Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2602: Entry matters


A powerful aura instantly filled the entire hall like a volcanic eruption, and the woman stood up suddenly, shooting two terrifying cold lights in her eyes.

"I said you, dare to talk back?" The woman yelled, angrily.

Guo Jia glanced at Han Yu. Without the enthusiasm he had before, a look of disgust appeared on his face for an instant, and he stepped back.

The eyes of the other inner disciples looking at Han Yu became cold and disgusted.

In their opinion, Han Yu's answer to the woman in that way was not because he had spine, but because he was rebellious and should be taught a lesson.

Just because Han Yu is an outer disciple, there is nothing else.

"Kneel down and slap myself three times, I won't care about you anymore." The woman pointed to Han Yu. The posture was almost like the master of this world, and Han Yu was a slave who allowed her to knead.

Han Yu curled his lips in disdain, and this kind of self-righteous person is really indispensable everywhere.

The woman was furious, and instantly came to Han Yu from a few feet away, raised her arm, and then unceremoniously withdrew.

However, to everyone's surprise, the woman did not draw Han Yu. Her hand was one foot away from Han Yu, and her wrist was pinched by a big hand. The owner of this big hand is not someone else, but Han Yu.

Many inner disciples were quite surprised. The woman was a strong man in the middle of the gods. The slap just now was even more forceful. How could he be stopped so easily?

The woman was even more angry, and shouted: "Let go!"

The strength in the woman's hand increased a bit, but she did not break free.

The expressions of all the onlookers became serious, and a few people stood up directly from the chairs and stared at Han Yu's hand.

The woman became angry and exploded with the strongest strength, but did not pull out her hand. Her hand seemed to have taken root in Han Yu's hand, and she was angry and anxious for a while.

"Let go of your stinky hands!" The woman yelled, and hit Han Yu's chest with a palm of her left hand.

Han Yu snorted secretly, with a slight force on his arm, he threw the woman out, as easy as throwing a sandbag.

The woman screamed, barely held her body during the flight, and then fell to the ground, but she looked embarrassed.

"In the middle of the god?"

All the inner disciples stood up from their seats and looked at Han Yu in surprise.

Although they could not accurately discern Han Yu's cultivation level, it was basically judged from Han Yu's hand just now that Han Yu was a strong man in the middle of the gods.

In the inner door, the cultivation base of the middle gods is not surprising, but in the outer door, the cultivation base of the middle gods can be said to be rare.

"He can be picked by the outer door, he must be somewhat capable!" an inner disciple said lightly. Although Han Yu's strength surprised him a little, it was not enough to change his contempt for Han Yu. While speaking, there is also a sense of commentary and supremacy.

"There is still a gap between the middle stage of the Celestial God and the middle stage of the Celestial God, and how can he be a disciple of the outer sect, no matter how strong he can be compared with the disciple of the inner sect? This time he really angered Yun Xiaohan. "The other disciple of the inner sect curled his lips in disdain, with a gesture of watching the show.

Guo Jia also held his hands, and after a brief consternation, she also recovered her calm at this time.

When Huo Siyan was there, because she wanted to give Huo Siyan a good impression, she was kind to Han Yu. Now that Huo Siyan is not there, she has made no secret of the contempt for Han Yu.

It’s not long before Guo Jia was promoted from the outer disciple to the inner disciple. He was once the first genius and the number one master of the outer disciple. No matter how amazing the performance of Han Yu this "junior", he was only surprised at most, and would not take Han Yu. Use it to compare with him.

Yun Xiaohan's face was already gloomy, and his eyes were full of coldness.

Staring at Han Yu for a moment, he suddenly snorted heavily and culled towards Han Yu.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, a sound of dry cough sounded, and only a few people walked in in stride. The old man walking in front put his fist to his mouth and coughed.

Yun Xiaohan was a little annoyed, thinking that these elders did not come early or late. Although she was unwilling to come at this time, she had to stop.

Han Yu recognized at a glance that this person was the Great Elder of Douzhanyuan, Fan Xiangtai. Seeing Han Yu, Fan Xiangtai nodded slightly before turning his gaze to others.

Everyone greeted each other.

Seeing Han Yu's calm and relaxed look, Yun Xiaohan couldn't help but gritted his teeth secretly, and secretly gave Han Yu a voice transmission: "Don't think you've gotten through, I will settle this account with you soon."

Han Yu directly chose to ignore it, making Yun Xiaohan hate it even more.

After Fan Xiangtai sat down with the elders who followed, Fan Xiangtai said straight to the point: "You ten are specially selected by the sect to participate in the meeting to discuss the Tao with the Five Elements Sect. I hope you will take good care of it. This opportunity, win glory for the sect..."

Fan Xiangtai talked about some matters related to the discussion meeting. Although it was very important to the ten disciples present, it was not a big deal.

Han Yu learned from Fan Xiangtai's words. This time the discussion meeting with the Five Elements Sect is just an ordinary exchange meeting, and the level involved is not high, and the Wan Jianzong is not very fancy about the outcome, so the selected disciples are not the elite of the sect. .

Just now, Han Yu was still wondering, if the disciples of the late **** of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect were not sent, how to send some disciples of the middle **** of the gods, and also gave the quota to an outer door.

To put it bluntly, this so-called meeting for discussion and discussion is just a simple meeting between the two sides to exchange feelings.

The senior management of Wan Jianzong didn't care about the outcome of the competition, and presumably the senior management of the Five Elements Sect would not.

However, the major disciples attach great importance to it. You know, even if this conference is not a true contest between the two schools, people who can be elected are also proud of

After all, when you go outside, it is not an individual, but the Wan Jianzong. If you can win glory for the sect and get the appreciation of the high-level, the future will be even broader.

Therefore, apart from Han Yu, the other nine major disciples were very fancy about this exchange.

All of them have already settled their attention in their hearts, and we must take this opportunity to shine and win the favor and appreciation of the senior management.

After Fan Xiangtai explained the relevant matters, he looked at Yun Xiaohan and said, "Xiao Han, Xiao Ping is a newcomer and he is not familiar with the inner door. I will hand him over to you in the past few days. You can take him around."

Yun Xiaohan’s first reaction was to refuse, but he soon thought of something, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes, and he hurriedly said, "Don’t worry, Elder Fan, I will take good care of this Junior Brother Xiao." Yun Xiaohan said of "Take care". When writing, the tone is obviously aggravated.

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