Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2603: One punch to conquer

The rest of the inner disciples all looked at Han Yu gleefully.

Fan Xiangtai didn't seem to notice anything wrong, so he nodded in satisfaction and said: "Okay, you all go down, prepare well these few days!"


Everyone resigned.

Arriving outside the Piandian, a few arrogant people, without saying a word, left with their heads up and their chests up.

Guo Jia patted Han Yu on the shoulder with a smile on his face, and said pretentiously: "Junior Brother Xiao, take the opportunity to be alone with Junior Sister Yun these two days."

After speaking, he handed Han Yu a look of "you know", and then walked away with his hands behind his back.

For this kind of person, Han Yu really feels sick.

Soon, only Han Yu and Yun Xiaohan were left.

Yun Xiaohan looked at Han Yu with a smile on his face, and said: "Senior Brother Xiao, Elder Fan has already handed you over to me, then you have to listen to Senior Sister. Come with me!"

After Yun Xiaohan finished speaking, he turned his back and strode away.

The moment he turned his head, the smile on his face was instantly replaced by coldness.

Han Yu was expressionless, holding his hands behind Yun Xiaohan, Han Yu didn't care what Yun Xiaohan would do next, what he would do.

Silent all the way, Yun Xiaohan led Han Yu out of the site of the Battle Hall and walked straight towards a valley.

As it gets closer to the valley, there are more Inner Sect disciples. This should be the residential area of ​​Inner Sect disciples.

The fact is the same. It didn't take long for Han Yu to see a stone tablet engraved with the three characters "Heroes Valley".

The pedestrians on the road were quite curious when they saw Yun Xiaohan with an outside disciple.

Yun Xiaohan led Han Yu into the Valley of Heroes, came to the depths of the Valley of Heroes, and stopped outside a mansion.

The place where the inner disciples live is quite different from that of the outer disciples. The outer disciple is a lonely erected palace with everything inside the palace. The residence of the disciples of the Inner Sect is a huge courtyard with many palaces and pavilions.

"Brother Wang, are you there, I will bring someone to see you." Yun Xiaohan shouted.

Han Yu is a little confused, isn't Yun Xiaohan trying to deal with himself? How to bring him to meet someone? But Han Yu didn't care, holding his hands as if it had nothing to do with him.

The gate of the mansion opened automatically, and Yun Xiaohan smiled slightly, stepped up the stairs, and walked a few steps before looking back at Han Yu. Seeing that Han Yu was following her without changing his face, he couldn't help being angry.

If Han Yu showed fear at this time, begging her for a few words, perhaps she would still feel soft. But Han Yu's arrogant look really made her unable to soften, so she snorted secretly.

The two entered the mansion, and Yun Xiaohan took Han Yu to the main hall in a light car. In the main hall, there was already a person sitting, and his expression was not very good, as if his relatives had just died. The two people walked into the main hall and said in a strange way: "Junior Sister Yun, are you here to show off to me? Selected from tens of thousands of disciples to represent the sect to participate in the discussion with the Five Elements School

Yes, is it beautiful? "

Yun Xiaohan had an innocent expression on his face, and said, "Brother Wang, what are you talking about? I have brought someone here to give it to you. This is Xiao Ping, the outer disciple, and the last place belongs to him!"


In the man's pupils, two rays of light like sword glow instantly shot out, rushing towards Han Yu. If you get close, you will definitely be seriously injured, but in front of Han Yu, it will quietly resolve to invisible.

The man stood up suddenly, showing his sharp edge, as if a divine sword came out in an instant.

A treacherous smile appeared on Yun Xiaohan's face, and he quietly stepped aside, revealing a seemingly irrelevant expression.

"An outside disciple can actually become a representative to participate in the discussion and discussion conference. There must be something extraordinary, so let Wang come to teach and teach you your brilliant skills!" After the man said, he stepped forward to Han Yu's front with his right hand. Like a tiger's claw, grabbing Han Yu's neck.

The casual look is like grabbing a straw.

Han Yu has already understood from the conversation between the two. The brother Wang in front of him must be someone who hopes to represent the sect in the battle, but was replaced by Han Yu. That's why Yun Xiaohan just revealed Han Yu's identity, and he broke out directly.

It is self-evident that Yun Xiaohan brought Han Yu here.

Han Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the other party made such a vicious move. He was really a man with vicious heart. If Han Yu hadn't had super strength, I am afraid it would be a lottery today.

And Yun Xiaohan obviously didn't expect the man to be so cruel in a single encounter, his face changed slightly in fright, and hurriedly said, "Brother Wang, be merciful!"

However, it was too late.

When Brother Wang fought, he never thought about making Han Yu feel better.

What he can't get, no one else can expect to get it!

Suddenly, Han Yu raised his right hand and shook his hand into a fist. His fist suddenly popped out like a spring, and hit Brother Wang's palm heavily.

In an instant, Senior Brother Wang felt that it was not a fist but a sledgehammer that hit his palm.

His metacarpal bones shattered instantly, his palms burst, and blood flew across.

The body flew upside down involuntarily, and staggered for several steps after landing on the ground before stopping.

"What?" Yun Xiaohan was dumbfounded.

Brother Wang's face was painful and horrified, and his face twitched.

"Senior Brother Wang, right? I am not hostile to you. I hope you will not be used by others." Han Yu said lightly.

Brother Wang's complexion changed again. He glanced at Yun Xiaohan and then at Han Yu. He said weakly, "Go, I don't want to see you again."

Han Yu turned and left.

Yun Xiaohan showed an apologetic expression to Brother Wang, arched his hands, and hurriedly caught up with Han Yu.

"Unexpectedly, you are still a hidden master!" Yun Xiaohan caught up with Han Yu, still in consternation.

"Do you still dare to follow me?" Han Yu's eyes widened, and a domineering aura spread out invisibly, making Yun Xiaohan afraid to look directly.

Had it not been for Yun Xiaohan's words to stop Senior Brother Wang just now, and showing that he was not malicious, how could Han Yu let her go so lightly?

Yun Xiaohan paused and ran to catch up with Han Yu, and solemnly said: "Junior Brother Xiao, I misunderstood you before. I take back all the bad things I said."

Han Yu ignored it.

"Hey, Junior Brother Xiao, I have already apologized to you, why are you still holding a stern face, can you show some masculinity?"

"Okay, I apologize to you again, solemnly apologize, okay?

"Those old guys chose you to participate in the Taoist Discussing Conference, you are a wise eye, you are a great genius, I am blind, let's go!"

"Elder Fan has issued an order. I have to take care of you these few days. Don't think about getting rid of me!"

"The inner door has a lot of taboos, the rules are strict, and everyone is like a dragon with a weird temper. If you are not led, you will run into a wall everywhere and struggle with the inner door!" Han Yu was a little speechless, but he didn't expect Yun Xiaohan to be aloof when he was arrogant. The little princess, when she lowered her figure, was a twitter follower, and said helplessly: "Where is the inner door of the Buddhist scriptures?"

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