Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2425: Power of time


The Sancai Letter Sword was shocked and flew back, with a whine, and then there was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, the Bihai tide collapsed and was easily broken by Han Yu.

Lin Haochu's face changed slightly, and he involuntarily stepped back.

"Are you capable of this? Then I don't need to waste time with you, watch the trick!" Han Yu said dullly, slashing down with a sword.

Lin Haochu was furious, what does this mean? Don't you treat him as an opponent at all?


Peerless sword light opens up the world, slashes down with force, and has the power to slaughter the gods and destroy demons.

"Sword of fog, bondage!"

Lin Haochu pointed to the sword together, and pointed at the split sword energy from a distance. The fog of the sword turned into a cloud and formed a general exercise to rush towards the indestructible sword energy, enveloping the sword energy.

Suddenly, Han Yu felt like a punch on cotton, with nowhere to exert force.

"It's interesting, but it doesn't matter to me." Han Yu's expression was relaxed, and the strength in his hand quietly increased a bit.

Suddenly the mist evaporated, and the sword of mist wailed.

Lin Haochu changed color and wanted to recall the sword of fog. Suddenly, the fog dissipated and the sword of fog was exposed.


Above the sword of fog, a crack suddenly appeared.

"Huh?" Lin Haochu was shocked, the sword of fog is his magic weapon, once destroyed, he will inevitably be backlashed by terror. However, Lin Haochu had no time to recall the sword of fog.


The sword of fog collapsed, and the horrible sword aura smashed forward.

"How can it be so strong?" Lin Haochu could not imagine.

He was in the same state as Han Yu, but Han Yu broke his sword of fog with one move, which was incredible.

Lin Haochu had no time to think about it, and while backing quickly, he controlled the sword of ice and water to kill Han Yu.

"The sword of ice is frozen, the sword of water swallows!"

The sword of ice turned into endless cold air, and thousands of miles of ice was sealed, and the sword of water turned into a vast ocean, swallowing the sky and the earth.


Han Yu yelled, his sword slashed down.


The frozen void was shattered, and the boiling ocean was evaporated to dryness.

Han Yu's sword is unmatched.

"Why are you so strong?" Lin Haochu's eyes widened, his face was extremely pale, and a smear of blood came out from the corner of his mouth.

He who cultivated the tri-color divine light and coerced, he is a peerless genius, an almost invincible existence in the same realm. Even in the face of Tong Zhan, Lu Jingyu, Fairy Tourmaline and others, he is not afraid at all, but in the hands of Han Yu Above, he is not the enemy of Yihe.

The strong blow made Lin Haochu at a loss, why? In front of Han Yu, he looked like a waste of wood!


Han Yu's face did not fluctuate, and his sword was like a broken bamboo.

"Ah, Xiao Ping, do you think you can kill me like this?" Lin Haochu yelled, and the threat of death made him suppress all fears and doubts in his heart, becoming crazy.

"Otherwise?" Han Yufeng replied lightly, causing Lin Haochu to vomit blood.

"You forced me, the sea is angry, the Nine Dragons roars!"

Lin Haochu looked up to the sky and roared, his body was rapidly becoming transparent.


Suddenly, Lin Haochu's body collapsed like water, and then a drop of water turned into thousands of drops, and a small pool of water instantly turned into an endless lake.

"Xiao Ping, you can force me to perform unique tricks, and you are proud to die. Let you see and see, the killer of the Canghai God!"

Lin Haochu's crazy roar was heard in the sea, the sea churned, the big waves hit the sky and shattered for nine days. It was really angry that everything was destroyed.

Han Yu's sword aura plunged into the sea, and it was quickly swallowed and dissolved into the invisible.

"The sea is angry, howling the Nine Dragons!"


In the sea, nine water columns rushed out at the same time and turned into nine big blue dragons, roaring up to the sky, with an earth-shaking voice, staring at the bronze bell with big eyes, and killing Han Yu murderously.


Han Yu urged the golden sword with Dao pattern, the sound of Dao resonated with heaven and earth, shocking the gods and Buddhas. Suddenly, the momentum of the sea tumbling weakened a lot, and the power of the Canglong also weakened a bit.

The sound of the avenue suppresses everything.

The terrifying sword qi slashed on a big dragon dragon head, the sword qi collapsed, and the dragon head was split in half, but soon the dragon head healed, and its power remained undiminished.

"Hahaha, Xiao Ping, Kowloon is the power of the sea, the sea will not wither, and the Kowloon will not die!" Lin Haochu's arrogant voice came.

"Really, then I will beat you until you are dead!"

Han Yu once again urged the Taoist gold sword, and the dragon-shaped pattern on it was transformed into a golden dragon. The dragon wobbled its tail and attacked the nine water dragons at the same time.


After a handover, the golden dragon collapsed and the nine water dragons came again.

"It's useless, one big dragon is equivalent to my full blow, nine big dragons at the same time, it is equivalent to nine me attacking and killing together, Xiao Ping, unless you have three heads and six arms, you can't escape death!" Lin Haochu was very proud.

"Humph!" Han Yu snorted heavily, and with a throw of his right hand, the Daowen Golden Sword flew over Han Yu, floating above Han Yu's head.

Han Yu quickly formed the seal, and as the seals were printed one by one, the world suddenly changed dramatically, and the power of the endless void swept from all directions, which also contained the power of time.

"Fate-defying third-style space-time."

When the nine-headed water dragon was about to hit Han Yu's body, a special space suddenly appeared around Han Yu. The space revolved and time flew by.

The nine-headed dragon rushed into this special space at the same time, disappeared without a trace in an instant, and did not cause any harm to Han Yu.

"What kind of magical power is this?" Lin Haochu turned to the stormy sea. His ferocious magical power didn't hurt Han Yu a single bit, it was like a dream.

"The magical power to kill you!"

Under Han Yu's control, the life-destroying third type of time and space instantly expanded countless times, enveloping the sea.

"Time goes against the flow!"

The sea shrank rapidly, and it didn't take long before it turned into Lin Haochu's body.

"The power of space, the power of time... How did you cultivate such terrible supernatural powers..."

Lin Haochu was so scared that his face was pale and bloodless. The most terrifying thing in this world is life and death, and the power of time involves the level of life and death.

"time flies!"


Suddenly, Lin Haochu felt the knife of time, which was rapidly depriving him of his life.

Soon, Lin Haochu turned from a youthful youth to an old man with white hair.

"The power of time, deprivation of life, impossible, absolutely impossible, I am dreaming..."

Lin Haochu looked at his dry hands and wrinkled skin, and he was crazy and couldn't believe this fact.


Han Yu quietly withdrew from the rebellious third type of time and space, and appeared in front of Lin Haochu with a touch of his toe. "You evil thief, I will kill you." Lin Haochu slapped Han Yu with a palm, Han Yu couldn't avoid it. Lin Haochu's palm was slapped on Han Yu's body, but it was broken because of excessive force, and Han Yu was unscathed.

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