Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2601: The superiority of the inner door

Huo Siyan introduced to Han Yu without a word. Although she was reluctant, all she told Han Yu was more core information. The inner gate of Wanjianzong is divided into multiple branches such as the Fighting War Court, the Executive Court, the Medicine Academy, and the Classic Hospital. Zhang Qixiang, the elder of the inner door law enforcement team who went to the outer door to arrest Han Yu, is just one of the nine elders of the law enforcement team; Fan Xiangtai, the elder who went to relieve Han Yu, is the elder of the Douzhanyuan

The number two person second only to the dean has a status and strength above Zhang Qixiang.

And above the dean are the Supreme Elder, Deputy Sect Master, and Sect Master.

The place where Huo Siyan was going to take Han Yu was the Douzhanyuan, which was responsible for all external competitions.

Although Douzhanyuan was only one of the many branches of the Wanjian Sect Inner Sect, its scale was no worse than that of the general martial arts. The entire Douzhanyuan occupies ninety-nine peaks, with many palaces and majestic grandeur.

At the entrance of Douzhanyuan, there is a sword-shaped sculpture with the word "douzhan" carved on it.

When they arrived at the gate of Douzhanyuan, Han Yu and Huo Siyan were stopped by a man.

This was an inner disciple wearing a white robe with a sword-shaped badge pinned to his chest. His eyes were above the top and he was extremely arrogant. When he looked at Han Yu and Huo Siyan, they all looked slantingly, looking high.

"An Outer Sect elder, an Outer Sect disciple, what's the matter when you come to our Fighting Academy?" the man asked, condescendingly.

Both Han Yu and Huo Siyan wore the special costumes of Outer Sect Disciple and Outer Sect Elder, so the other side recognized them at a glance.

The man's gaze paused above Huo Siyan's pretty face, admiring this peerless face without any scruples.

Huo Siyan was angry in her heart, but she could only endure it, arched her hands, and said: "I hope to report that the outer door has selected a good disciple, and I will report here."

The man's expression became a little milder, and he slowly cast his gaze to Han Yu, and said, "Is that him?"

There was disdain in his expression.

Han Yu glanced at the man and did not speak. The man frowned, and he was about to get angry.

Huo Siyan hurriedly said: "Yes, I hope to report!"

The man snorted to Han Yu, then cast his gaze at Huo Siyan again, with a smile on his face, and said, "Come with me!"

After speaking, the man pretended to be very polite and made a gesture of asking Huo Siyan.

The contrived appearance can't be described in words.

"Junior sister, seeing you at your young age, you actually sat in the position of the outer door elder. You are so talented. Please forgive me for your negligence just now. Oh, yes, I don't know the name of the junior sister?" The man began to search diligently. Huo Siyan talked.

At the beginning, because of Huo Siyan's identity, he felt superior from the bottom of his heart and didn't see Huo Siyan in his eyes. But the more I looked, the more I found that Huo Siyan was so beautiful, and gradually became more active.

In Wan Jianzong, the status of the outer sect elder is higher than that of the inner sect disciple, but there are some arrogant inner sect disciples who look down on everything about the outer sect.

How could Huo Siyan not know the other party's thoughts, but now in other people's turf, she has no good expressions, and said: "My name is Huo Siyan."

"Oh?" The man's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "It turns out that it is the No. 1 beauty in the outer door, Junior Sister Huo, so lucky to have a chance!"

The man became more courteous.

Huo Siyan glanced sideways at the man, even more annoying.

Han Yu hugged his hands and followed them, as if he were someone outside the world.

Finally came outside of a partial hall, the man reluctantly left, and before leaving, he kept firing at Huo Siyan, but Huo Siyan didn't even look at it.

After the man left, Huo Siyan made a disgusting move before leading Han Yu into the side hall.

Han Yu found that although Huo Siyan looked mature and stable, she still had a young girl in her heart, which was quite cute.

In the hall, there were a few people sitting scattered, all dressed as inner disciples. Hearing the sound of footsteps, a few people cast their eyes, and a few others didn't even bother to take a look, appearing very aloof. But even if it’s someone who looks at it, when he sees Han Yu is an outside disciple, there is a little contempt in his eyes out of thin air, but a few passionate young people see Huo Siyan

, The eyes are bright.

Someone greeted him with enthusiasm, shook his hand at Huo Siyan, and said with a smile: "Elder Huo, it's been a long time, what's the matter with you in Douzhanyuan?"

A smile appeared on Huo Siyan's face, and she arched her hands and said, "It turned out to be Guo Jia, long time no see!" After the two exchanged greetings, Huo Siyan introduced: "Xiao Ping, this is Guo Jia. A genius who passed the Inner Sect assessment and was promoted to an Inner Sect disciple. When he was in the Outer Sect, he always had the title of Outer Sect's No. 1 Genius and No. 1 Master. You should study and study with Brother Guo.

Guo Jia, this is Xiao Ping. This time, the outer door has selected a candidate to follow you to participate in the discussion meeting. "

Guo Jia smiled and greeted Han Yu, but although there was a smile on his face, he couldn't hide his contempt for Han Yu. He patted Han Yu's shoulder heavily and said, "Junior disciple can be selected from tens of thousands of outer disciples, it must be a rare genius, disrespect and disrespect!"

"I really don't know what those old antiques think. They gave the last place to the outer door. We are going to fight against the disciples of the Five Elements Sect, not to visit relatives." An unhappy voice sounded.

Among the nine inner disciples, the only female disciple looked at Han Yu up and down, very disdainful.

The other inner disciples also turned their eyes to Han Yu, all with a sense of doubt and scrutiny.

Each of the inner disciples appeared to be superior.

Han Yu's gaze swept towards the woman. This was a smart and chic outfit, with a somewhat heroic feeling. It was the same type as Jiang Zitong, but in terms of beauty, it was much worse than Jiang Zitong. Neither the appearance nor the fullness of the figure can match.

How can Han Yu be the kind of generation who allows others to knead, and immediately said uncomfortable: "You inner disciple, that's nothing more!"

Huo Siyan had long thought that Han Yu would explode, and was trying to make Han Yu not be impulsive, but she did not expect Han Yu to break out. He hurriedly communicated to Han Yu secretly, saying: "Xiao Ping, this is the inner door, not comparable to the outer door, you have to make trouble!"

Han Yu said uncomfortably: "If you are afraid, go back quickly, your mission has been completed!"

"You..." Huo Siyan was anxious, she didn't expect Han Yu to be so ignorant of good and bad. "Good, good... I make you arrogant, you will regret it when you capsize, and this day, it's not too late, huh!" Huo Siyan finished, glaring at Han Yu fiercely, and flicked The sleeves turned and left.

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