Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2816: Two factions will test

After Wu Mozi left, he went directly into the closed chamber without leaving the door behind closed doors.

Han Yu knew that his words must have touched Wu Mozi.

This is a good thing for him. If Wu Mozi practiced in retreat, he would be more free. However, his retreat did not last for a few days. A disciple climbed onto Modao Mountain and told Han Yu that Liudaozong and Daohuangzong would hold an exchange meeting between disciples of the two factions, and the Liudaozong would This two faction test is very important, and I hope that all the Sixth Dao Department can send ginseng


Han Yu is Master Modaoshan, the only disciple of Modaoshan, who else can participate besides him?

Wu Mozi retreats without seeing anyone, so Han Yu can only agree.

Han Yu still remembered Yun Songyu's threat to him when he left Tingtao Tower last time. This time the other party would inevitably retaliate, but Han Yu was not afraid at all.

Soon it was the day of the test, and Han Yu came to the Shinto Mountain to join the other Dao system disciples.

Shendao Mountain is worthy of being one of the most prosperous Taoism of the Six Dao Sects. The palace on the mountain is magnificent and masters are like clouds. It is incomparable to the desolate appearance of Modao Mountain.

Han Yu is now a big celebrity in Six Dao Sect, and the name of Big Brother Mo Dao Shan is so loud that it has only become the focus of the field, and countless people point to him.

However, from the many discussions, there is more ridicule and disdain for Han Yu.

After all, among the inner sect disciples, the cultivation base of True God Peak is really too weak.

Even if Han Yu has already played the invincible name of the same realm, in this world where strength is respected, no one will tell you fairness.

Therefore, in the eyes of many inner disciples, Han Yu is still vulnerable.

"Liu Yi, although the two factions will try this time, there will also be competition between our Sixth Avenue System. I will return you with the profit at that time." Xu Huahui walked to Han Yu with a gloomy expression. , Secretly transmitted to Han Yu.

Obviously, he still had a grudge about what happened in Tingtao Tower that day.

Han Yu glanced at Xu Huahui coldly, ignored him, and cast his eyes on the rest of the people in the field.

The Six Dao Sects of the Six Dao Sects have sent people, and the total number has reached seventeen. The Mo Dao Mountain is the most lonely Dao system.

Among this group of people, Yun Songyu is faintly headed.

The two mentioned by Yun Songyu in Taolou in the past did not show up, which made Han Yu quite disappointed.

Yun Songyu felt Han Yu's gaze and turned his head to look blank.

Han Yu met his gaze without fear, and then calmly moved away.

"It's really overweight. Is he provoking Senior Brother Yun?"

"Do you really think you will be invincible if you defeat a few people? Stupid!"

Many people showed dissatisfaction with Han Yu.

Not long after, people from the Taoist Sect rushed over, causing a lot of commotion.

In addition to Wang Miao and Fang Yang who Han Yu had met in the past, the disciples of the Taoist Emperor Sect also had five people, and a total of seven people took part in this two faction test.

Although the number of the Six Dao Sect is dominant, the disciples of the Emperor Dao Sect are very calm. This time the two factions will try to communicate mainly, and it is temporary, so it is relatively free, and the outcome is not too important.

The elders of the two factions came to the stage and talked about some precautions, and then the disciples of the latter two factions who participated in the test boarded the chariot of the Six Dao Sect and went to the test site, the broken sky star field.

On the chariot, the disciples of the two sides sat together to talk about cultivating the Tao, and they talked happily.

Only Han Yu sat in a corner, meditating cross-legged, closing his eyes and resting.

No one cares about him, it should be said that everyone disdains to talk with someone at the pinnacle of the true god.

After driving for a certain distance, Fang Yang walked over and asked: "Brother Liu, everyone is talking about the experience of cultivation, and they are helpful to each other. Why don't you go over and listen?"

Han Yu opened his eyes and said faintly: "I don't seem to welcome me."

Fang Yang smiled slightly and said, "You are too sensitive, right."

Han Yu glanced at Fang Yang, then closed his eyes and continued to rest.

Fang Yang was not annoyed, but sat cross-legged and sat opposite Han Yu.

The disciples of the two major sects looked in their eyes, and some people showed deep discomfort and badness.

Fang Yang not only has a stunning appearance, but also has a not-so-weak aptitude. He is also a disciple of Taoist Emperor Daoguo Xiangu. Many disciples of Dao Emperor and Liudaozong have been enamoured for a long time.

In particular, some pretentious disciples of the Six Dao Sects have already begun to make small calculations, waiting to get close to Fang Yang on the test of the two factions.

Suddenly, I was envious and jealous.

"Brother Liu, when did you worship Modao Mountain?" Fang Yang asked.

"Can you control it?" Han Yu said irritably.

Fang Yang's pretty face flushed immediately, but he was not angry, and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just a little curious about Modaoshan. I want to ask Brother Liu for some questions!"

Han Yu said, "Then you might as well ask the people over there!"

Even if Fang Yang had a good temper, he was a little angry at this time and stood up and left.

She thought Han Yu was a little special, but she didn't expect to be so unkind.

I thought: Don’t you just have better qualifications? There are too many people in this world who can trample you under their feet. What is so proud of?

Fang Yang couldn't help but appear in his mind with that majestic figure, his anger disappeared for a while, replaced by a somewhat obsessive smile on his face, and he thought: "The talent is like him, and so approachable!"

Fragmented Sky Star Field, located within the jurisdiction of Liudaozong, is one of the most famous Jedi in the God Realm.

The void within the Fragmented Sky Star Territory is very unstable, with large voids everywhere, and some strong void large cracks, which can easily tear apart the powerhouses of the late Celestial God, and most people are discouraged from it.

However, because of the special environment, a special population of the Fragmented Sky Star Territory was created.

There lives a creature called Tyrannosaurus Void, born with copper skin and iron bones, even if it is caught in a large crack in the void, it can come out intact. But the Void Tyrannosaurus, who doesn't know how to practice, is equivalent to an uncivilized wild beast.

However, even so, the Void Tyrannosaurus also posed a huge threat to the Protoss in the nearby star field, and would often rush out of the Fragmented Sky Star Field on a large scale to hunt down the Protoss people.

Liudaozong has attacked the Void Tyrannosaurus more than once, but has never been able to wipe it out.

This time, the two factions will try to be here because the Void Tyrannosaurus came out to sack the nearby star regions not long ago, and those star regions reported to the Six Dao Sect. Liu Daozong was about to send his disciples to suppress the Void Tyrannosaurus, and happened to encounter the two factions will try, so he pulled the disciples of the two factions.

Fighting against the Void Tyrannosaurus not only has practical significance, but also helps the people nearby. Why not do it? After this proposal was put forward, it received full support from the elders of the two factions, and both felt that this kind of test was even more significant.

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