Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3316: The strong come

Han Yu didn't look blindly, but stopped to think carefully.

"The second world is called the world of nothingness. Nothingness means nothing. Darkness can also represent nothingness."

"The test of Nine Heavens on the Cloud is a test of aptitude, potential and courage."

"The first level turns the world upside down and practices immortality; the second level, the world of nothingness, is immortality born out of nothing?"

"Making something out of nothing, that is creating a magic trick!"

Han Yu thought, he didn't know if he was right, but decided to try.

Self-made fairy skills, isn't this a test of qualifications and potential?

Han Yu rotates Xian Yuan and performs six reincarnation fists.


With a punch, the six vortexes smashed into the darkness.

Suddenly, from the place where the six reincarnation fists exploded, a beam of light came and shone on Han Yu.

Create something out of nothing, create your own magic.

In the dark, create light!


In the next moment, Han Yu disappeared in place, following the beam of light.

When Han Yu appeared again, he had already reached the third world, the evil world.

The eye is full of devastation, and the whole world is full of blood.

In the distance, a man with a fierce look like a demon tore another person's chest, grabbed his heart, and then chewed him alive.

Disgusting, evil.

The man ate his heart, his mouth full of blood, and suddenly turned to look at Han Yu, as if he had seen a new prey, screamed, and rushed towards Han Yu excitedly.

Although this is an evil world, it feels much more normal to Han Yu than the first inverted world and the second in emptiness.

What to do when facing evil?


Han Yu didn't hesitate and pounced on the man.


With a punch, the man burst into pieces under Han Yu's fist.

"Oh oh oh..."

At the same time, countless screams sounded, and countless evil people crawled out from all directions, like demons crawling out of hell, all with their fangs on, roaring towards Han Yu to kill.

Han Yu was not afraid, and the Heaven-Swallowing Sword appeared, turning into a sword light and rushing into the evil army.

Everyone in the evil army is the cultivation base of the fifth-grade golden fairyland, but no one can stand Han Yu's move.

Han Yu is going in and out among the evil army, like a tiger entering a flock, harvesting as much as he wants.

So soon, a beam of light fell from the sky and took Han Yu away.


The four geniuses who entered the Nine Heavens on the Cloud are all undergoing the test of the Nine Heavens on the Cloud.

And the outside Wendao Xianfu was also being tested.

This is the biggest test that Wendaoxian Mansion has faced since its establishment.

At this moment, outside the Wendao Immortal Mansion, there were already densely packed masters.

These masters come from all directions, from all corners of the world.

All are masters of masters, much stronger than the Alliance of the Rising Sun.

And when he asked the Immortal Mansion, there were not many people left.

Some people left early when they heard the wind, while others were forcibly sent away by Xianfu.

Everyone seems to realize that Wendao Xianfu is facing a moment of life and death.

"Dao is impermanent, you wouldn't have thought of today? The world will be righteous forever, and evil will eventually be exterminated!" Lei Qian still said in a deep voice.

In the previous war, the five forces suffered heavy losses, and the strongest Fenglei Pavilion was facing destruction.

Lei Qian still had plans to flee the east, but he did not expect the "righteous men" from all directions to come, and he decisively acted as the vanguard.

"Huh, justice? Evil? You are justice? We asked Dao that Immortal Mansion is evil? It's really a scourge of the world!" Dao impermanence is strong.

"You protect the descendants of the blood demon, and you are in the company of the descendants of the blood demon, dare you to be plausible?" A master stood up and scolded.

"Your Majesty Xiandi handed over the eastern part to the management of the Immortal Mansion. You don't want to serve your Majesty Longen, and you still harbor the descendants of the Gorefiend. You ask the Immortal Mansion, the traitor of the empire, the worm of the empire, and everyone in the world has it! "

"Cross the blood demon heirs, ask the senior officials of the Immortal Mansion to thank your Majesty the Immortal Emperor and the common people of the world, I can wait to open the Internet, and let the disciples of the Immortal Mansion leave. Otherwise, kill me!

The masters from all directions are like a rainbow and murderous.

One by one stood on the commanding heights of morality.

"I asked Dao that since the establishment of Xianfu, we have never forgotten our duty, conscientiously maintained the order in the east, and never done anything to apologize to your majesty the immortal emperor. The world is a lesson! My mansion’s disciple Hua Zhiyu, occasionally gets blood demon madness Dao, you have embarrassed me with her as the descendant of the Gorefiend. I asked the immortal palace, so I’m not afraid of laughing at future generations? You keep saying that Huazhiyu is a demon, and we are with demons? Then I would like to ask, has Huazhiyu ever been sorry for the world Things?" Dao's impermanence is neither humble nor overbearing, his voice is loud and powerful.

"It's you, for your own benefit, destroying the eastern pattern and setting off wars, you are the ones who are sorry for your Majesty the Emperor, and for the people of the world!" Dao Wuchang instructed Lei Qianzhen, Zhu Rongtian and others to scold.

Lei Qianzhen, Zhu Rongtian, etc. were reprimanded with blue and white faces.

"The blood demon was a disaster to the world, and it is intolerable for the world. In order to avoid the tragedy from happening again, the people related to the blood demon were killed in the cradle. What's wrong with this? Impermanence, I did not expect you to be such a person who does not know how to judge the situation. , Are you going to ruin the foundation of the immortal mansion for millions of years after a demon?"

Suddenly, a loud voice came from a distance, attracting everyone's eyes.

I saw the sky surging, and countless auspicious clouds were born out of thin air.

A white-clothed man walked into the air with his hands on his back. With every step he took, golden lotus flowers grew out of thin air under his feet, spreading out to form the Golden Lotus Avenue; the surrounding clouds turned into fairy birds and roared.

The auspicious clouds are falling like fairy rain. The ground below absorbs, the ground springs from the spiritual spring, and the fairy grass grows wildly.

It seemed that it was not a person who came here, but an extraordinary god.

Whether it was a person from Dao Xianfu or a master from all directions, they couldn't help but change their colors.


Many people exclaimed.

Only with the power of turning over the clouds and covering the hands for the rain, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, can there be such an extraordinary appearance.

Only with great power can the powerhouses of the Ninth-Rank Golden Wonderland feel unparalleled pressure.

Mighty, magical, omnipotent!

"Meet the power!"

Many people kneel to the ground involuntarily.

Even if they are the overlord of the dominant party, they are as small as ants in front of the mighty power.

After being shocked, Lei Qianzhen, Zhu Rongtian and others couldn't help being overjoyed.

Asked that Xianfu has a formation guard. Although they have many masters, it is not easy to break through.

But the power of turning the hand for the clouds and raining, and the smashing of the fingers of the mountain, can smooth the questioning fairy house without any effort.

Now that the power is coming, you can imagine the fate of Xianfu.

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