Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3315: Practice backwards

Turning the world upside down, everything is upside down, and even Han Yu feels that even time is upside down.

Here, he seems to be getting younger and younger.

For several days, Han Yu had nothing to gain, but he was not in a hurry.

On the evening of the seventh day, he finally found a foreign object.

An ancient temple upside down.

Along the way, Han Yu did not find any traces of human beings except for the falling mountains and the backflowing water. This ancient temple, which was inverted, instantly attracted Han Yu's attention.

Han Yu flew to the temple not far away and looked at the temple carefully.

This is an ancient temple exuding vicissitudes of life.

The door was closed tightly, and no breath of life could be felt.

Han Yu was sure there was no danger before approaching the ancient temple, opened the door and walked in.

Everything in it was upside down. The only stone monument in the ancient temple attracted Han Yu's attention.

The stone tablet is full of words, it is a fairy technique, a middle-grade fairy technique of the mysterious stage, named "Heaven and Earth Reverse Yin Jue".

On the back of the stele, some words are also engraved, which is a way to enter the second world.

"Finally found!" Han Yu couldn't help being overjoyed, but after reading the words on the stele, Han Yu's face went black.

The way to enter the second world is to practice the "Heaven and Earth Reverse Seal Art" backwards.

The "Heaven and Earth Reversal Seal Art" is a middle-rank Xianshu of the Profound Rank, and practicing backwards is undoubtedly burying a fraudulent bullet in the body, which may detonate at any time and be wiped out.

"Which way is this?" Han Yu was speechless.

Practicing the middle-rank Xianshu of the Profound Rank backwards is just looking for death. no doubt!

Han Yu naturally wouldn't die, leaving here to continue looking for a solution.

In the next half month, Han Yu never encountered anything of value.

"Could that be the test I encountered. If I can't pass that test, I won't be able to enter the second world?"

Han Yu was very depressed and returned to the ancient temple unwillingly.

From the introduction of Tao impermanence, it can be seen that the test of the nine heavens on the cloud varies from person to person and appears randomly.

In other words, practicing the "Heaven and Earth Reversal Seal Art" is a test set by the Nine Heavens on the Clouds for Han Yu. If Han Yu gives up, it is equivalent to a failure in the test and it is impossible to board the second world.

When he came to the ancient temple and looked at the upside-down stele, Han Yu had the urge to curse the sky.

Han Yu walked all the way from Ten Thousand Realms, how many dangers had he encountered? How many tests?

It is Infernal Affairs, Han Yu has to go through.

But this kind of backward cultivation of the middle-rank Xianshu of the Profound Rank really made him speechless.

This is equivalent to someone telling you that you will die if you do this. How many people dare to do this?

Han Yu walked around the stele a few times with his back on his back, suddenly gritted his teeth, sat cross-legged, and began to look backwards at the "Heaven and Earth Reverse Yin Jue".

After reading it again, it can be said to be shit.

Even if Han Yu wanted to practice, he couldn't start.

But since it is a test, there should be a way to cultivate.

Han Yu calmly studied the inverted "Heaven and Earth Reversal Seal Art" as a real fairy technique.

Not to mention, watching Han Yu actually realized some essence.

It seems that practicing the "Inverted Heaven and Earth Inverted Seal Art" is more powerful than practicing in an upright manner.

Han Yu discarded all distractions and studied carefully.

Gradually, Han Yu entered a strange state, involuntarily operating the immortal yuan, and began to practice the inverted "Heaven and Earth Reversal Yin Jue".

After going back and forth day and night, one day Han Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and two bright rays of light shot out in his eyes.

Han Yu stood up with a "huh", his hands began to knot the Yin Jue rhythmically. When the three hundred and sixty-two Yin Jue were formed, Han Yu shook his body suddenly and punched out the Yin Jue.

The Yin Jue flew down all around and broke into the ancient temple.


Suddenly, the mountain shook, and the ancient temple began to move and spin.

The old temple that was upside down turned into an old temple that was upright.

The "Heaven and Earth Reversal Yin Jue" has the power to reverse the universe.

"That's it, I was almost frightened!" Han Yu's face showed a suddenly realized expression.

The "Heaven and Earth Reversal Seal Art" is a very wonderful fairy technique, which can not only be practiced directly, but also upside down. And the power of backward cultivation far exceeds the power of positive cultivation.

This test can be said to be not dangerous. It is completely a test of a person's courage and comprehension.

Fortunately, Han Yu has enough courage and comprehension.

If you are an ordinary person, you will be directly eliminated here.

Huh huh!

Suddenly, a huge aperture appeared not far away, and the vortex within the aperture rotated, exuding tearing force.

Han Yu smiled faintly and stepped into the aperture.

As soon as he walked into the aperture, Han Yu felt a rush of stars. When he resumed his vision again, he had already left the ancient temple and appeared on a stone bridge.

The stone bridge is surrounded by clouds and mist, it is impossible to see what is there, and there is a black hole below it, which is not bottomless.

At both ends of the stone bridge, deep into the clouds, there is no end in sight.

"It's another difficult choice." Han Yu smiled bitterly, but he didn't expect that he had just passed a test, followed by another test.

Don't think that the two ends of this stone bridge lead to different worlds, one end must lead to the second world, and the other end is not known.

Han Yu looked at the stone bridge carefully and found clues on the stone bridge.

Taking the place where Han Yu is standing is the junction, the carved crane has eyeballs on one side, and the crane has no eyeballs on the other.

This subtle difference is really hard to find unless you look closely.

Han Yu fell into deep thought, thinking carefully.

The difference in this carving is definitely indicative.

With eyeballs, you can see, representing the light; without eyeballs, you can’t see, representing darkness.

Light and darkness are good choices, and Han Yu decisively chooses to step into the side that represents light.

After a long time, Han Yu walked to the end of the bridge, an aperture appeared at one end of the stone bridge, and Han Yu walked in without hesitation.

In the same way, this aperture is a transmission channel, and Han Yu entered into it, and instantly came to another world.

This is a world where you can't see your fingers, even people like Han Yu can't see things three meters away.

"Damn, play with me!"

Han Yu was speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, the side representing the light is dark.

In the dark world, Han Yu didn't know where to stand or where to go.

Han Yu distinguished the southeast and northwest and chose to head north.

Although Han Yu can create light to illuminate this dark world, he does not.

He doesn't know how big this world is, what dangers this world is, and blindly creating light is undoubtedly exposing himself first.

After walking for a while, Han Yu can roughly judge that he is walking on a square.

What surprised him was that there seemed to be more than one person in this square. Han Yu stopped and listened carefully, but he couldn't feel anything or hear anything.

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