Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2815: One word to wake up the dreamer

In the days to come, Han Yu, no matter what the situation of the ten thousand worlds is, is to comprehend the creative mind. A "stocking" strategy was also adopted for the Taoist Wild Duck.

After more than half a month, suddenly dark clouds rolled overnight, the sky was dark, and the wind was roaring.

The withered Modao Mountain was even more desolate this night.

Sitting cross-legged, Han Yu closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed brightly.

"This old guy finally couldn't help it, let me see, what are you going to do?" The corner of Han Yu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

In the attic not far from Han Yu, Taoist Crow meditated solemnly to adjust his breath, and most people could not find anything wrong.

But Han Yu was paying attention to him at all times. Just now, a cloud of black energy burst out of Daoist Crow's body, escaped, and went down the mountain.

Han Yu still knows a little bit about the skills of Taoist Crow. Paying great attention to the black energy that escaped, the power of the soul turned into a thin thread, always following the black energy.

After the group of black qi descended from Modao Mountain, it went straight to Guidao Mountain, went up to Guidao Mountain and went around halfway to the back of Guidao Mountain. It actually got in from a cliff.

This cliff is covered with climbing plants, and it turns out that there is a cave hidden inside the plant.

Above Guidao Mountain, there is already a very heavy yin, but inside this cave, it is even more so. Especially the more you go inside, the more yin qi inside becomes stronger.

Even if Han Yu is just a trace of the power of the soul, he can feel the deep cold air, which seems to be able to freeze the power of the soul.

The cave is dozens of miles deep, and inside is a large stone cave. There is a futon carved from a stone in the cave. It seems that someone has practiced here.

Before the black air fell on the futon, it turned into a Taoist crow, and a faint smile appeared on the cheeks of the pointed monkey.

"Liu Yi, that stinky boy, almost broke Dao's good deeds, hum, this account will be settled by you in the future!"

Taoist Crow murmured, he was sitting cross-legged on the futon, then closed his eyes, concentrated his mind, and began to practice.

Suddenly, from under the futon, a terrible yin energy evaporated and was introduced into the body by the Taoist Crow.

"Crow, the bastard, should he also learn the ghost way?" Han Yu was taken aback.

Following that, Han Yu felt like he saw the scorching sun aside from the fog.

Absorbing the Yin Qi cultivation in the Guidao Mountain in Guidao Mountain is a shortcut to the Ghost Dao, then in the Modao Mountain, absorbing the devil Qi cultivation in the Modao Mountain, isn't it a shortcut to the Demon Dao?

After Han Yu went up the mountain, because the mental method had reached the bottleneck, he couldn't practice six reincarnation fists here, so he had not practiced, instead, he sat and meditated every day to meditate on the "six real meanings" and realize the creative mind.

It ignores the great role of Modao Mountain.

The six paths of the Six Dao Gods are divided into "Shen Dao, Immortal Dao, Heavenly Dao, Tunnel, Ghost Dao and Demon Dao", of which the Demon Dao is enlightened on the Demon Dao Mountain.

Han Yu focused on studying the power of the six realms, because it was so urgent that he ignored it. The power of the six realms is the synthesis of the six powers. Wouldn't it be easier to study the six powers separately?

He was originally a demon body swallowing the sky, he was originally a demon, and Modao Mountain was the best place to cultivate the magic way.

Isn't it a matter of course that he is intoxicated by magic on Modao Mountain?

Han Yu was overjoyed. This time he not only learned the purpose of Taoist Crow, but also solved a difficult problem in studying the power of the Six Paths.

Han Yu withdrew the power of the soul, stopped meditating on the mental method, and started to operate the eighth central method of "Tai Shang Zhen Jing".

With the movement of the mind, Fairy Hongxia's skull released mysterious power, allowing Han Yu to enter the best cultivation state instantly.

Gradually, the magic energy in the earth was attracted by Han Yu and slowly emerged, and then was inhaled by Han Yu.

The demon energy in Modao Mountain and the Heaven Swallowing Dao Source Qi in Han Yu's body felt like it originated from the same vein, so that the demon energy entered Han Yu's body and was instantly refined, without any influence on Han Yu.

While cultivating, Han Yu also carefully studied Demon Qi, hoping to comprehend the essence of Demon Dao.

A few days in a flash.

Wu Mozi didn't care about Han Yu, but at this time it became what Han Yu wanted.

In this way, he can confidently and boldly practice on his own.

Through these few days of cultivation, Han Yu gradually opened the door of the magic way, and made a huge progress on the understanding of the power of the six ways.

If Wu Mozi knew this, his eyes would have been widened in surprise.

He went up the mountain for thousands of years and never entered the magical way. And Han Yu, this was just a few days.

Of course, this is all the credit of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Body.

Han Yu now finally knew why the disciples of Modaoshan couldn't end well.

The devil qi in Modao Mountain is extremely terrifying, and it is difficult for ordinary people to breathe it into the body. In the long run, if the devil qi accumulates in the body to a certain level, it will explode, and it will inevitably go into flames and die.

But Han Yu doesn't have this kind of problem, no matter how much devil qi is, he can refine it instantly after inhaling it.

Therefore, Han Yu also guessed why Wu Mozi hadn't been in the demon way for so long.

Although Wu Mozi was devoted to the devil, he was afraid of the devil qi in the Modao Mountain, and did not want to inhale it in his body to practice, so even if he stayed in the Modao Mountain for a long time, it was impossible to understand the true meaning of the magic way.

One day, Han Yu's physical body reached a saturated state, and he could no longer **** the devil energy into his body.

In order to better understand the magic way, Han Yu took the initiative to expel the vitality from his body, and then absorbed the magic energy in the magic way mountain to cultivate.

"Boom boom boom..."

When Han Yu was cultivating in full swing, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Han Yu immediately stopped practicing and went out.

It was Wu Mozi with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you absorbing the demonic energy of Modao Mountain for cultivation?" Wu Mozi asked solemnly.

Han Yu nodded.

"Are there any discomforts?" Wu Mozi asked, looking very anxious.

Han Yu shook his head.

Wu Mozi thought for a while and said, "From now on, you immediately stop practicing like this and still practice according to your original practice."

Han Yu said: "Why?"

Wu Mozi said: "I am doing it for your own good."

Han Yu asked, "Are you afraid that I will become crazy?"

Wu Mozi hesitated and nodded.

Han Yu said, "If I'm afraid of this, then what am I going to do on Modao Mountain?"

Wu Mozi was a little afraid to look at Han Yu.

Han Yu continued: "Since I am the big brother of Modao Mountain, then I should be walking on the magic way. Isn't it more advantageous to step into the magic way now than in the future?"

Wu Mozi shook his body, and kept thinking of what Han Yu said just now in his mind: "If this is all scared, then what am I going to do on Modao Mountain?"

Han Yu, the big brother of Modaoshan, has no hesitation, so what is there to be afraid of for him, the first one?

At this moment, Wu Mozi suddenly felt a kind of enlightenment. If he still dares not take that step because of his inner timidity, then what qualifications does he have to say, "My heart is toward the devil"?

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