Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2817: Broken Sky Star Field


Everyone rushed outside the Fragmented Sky Star Territory and saw a huge void in the void, swallowing dozens of stars. After those stars entered the void in the void, they burst into pieces like tofu.

The terrible lethality of Void Crack has made many people discolored.

Upon seeing this, the elder of the Six Dao Sect said: "This is just the void crack in the periphery. The void crack in the core area is countless times more terrifying than this, but this time our test will only be in the periphery and there will be no danger."

A disciple of the Taoist Emperor said: "Even if we go to the core area, we are not afraid."

A disciple of the Six Dao Sect said without showing weakness: "This Void Crack looks extraordinary, but in fact, the person who can hurt the peak realm of the True God at most is nothing to most of us."

After speaking, he couldn't help but glanced at Han Yu, quite contemptuous.

"Exactly, I think that since we are here, we have to give the Void Tyrannosaurus a complete blow, otherwise the group of beasts will be cheaper." A disciple of Dao Emperor Sect said with a high spirit.

Although the disciples of the two factions have been very friendly along the way, they still want to compete on the battlefield.

The elders of the two factions all smiled and asked the disciples to compete with each other.

Feeling that it was almost done, the elders of the Six Dao Sects squeezed his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet. After everyone calmed down, they said, "This time the trial, regardless of high or low, aims to eliminate harm and communicate with the people. Of course, the more Void Tyrannosaurus killed, the more things will be done for the people of the world."

"The total number of disciples from the two factions is exactly 24. We are going to divide everyone into two groups. Each group of twelve people will enter the Fragmented Sky Star Territory. You don't want to force it. You choose to be there."

As soon as the voice of the elders of Liudaozong fell, the disciples of Liudaozong and Daohuangzong separated.

Although it was a voluntary combination by everyone, everyone wanted to be with his fellow brothers.

Instead, Han Yu is left alone in a third party.

Obviously, there are more people on the Liudaozong side than on the Daohuangzong side.

The elders on both sides didn't say anything, just let them make their own choices.

"We have seventeen people here, and there are only seven people on Brother Wang's side. Which five juniors want to go with Brother Wang and the others?" Yun Songyu said, completely acting as the leader of the Six Dao Sect.

The disciples of the Six Dao Sects, you look at me and I look at you, but they don't want to go out.

Wang Miao said, "Brother Yun, seven of us are enough, so there is no need to divide them for us."

Yun Songyu said: "Brother Wang's words are wrong. Since you want a group of twelve people, you have to act according to the rules. Then, Brother Wang, you choose by yourself. Choose whoever you choose will go with you."

Wang Miao didn't even look at other people, and said, "Brother Yun, you can assign it."

Wang Miao was indifferent to whether five people would join them.

Yun Songyu did not excuse him, and began to look at the people in his team.

"Senior Brother Yun, you see Liu Yi doesn't want to stand up, he should want to be with Brother Wang and the others, so I can fulfill him." Xu Huahui's eyes rolled and said treacherously.

As soon as this statement came out, the people on the Taoist Emperor's side, except Wang Miao and Fang Yang, all showed worry. Several people secretly transmitted to Wang Miao and asked him to refuse, but Wang Miao did not say anything. .

Yun Songyu looked at Han Yu and said, "Senior Brother Liu, go and follow Brother Wang and the others."

Although Yun Songyu's words were polite, they were almost like orders.

It didn't matter where Han Yu was, and stood still.

Yun Songyu frowned slightly, a sharp light flashed deep in his eyes, and then began to point the others.

Soon Yun Songyu selected four people, the weakest four in their team.

After selecting all the five people, Yun Songyu looked at Wang Miao and said, "Brother Wang, I will leave these five juniors to you. You have to take good care of them for me."

Wang Miao said indifferently: "Brother Yun, don't worry."

After the personnel are divided, the two can easily enter the Fragmented Sky Star Field, and then separate directly, each going on its own. Entering a certain area, Wang Miao stopped suddenly, looked at the five disciples of the Six Dao Sects, and said: "Five, although you are disciples of the Six Dao Sects, but now that you are in this team, you are fighting side by side with us. Teammates, the ultimate honor and disgrace are also borne by us

. "

Except for Han Yu, everyone else nodded, thinking that Wang Miao was right.

Wang Miao continued: "Our team can't be behind their team, don't you think?"

Except for Han Yu, the others nodded.

Although the elders of the two sides made it clear that there was no difference between the winner and the loser, the people present were all proud. How could they not compete secretly.

Wang Miao nodded with satisfaction, and said: "So we have to surpass them in the number of killing Void Tyrannosaurus. Several Dao brothers of Liudaozong, we will have to give all our help by then!"

"We are now in the same team, so we naturally have to work together."

"We have no distinction between sects, only the relationship between competitors and peers. We will use the king's brother as the leader to defend the dignity of our team."

The four Liudaozong disciples spoke to each other to express their determination.

They were arranged by Yun Songyu to come here, and they had some complaints against Yun Songyu, so they also wanted to defeat Yun Songyu's team and prove their strength.

Wang Miao was very satisfied with the performance of the four Liudaozong disciples. He looked at Han Yu and said, "Brother Liu, I have something you need to do. I wonder if you want it?"

Everyone was a little surprised. "Liu Yi" is undoubtedly the weakest person in the group of people right now. What is it that Liu Yi should do first.

Han Yu said lightly: "What's the matter?"

Wang Miao said: "Brother Liu, you are responsible for killing the Void Tyrannosaurus in this area, and the rest of the people go inside and kill the remaining Void Tyrannosaurus!"

Everyone was relieved instantly.

Wang Miao was obviously afraid that "Liu Yi" would follow them to a deeper place and become a drag, so he arranged it directly in this area.

This area is the entrance area of ​​the Fragmented Sky Star Territory, there is no Tyrannosaurus Void.

However, many people think Wang Miao's arrangement is appropriate.

Since it takes him to drag him, it is better to stay here, although he can't help with anything, but at least he can protect himself.

Han Yu said very calmly: "You look down on me?"

Wang Miao said: "It doesn't mean that, but I think you are the best person to stay here."

Han Yu held his hand and strode directly inside, saying: "You don't have to worry about this, even if I get into danger, I don't need your help."

Wang Miao's face couldn't help but sink.

"Junior Brother Liu, you are too much, Brother Wang is for your own good!" Before the Taoist Emperor could speak, a disciple of Liudaozong ran over to hold Han Yu.

"Although we are in the same team with the disciples of the Dao Emperor Sect, our every move also represents the sect. Don't shame the sect." Another disciple of the Six Dao Sects gave Han Yu a gloomy expression.

Han Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. The person thought that Han Yu didn’t understand, and explained: “With your cultivation base, it’s hard to go inside to protect yourself. Then you will have to rely on others to protect you. The person who might protect you is the Taoist Emperor. You say this Shame? Not to mention, you may be in danger of life."

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