Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2426: Jiuyou Secret Realm

Lin Haochu's decline is not only his vitality, but also his strength. At this time, in front of Han Yu, he was not much different from someone who had no power to restrain the chicken.

"How is it possible?" Lin Haochu stared at his broken palm blankly. Although it was painful, he couldn't take care of that much now.

"There is nothing impossible, the third type of time and space, the power of time deprives you of your lifespan, even if the strong gods have a lifespan of 50,000 years, they can be deprived in an instant." Han Yu said lightly.

With the breakthrough in the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, he has come into contact with the level of time and can exert the strongest power of the third-type time and space. Depriving a person of his life span is only a matter of change.

"You're not Xiao Ping, who are you?" Lin Haochu's pupils showed fear for the first time. At this time, the harmless, indifferent man in front of him was terrifying in his eyes.

Han Yu smiled faintly, and with a light movement of his finger, he pulled Lin Haochu's soul from his holy palace.

Lin Haochu was not only aging his body, but also his soul.

Han Yu's powerful soul power was released, and he easily read the memory in Lin Haochu's mind, and then slightly hardened his fingers to wipe out Lin Haochu's soul.

"It's a pity this fleshy body!" Han Yu looked at Lin Haochu's aging body and sighed faintly, and shot a light spot on Lin Haochu's body. Lin Haochu's body burned instantly, and it didn't take long before it turned into fly ash.

Even if he was a strong man in the early days of the gods, but now the physical body is aging, and there is not much energy left, Han Yu is too lazy to refine.

"The blood of the phoenix was obtained by a strong man in the Haohai Star Territory within the Jiuyou Secret Realm. It seems that he has to go to the Jiuyou Secret Realm!" Han Yu looked towards the west lightly, and disappeared when he moved. In situ. The Nine Nether Secret Realm is located in a wild star field to the west of the East Pole Star League. Because of the gloomy and cold environment, it specializes in breeding some creatures with dark attributes. It is a paradise for creatures with dark attributes. These dark creatures include undead grievances, obsessive creatures, dark dragons, ghost rats and other creatures.

. These creatures are very powerful and extremely violent. If they accidentally break into them, they will be attacked by groups. Moreover, within the Nine Nether Secret Realm, the miasma obscures the sky and the sun, and that special miasma is sucked into the body by the powerful person in the late stage of the gods, and it will feel dizzy. Of course, these are not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that there is a Nine Nether God in the secret realm of Nine Nethers. I don’t know what kind of creatures are successful in cultivation. He possesses the terrifying power of the late gods, the East Pole Star Alliance and the Western Purple Star Alliance. I have teamed up to attack the Jiuyou Secret Realm more than once, and they all failed.


The most exciting time was one hundred years ago when the Lord of the East Pole Star Alliance and the Lord of the Purple Star Alliance took their own hands.

It is said that the two masters and the Nine Nether Gods fought for three years, and finally both lost and returned. So far no one dared to fight the idea of ​​the Jiuyou Secret Realm, and the Jiuyou Secret Realm was directly listed as one of the 33 Jedi in the God Realm, and there is a large detailed record in the "Ghost Record".

It was also because of that battle that angered the Nine Nether Gods. From then on, he hated the creatures outside the Nine Nether Realm. Not only did they rush in without mercy, but they also often sent troops to leave the Nine Nether Realm. Both the Star Alliance and the Purple Star Alliance have suffered.

In normal times, let alone breaking into the Jiuyou Secret Realm, it is within a million miles of the Jiuyou Secret Realm, and no one dares to approach it.

However, in recent days, the Jiuyou Secret Realm has attracted many masters, who have been hovering around the Jiuyou Secret Realm for a long time and are reluctant to leave. Even if the Jiuyou Secret Realm has sent troops to drive many times, some people stayed and refused to leave.

Because a month ago, within the Nine Nether Secret Realm, ten thousand rays of light suddenly appeared, and the colorful rays of light reflected on the heavens, and the sound of Fengming was faintly heard.

The Nine Nether Secret Realm was originally a dark place, and the appearance of the colorful divine light seemed incredible.

But that kind of vision, after only appearing once, has never appeared again, so even if a lot of people have come, it is impossible to guess what it is.

But this does not affect everyone's hot hearts. The miasma of the Nine Nether Realm covers the sky and the sun, and is extremely dark. The colorful divine light can also break through the miasma and reflect the heavens. It can be seen that the thing that emits the colorful divine light is an extraordinary thing.

Combined with the looming sound of the phoenix, many experts in the Protoss speculate based on the clues that existed, and in all likelihood, the things emitting colorful divine light were related to the monster phoenix.

It is possible that a Phoenix master of the monster race was hiding in the Jiuyou Secret Realm, or it might be the magic weapon of a certain Phoenix family who was left in the Jiuyou Secret Realm.

This has made countless people crazy. Whether it is a Phoenix master or a magic weapon of the Phoenix tribe, it has endless value for the master of the Protoss. If you are a Phoenix master, your entire body is full of treasures. The flesh and feathers can be used to refine the supreme magic weapon, and the blood can be used to refine the peerless treasure pill. The sacred fire in the Phoenix body is the supreme cultivation material for the fire attribute cultivator. The magic weapon of clan masters is also invaluable, and people guess the most

At least it is the terrifying existence of the high-level Celestial Soldiers, such a magic weapon, let alone ordinary people, the master of the East Pole Star Alliance and the master of the Purple Star Alliance will be heartbroken.

So that after the news spread, the surrounding star domains took the lead and sent countless masters to come, and even the two major star alliance chiefs sent masters to stabilize the scene.

At this time, at the entrance of the Jiuyou Secret Realm, thousands of masters had gathered, the weakest being the early existence of the True God. As a result, within the Jiuyou Secret Realm, a large number of troops were sent to drive away, several times with heavy casualties, and finally stopped moving, quietly guarding the entrance and making a defensive posture.

Han Yu arrived here after a few days and was surprised to see the posture of the Protoss master and the original work of the Jiuyou Secret Realm. Is it possible that the Protoss has begun to attack the Jiuyou Secret Realm again?

Han Yu found out the whole story after inquiring, and he couldn't help but twitch.

"Could it be that the owner of the colorful magic fan is hiding in the Jiuyou Secret Realm? She caused the vision?" Han Yu was very uneasy.

If it were an ordinary person, Han Yu would never think that way, because no one in this world can live for more than 100,000 years. However, the owner of the Qi Cai Miao Fan is different from Emperor Qi Cai. The Phoenix family possesses the divine art of phoenix nirvana.

Even the trash of the undead **** can break common sense and live for more than 50,000 years. It is not surprising that Emperor Qicai Feng lives for more than 100,000 years.

If Emperor Qi Cai Feng was still alive, it would definitely be a great thing for Jiuyang Continent. The warrior who was once the most powerful demon ancestor sat down, at least was a terrifying powerhouse in the late Emperor of Heaven. Once born, looking at the East Pole Star Alliance and the Purple Star Alliance, how many people can be enemies? However, Han Yu was also faintly puzzled, how powerful is Emperor Qi Cai Feng, why hide in Jiuyou Secret Realm? The Phoenix Divine Fire is the nemesis of the dark things in the Nine Nether Realm, and the same dark things and the special environment of the Nine Nether Realm are not conducive to the survival of the Seven Color Phoenix Emperor. If it were under normal circumstances, Emperor Qi Cai Feng shouldn't choose Jiuyou Secret Realm as a place to stay.

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