Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2424: Sancai Sword

"Xiao Ping, do you look familiar? This is the first type of the magical power you exchanged with me in the "Canghai Opera Dragon Technique", one thought of transforming the dragon!" Lin Haochu sneered again and again, using the magical power that Han Yu gave him to kill Han Yu. It's a great thing.

I have to say that Lin Haochu is a cultivating genius, and not long after he obtained the Canghai Opera Dragon Technique, he actually completed the first form of One Thought Transformation Dragon.

"Such magical powers, don't be embarrassed." Han Yu put his left hand on his back and turned his right hand out, flashing a lightning sword technique, a purple sword qi slashed out, slashing on the dragon in a thought , Easily kill Yi Nian Hualong.

"Zhen Wu Yu Lei Jue first form, thunder and lightning sword?" Lin Haochu changed his color slightly, staring at Han Yu in amazement.

"No, this is not the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art. The Thunder and Lightning Sword Art has to attract nine days of thunder and lightning to perform." Lin Haochu hurriedly denied his opinion.

"That's for others, I don't need to attract nine days of thunder and lightning when I use the thunder and lightning sword art." Han Yu said lightly.

Lin Haochu couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, and hummed: "You can lie to others, but you can't lie to me, where did you practice the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art?" Lin Haochu still didn't believe it.

"You are stupid, you are naturally Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion." Han Yu said.

"Ji Dao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, you can crack the seal on the sixth floor of Ji Dao Scripture Pavilion, it is simply..." Lin Haochu's mocking words suddenly stopped, and his heart trembled suddenly.

At first glance, he saw that Han Yu was using the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art, because he had seen the power of the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art before and was familiar with its breath, but because Han Yu didn't attract the power of Nine Heavens Thunder and Lightning, he doubted it.

Now it seems that Han Yu does not seem to lie, and there is no need to lie.

That is to say, what Han Yu used was really the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art. Doesn't that mean that Han Yu broke a seal for half a day, not to sensationalize, but to really do it?

"How is it possible? Did you hide your strength?" Lin Haochu stared at Han Yu sharply like a sword, trying to see through Han Yu, but the result naturally disappointed him. As he learned more about the person in front of him, he found that he couldn't see through the person in front of him.

"Don't guess, use your full strength to let me see how capable geniuses who cultivate the tricolor light and coercion are." Han Yu said calmly.

Lin Haochu was furious, and Han Yu's posture almost regarded him as the object of training, which was a great humiliation to him.

"Hmph, do you think it's great to break my thoughts and transform the dragon? This is just a warm-up."

Lin Haochu stared at Han Yu with cold eyes, quickly forming a seal with his hands.

With the printing of one by one, the surrounding area instantly turned into a vast ocean, with blue waves overwhelming the sky.

"Bi Hai Chaosheng, you can cultivate Xiaocheng in such a short time, it's not bad."

Lin Haochu performed a killer move, but Han Yu was not at all anxious, arguing with Pintou.

Lin Haochu's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water. It was no surprise that Han Yu could see the magical power he was displaying at a glance.

He obtained Bihai Chaosheng on the sixth floor of the Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion. Han Yu also went to crack the seal. He thought Han Yu was pretending before, but now he no longer dares to underestimate Han Yu.

"Hmph, even if you can see that this is Bihai Chaosheng, you may not have a way to crack it!"


As Lin Haochu's voice fell, the tide was surging and surging for nine days.

Soon Han Yu's body was surrounded by a huge wave, which rolled over, like a beast, trying to swallow him.

The moment Bi Hai Chaosheng displayed it, the stars tens of millions of miles away were instantly shocked into powder. The peak power of the true gods, as long as they are swept by the tide, they can break their bodies.

Han Yu's expression was indifferent, and he displayed the true form of the fire dragon, the first type of fire dragon in the sky fire.

"Water is the nemesis of fire, so I used the supernatural powers of fire to fight against my supernatural powers of water, Xiao Ping, are you out of skill?" Lin Haochu sneered again and again.

"To deal with you, this supernatural power is enough." Han Yu said lightly.

Lin Haochu almost vomited blood with anger, snorted heavily, and shouted, "Suppress!"

Suddenly, huge waves were raised in the sea, and then swooped down. Han Yu and the fire dragon really looked too small under the terrifying huge wave. However, Han Yu's expression was always indifferent, as if he was holding the winning ticket.


The huge waves slapped on the body of the fire dragon, extinguishing a lot of flames, but in the end he was blocked by the fire dragon.

Water overcomes fire, the law that no one can change. But Han Yu's strength is so strong that it can keep the true shape of the fire dragon for a long time.

Lin Haochu fired hundreds of blows one after another, but he couldn't help the fire dragon's true appearance, hurting Han Yu a bit, and roaring with aggrievedness.

"Are you just this way? A genius who cultivates the tri-color light and coercion is nothing but you!" Han Yu mocked.

"Don't be proud, see how I kill you!"

I saw Lin Haochu spread his hands, and three swords appeared. These three swords are as transparent as ice carved in one mouth, soft as wicker in the other, and misty as smoke in the other.

"Sancai Letter Sword, kill!"

Lin Haochu yelled, and three swords rushed into the blue sea tide.

A general ice sword carved from ice is frozen for thousands of miles; a wicker-like water sword instantly injects infinite power into the blue sea; the fog-like sword of fog covers the sky and the sun, blinding Han Yu's eyes.

With the addition of the Sancai Letter Sword, the power of Bi Hai Chaosheng instantly increased geometrically, the true shape of the fire dragon was quickly submerged, and the terrifying tide swept towards Han Yu.

"Xiao Ping, you are just as capable, I thought you were so good!" Lin Haochu sneered again and again.

"Don't get too proud of it too early, you want to kill me with this little method, it's really whimsical." Han Yu's indifferent voice sounded.

Following that, a terrifying dragon chant sounded from underwater.


Suddenly, the surface of the water that almost enveloped Han Yu exploded, and a big golden dragon rushed out. Then I saw Han Yu holding a gold broadsword, rushing to the sky.

The golden broadsword churned at the sky, and the golden dragon swooped down, circling Han Yu super, making Han Yu look like a **** of war.

"go with!"

Lin Haochu pointed it as a sword, and pointed at Han Yu. The three-character sword turned into a streamer to kill Han Yu. Bi Hai Chao turned into a beast, following the Sancai Alphabet Sword.

"Good come!" Han Yu swung his sword, and the horror sword aura swept across all directions, colliding with the Sancai alphabet sword one after another, and then the golden dragon swooped down and crashed into the terrifying wave.

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