to the slaughterhouse, said with a smile.


Wu Mu walked into the slaughterhouse.

I thought that when I walked in, I would see a lot of ominous beasts trapped in the cage, but as soon as I stepped in the door, the rays of light flashed in front of my eyes, silently, unexpectedly. Strangely appeared in a Colosseum.

This Colosseum is huge, about the size of a hundred zhang in a radius.

In addition, the space is huge. All around, there is a strange Copper Wall Iron Bastion, blocking every area, and only a few small windows can let the wind through. This is a sealed Colosseum.

"This is not in the slaughterhouse, could it be in a Divine Weapon?"

Wu Mu's mind changed, and a thought quickly flashed in his mind, here is the same as before. The slaughterhouse that he saw had no resemblance at all, and he guessed that outside, it might just be a cover-up.

Howl! !

Almost the moment Wu Mu stepped into the Colosseum, a bloody roar instantly entered his ears, followed, immediately, behind him, a gust of evil wind swept like a tide. moved towards The back fiercely broke down.


Wu Mu didn't even think about it, and in a flash, the stone sword behind him burst out with a crisp sound, and with a twist of his wrist, a domineering sword moved towards his back. Chop down.

When! !

With a heavy rumbling sound, Wu Mu could only feel a powerful force from his hand hitting the stone sword. It is comparable to that of Dragon, and under the slash of the stone sword, it is impossible to advance an inch. It even blew it out to the outside world.

oh la la! !

But at this moment, a sharp edge ripped through the back like lightning, ripped through the clothes, cut on the back, and split the back, but the back On the top, the mysterious texture of one after another azure appeared in an instant, bursting with astonishing power, resisting the edge and collapsing out.

As Wu Mu turned around, he saw at a glance that the one who attacked and killed behind him was a golden eagle covered in golden light. The golden eagle's two sharp eyes were like sharp arrows. , want to pierce and tear it completely. The sword just now collided with the pair of sharp claws under the golden eagle, and the pair of wings were cut on the back like blades.

It's a pity that Wu Mu's physique has already been tempered to the extreme, so powerful that even an ominous beast can't match it. It can be said that Wu Mu itself is a humanoid ominous beast.

"Courting death, kill!!"

Wu Mu raised his brows, his face was baleful aura like blood, his black hair danced wildly at the back of his head, coldly shouted in his mouth, and rushed forward He took a few steps one after another, and between his arms, the stone sword in his hand slammed into the golden eagle's chest.


With this sword swing, if one after another Dragon's roar is continuously transmitted out of the body, the power of one after another continuously flows from the skin, tendons, skeleton, and internal organs, swarming and pouring into it. In the arm, with the vibration of the arm, it completely erupted from the stone sword. This sword was the moment when the golden eagle was smashed out by Wu Mu and hadn't stopped in midair.

Facing this sword, it was too late to even dodge, the stone sword had already appeared fiercely in the belly of the golden eagle.

Howl! !

The golden eagle is also fierce, with a sharp scream from its mouth, and its two wings are like two sharp golden blades, raised high, shooting out dazzling golden light, drawing a forest in the midair. The cold cold glow, at an incredible speed, slashed heavily on Wu Mu's shoulders almost at the same time.

When! !

Wu Mu's body has already been tempered to the extreme, even if it's wings are sharp again, it falls on the shoulders, almost on the spot, the dense azure texture of one after another emerges on the shoulders again, the burst of power, The pair of golden wings bounced back again.


The quaint stone sword, although it cannot be compared with other swords in terms of edge, but under the infusion of nine Power of Dragon, a sword burst out of the air and landed on the belly of the golden eagle. Under the tremendous strength, forcibly broke through the defense, pierced the golden eagle with a straight sword, and pierced the entire body fiercely from the back.

The wrist was shaken, and the sword body emitted a strong concussion force. The golden eagle that was pierced, during this shock, the whole body was shaken, all split up and in pieces, and the flesh and blood flew.


Not waiting for Wu Mu to turn around from killing the golden eagle, only to hear angry roar, and then, a stench of strange wind swept in, and the eyes suddenly darkened, and the whole body was swept in, Rows of ferocious fangs flashed cold light, one up and down, two rows of sharp fangs.

Each tusk is half as tall.

Able to stand on it.

"What a huge ominous beast, I was swallowed into the mouth of the ominous beast."

A thought quickly flashed in Wu Mu's mind, he was afraid that he had already been swallowed by a huge ominous beast. The ominous beast was swallowed in the mouth, and when he looked up, he saw that the sharp fangs on the top of his head were falling fiercely.

Obviously, to be the prey on the spot, chew fiercely in the mouth, chew it into pieces, and chew it into minced meat. finally swallowed.

The kind of fierceness and fishy wind came almost from the front.

Wu Mu's baleful aura rolled in his heart, and a burst of anger surged in his chest on the spot, and he dared to swallow food on the spot into his mouth. (To be continued.)

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