Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2604: Find cheats

Yun Xiaohan was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "I will take you there!"

That Pi Dian Pi Dian, smiling like a flower, really makes people unhappy. "Junior Brother Xiao, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is in the Classical Academy. It is supervised by the Classical Academy. It is divided into two levels: heaven and prefecture level. Even me, I am only qualified to enter the prefecture-level Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Under normal circumstances, the outer disciple You are not qualified to enter the inner door of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, but I will take you with you, you can go in!"

Yun Xiaohan said as if asking for credit. Seeing Han Yu ignoring her, he turned his mouth up and rejuvenated, and then said: "However, even if I lead the way, it is not possible to enter for free. Our inner disciples, enter the prefecture-level Buddhist scripture pavilion once. One thousand credit points, but the outer disciple needs three thousand credit points. But Junior Brother Xiao

Don't worry, sister please, I will help you out the three thousand credit points. "

Three thousand credit points, this is a great fortune in Wan Jianzong, Yun Xiaohan gave it away as soon as he said it, and couldn't help Han Yu take a high look at her.

"Hehe, are you relieved now?" Seeing Han Yu's expression relieved, Yun Xiaohan grinned and made a face at Han Yu.

"The prefecture-level Tibetan scripture pavilion is divided into seven areas. There are two mind-art areas, three supernatural power areas, and the remaining two are areas of external classics. Junior Brother Xiao, do you want to go in to observe the mind or supernatural powers?" Yun Xiaohan asked Tao.

Han Yu did not speak.

Yun Xiaohan pursed his mouth and slandered to himself: "It's so arrogant, everyone has apologized, okay? But with his aptitude, arrogance is also taken for granted. His defying aptitude, in addition to those evildoers, should be It's hard to meet an opponent!"

Among the disciples of the outer sect, although there are few strong men in the middle stage of the gods, they are not there. Therefore, even if Han Yu showed the cultivation of the Celestial God's mid-term, it did not shock Yun Xiaohan and the many inner disciples at that time.

However, Han Yu hurt Brother Wang with a punch, and let the brother Wang, who must be reported by Jupiter, dare not act rashly. Such a brilliant record can be said to be against the sky.

Therefore, Yun Xiaohan's attitude will immediately change dramatically.

Because she was really shocked, she really regretted what she said before.

Before, she complained that Fan Xiangtai and others had come too untimely, but now in retrospect, it was simply too time.

If Fan Xiangtai and the others did not come, and Yun Xiaohan continued to act on Han Yu, she couldn't imagine the consequences. Even Brother Wang was injured by Han Yu's punch. Can she withstand a punch?

At the same time, Yun Xiaohan was also conquered by Han Yu's personality charm.

She was so arrogant and unreasonable, she wanted to slap Han Yu in the face. With Han Yu's ability, you can slap her a few times, but Han Yu doesn't!

This is grace!

With aptitude and demeanor, where to find such a person?

Yun Xiaohan's mouth was full of words, and after introducing Han Yu to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, he began to introduce things about the inner door.

Han Yu's attitude is always cold, but her enthusiasm has never faded.

Finally, came to the classic courtyard.

Compared with the Douzhan Academy, the Classic Academy is a bit less domineering and sharp, but has a bit more historical charm.

After Yun Xiaohan and the guard disciple said their intentions, he let them go to the convenience.

The classic courtyard also occupies a large area, and people come and go, and most of them come to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to borrow books.

Yun Xiaohan took Han Yu around the mountains and rivers to the outside of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is located on two mountain tops and is two huge houses. The west is the prefecture-level Tibetan scripture pavilion, and the east is the heaven-level Tibetan scripture pavilion.

In Wan Jianzong, only those who have reached the pinnacle level of the gods are eligible to enter the heaven-level Buddhist scripture pavilion.

The Tian-level Buddhist scripture pavilion is like the most dazzling pearl, which makes countless people greedy, but it is impossible to approach it.

Regardless of its shape and scale, the prefecture-level Tibetan scripture pavilion looks the same as the sky-level Tibetan scripture pavilion, but it gives people a feeling of one on the ground and one in the sky.

However, Yun Xiaohan told Han Yu that even in the prefecture-level Buddhist scriptures pavilion, there are countless treasures, countless cultivation methods and magical secrets that can make the gods **** are stored in the prefecture-level Buddhist scriptures pavilion. For anticipation.

This is the first time since entering Wanjianzong's Buddhist scripture pavilion.

As one of the nine sects of the God Realm, the overlord of the Eastern God Realm, Wan Jianzong's Tibetan scriptures are beyond doubt.

The two came to the foot of the mountain, climbed up the steps, and came to the gate of the prefecture-level Tibetan scripture pavilion. There was a special person to guard it. You must swipe your credit card to enter.

Yun Xiaohan took out the credit card, and Han Yu Yuguang saw that she had only more than 7,000 credit points, and she was instantly wiped out of four thousand, which was quite painful. Seeing Han Yu looking at her, he hurriedly put on a smile and made an indifferent look.

In Wan Jianzong, without credit points, it can be said that it is difficult to move an inch.

It is difficult to earn credit points, but it is like flowing water when used. Almost all things related to cultivation need credit points in exchange.

The two entered the prefecture-level Tibetan scripture pavilion, which is a huge house with deep courtyards and standing palaces.

In accordance with Han Yu's request, Yun Xiaohan directly took Han Yu to the palace where he collected magical powers.

There are three palaces with magical powers, all of which have only one floor. Magical secrets are stored on the special bookshelf on the first floor.

These bookshelves have powerful seals, and each book has its own seal.

If you want to get the book above and read the content inside, you have to find the administrator to unlock the seal of the bookshelf, and then crack the seal of the cheat book you like.

If you want to get the cheats inside, the degree of difficulty is far surpassing that of the Jidao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of the East Pole Star Alliance.

Everyone can only stay in it for three hours each time they come in, so even Han Yu didn't want to delay time. After coming in, he carefully watched the book collection on the shelf.

Although Yun Xiaohan was not here for the first time, it was not easy to come once, so he didn't want to waste time, and after confessing to Han Yu, he searched for the secrets by himself.

Although this palace has only one floor, it has a huge space and a huge collection of books.

Even at the speed of Han Yu's thousand lines, it would take a lot of time to read the entire palace collection.

What makes people speechless is that on the cover of these cheats, there is only one name, nothing else. Sometimes I fancy a cheat book, and after using it with all my strength, I found it was broken or not suitable for me, and I just wanted to cry.

You must know that even if it is an inner disciple, many people come in once, and after counting the time, at most one can open a cheat book at a time. It is equivalent to not only getting nothing, but also a thousand credit points in vain.

This kind of thing does not happen occasionally. Han Yu is not in a hurry. With his strength, within three hours, it won't be a big problem to crack the seal of two or three books. He has a lot of time to find his favorite secrets.

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