Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3317: Two guardians

The mighty stepped into the air, the momentum was earth-shaking, and the heroes bent their waists.

The guardians on the left and right glanced at each other, and there was a deep worry in their eyes.

Even with Tao impermanence, his face became serious, and he hummed: "Huang Yi, you are the Southern Power, and you came down to embarrass a younger generation by descending your status, so you are not afraid of the world's ridicule?"

The younger generation mentioned by Tao impermanence is naturally Hua Zhiyu.

Huang Yi said awe-inspiringly: "The blood demon descendants, everyone is punishable, so how can their status be said? Dao is impermanent, I advise you not to mistake yourself, obediently make the blood demon descendants!"

"The Tao is impermanent, and the power comes, you can catch it without holding your hands!"

"Otherwise, you will be able to snap your fingers, you ask, the fairy mansion will be wiped out!"

Many powerhouses scolded them, and Huang Yi's arrival made them even more powerful, without worrying about whether they would be able to break through Wendao Immortal Palace and kill the descendants of the Gorefiend.

"Palace Lord, I think it's better to hand over Huazhiyu, the world is united, and you must not violate it!" An elder looked at Tao impermanence and said with concern.

They were not afraid at all before the army was crushed.

Now that power has come, they instantly lose their confidence in resistance.

"Yes, Palace Lord, the trend is so irreversible!" Another elder spoke out and advised.

Dao Wuchang frowned, and he didn't expect that the people who asked Dao Xianfu would be confused. "Hmph, look at your unpromising appearances, I have to ask Dao Xianfu for your cultivation. Hua Zhiyu is my disciple of Dao Xianfu. Without my permission to ask Dao Xianfu, who dares to disadvantage her is to ask Dao Xian. The government is disrespectful!" Right protector

Indignation and passionate way.

The two elders bowed their heads because of the scolding, and they dared not speak.

Suddenly, the left and right guardians stepped forward, and the two of them were like Siamese babies, acting in a uniform manner.

"Southern Power, our eastern affairs, it's not your turn to take care of you!" Zuo Hufa scolded, suddenly soaring into the sky.

The breath of horror swept out, turbulent the world.

"Half a step?" Many people exclaimed.

Especially Lei Qian still and Zhu Rongtian, etc., suddenly panicked.

They didn't expect that Zuo Hufa was already a master of the half-step power level.

If it was the previous battle, Zuo Hufa would have taken action, maybe the five major forces would have been destroyed long ago?

The people of the five major forces could not help but quietly shed cold sweat on their foreheads. Now that they think about it, they are still afraid for a while.


Another breath swept out, shaking the earth.

"Half-step powerful, there is another half-step powerful?"

Everyone was stunned, but he didn't expect the right guardian to be a powerful half-step.

People from the five major forces trembled with fright.

The two are powerful in half a step, and who can be in the east?

And they, wishfully wishing to ask Dao Xianfu instead.

"I didn't expect to ask the two guardians of the Immortal Palace, they have already broken through the half step of the realm of power, which is really unexpected!"

The masters from all directions sighed.

There are two powerful half-steps sitting in town, coupled with the formation of Asking Xianfu, it is definitely not an easy task to break through. No wonder the army is overwhelmed, and Asking Xianfu is not afraid of it.

The people who asked Xianfu looked at the two high-ranking guardians, and they all trembled with excitement.

It was them, never expected that the two law protectors were already half-step powerful players.

"It deserves to be the patron saint of the immortal mansion we asked. There are two guardians who are here, and they are coming with great power. What are we afraid of?"

Asking the top and bottom of Xianfu, he was full of confidence and fighting spirit in an instant.

"Today, let us experience the power of the power!"

The left and right guardians separated instantly, forming an equilateral triangle with Huang Yi.

Suddenly, whether it was a master or opponent in the Immortal Mansion, they quickly retreated.

Whether it is powerful or half-step powerful, their spirit is not comparable to ordinary people.

Even those who are as strong as the Ninth-Rank Golden Wonderland are afraid of harming the pond fish.

Mighty, magical, omnipotent.

Although the half-step great power is not a great power yet, it already has part of the great power.

The degree of horror of the two half-step big can join forces is unimaginable.


The body of the left and right protectors shocked at the same time.

Suddenly, a terrible arrogance ignited on his body, shaking the surrounding void constantly, and cracks began to appear.

"It's worthy of a half-step great power. I feel that at this time, they are within a hundred miles of the Shura field. The powerhouses of the Ninth-Rank Golden Wonderland will have to peel off when they enter it."

"Half a step is powerful, invincible!"

Many of the powerhouses in the Ninth-Rank Golden Wonderland were all shivering.

If Huang Yi doesn't come, they might be moths fighting the fire and seeking their own way of death.

The left and right protectors quickly form seals, the wind and clouds change color, and the world throbs.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, they were filled with their terrifying aura, as if the **** of war came to the world, and every gesture could destroy the world.

With the printing of the left and right guardian seals, turbulence in the void, tearing through the sky.

When the two of them settled all the Yin Jue at the same time, suddenly heaven and earth banned it, and time and space seemed to freeze.

But then, an incomparable killing intent shocked the world.

Let the strong people far away have a kind of creepy feeling.

The Yin Jue is combined to absorb the spiritual power of all directions.

Soon, two horrible monsters appeared.

It's like a goshawk, but its mouth is like a sword.

The two giant beasts exuded a terrifying and explosive atmosphere, making the group of heroes frightened.

"Earth-level immortal bird king seal!"

An elder who asked Dao Xianfu exclaimed.

The seal of the bird king asks the treasure of the town of Immortal Mansion, the strongest immortal technique. As far as he knows, there is no one who has successfully cultivated in the Immortal Mansion.

Unexpectedly, the two guardians had cultivated.

Hearing this, the masters from all directions were frightened.

If you were to replace them with the lower-ranked immortals, I am afraid that the whole army would be wiped out with one move.

"Ask Dao Xianfu's two guardians are too strong, and they even used the low-grade immortal skills of the earth-level. I don't know if Huang Yi can resist it!"

Many masters became nervous.

Although the powerful means reach the sky, it is incomparable.

But the two half-step great abilities of Asking Immortal Mansion also showed terrifying methods.


The left and right guardians drank at the same time.

The two giant beasts then let out a terrifying cry.


The terrifying voice spread out, and it was shocked into the void.

Such a scene is almost like the end of the world, making people go to death.

Two giant beasts fluttered to Huang Yi.

The giant beast **** its wings, and its wings are like heavenly swords, easily splitting the void.

Where the two giant beasts passed, the void shattered, and the mountain below began to collapse continuously.

Lei Qianzhen and Zhu Rongtian trembled all over.

This is the power of half a step, one move can easily destroy a hundred miles of rivers and mountains.

Compared with the two protectors, they really feel like a scum.

The two behemoths are unmatched, and they kill Wushuang. Watching two giant beasts flying across the sky, the masters from all directions were afraid. The master who asked the fairy house was extremely excited, full of confidence and hope.

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