Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2413: Villain face

The books on the second floor are obviously much less than those on the first floor, and there are a lot fewer people. However, the second floor is also divided into "Protoss Secrets Area" and "Nether Secrets Area". The "Nether Secrets Area" occupies a very large position. small. Han Yu took a fancy to a secret of the Protoss, it was an intermediate mental technique of the heavenly rank, which was related to the power of space.

. It took Han Yu ten minutes to break the seal and obtain the above content.

The power of the space involved is too far away from the time and space of the eighth level of Han Yu's "Tai Shang Zhen Jing", but there are still some unique insights that make Han Yu's eyes bright.

In the "Secrets of the Lower Realm Region", Han Yu obtained a low-level ultra supernatural power with a thunder attribute. Although the power was average, it was quite useful to Han Yu. Then Han Yu didn't stay much and went up to the third floor.

The more you go up, the more pressure you will endure when you walk on the stairs, and the more precious the books are.

Unknowingly, Han Yu came to the fifth floor. He broke the seal of seven books in total, one mental method, three supernatural powers, two brief analyses on the cultivation of the Protoss, and one "Ghost Record" of the Protoss. "Gaiguailu" is divided into two parts. The first part describes the weird events in the history of the Protoss. Some events have solved the mystery, and some events are still in a mist; the second part describes some weird things in the gods. In the above, Han Yu also saw the record of the Star Sea Fire Territory, but in the "Ghost Record", the Star Sea Fire Territory was only taken in one stroke, and there are many places like the Star Sea Fire Territory. Of course, there are also places with rich colors. These places add There are a total of thirty-three, these thirty-three places can be called the Jedi of the God Realm, just like Wuya Mountain

The position of Kunjie in the Nine Suns Continent.

This "Guaiguailu" has played a great role in Han Yu's understanding of the entire God Realm.

With the exception of Han Yu, everyone else went up to the fifth floor one after another. The top ten were all at the peak of True God and above, and walking to the fifth floor was nothing to everyone.

The fifth floor is very quiet, except for the top ten, no other people are there.

Han Yu was deciphering a magical secret book called "Brahma Hand", and suddenly a voice of envy and jealousy came.

"Tong Zhan is on the sixth floor. On the sixth floor, there are top-level mental techniques and intermediate-level magical power secrets. I am really envious. He can get a secret book on it. It is more valuable than any secret book we can get below. ."

Cen Hai looked at the stairs leading up to the sixth floor with a look of longing.

At this time, a figure slowly ascended under the pressure, the tall body was like a hill, it was a child war.

It is as strong as a child's war. It takes one step at a time when going up. It takes almost seven breaths to disappear from everyone's sight, which shows how terrifying the pressure on the stairs is.

Not only Cen Hai, but Peng Xinghan and Wei Wenfeng all showed a look of yearning. The main purpose of the top ten climbing the Jidao Buddhist Scriptures Pavilion is to find supernatural powers. For those who reach their level, the most attractive to them is the intermediate-level extreme magical powers, but even those on the first, second, third, and fourth floor of the Jidao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion The collection of books is very precious, but there is no middle-level supernatural power.

But on the sixth floor there is an intermediate supernatural power, how can we not let everyone look greedy.


Suddenly, a figure flashed by, Lu Jingyu appeared at the top of the stairs, and then stepped up.

On the fifth floor, he could come and go without a trace, but when he stepped on the stairs, Lu Jingyu's body swayed, but he quickly stabilized, and then picked up the steps step by step, and disappeared in a short time. Within everyone's sight. There was another sigh of envy and hatred.

"Only the powerhouses in the early days of the gods can step on the sixth floor. Among our top ten, only Tong Zhan, Lu Jingyu, Lin Haochu and Fairy Tourmaline can go up." Peng Xinghan sighed.

"Although I can't go up, Big Brother Lu will choose for me a mid-level extreme supernatural power suitable for my cultivation." Pang Xue glanced across the crowd, quite proud.

And her words also attracted countless envy eyes instantly.

"Well, Fairy Pangxue, can you please ask Brother Lu to help me bring down an intermediate supernatural power. I will remember the kindness of today, and I will return it in the future." Yu Yanbin ran to Yuyan. In front of Bin, he appeared to be pleased.

The minds of Cen Hai and Wei Wenfeng suddenly became active. If they could ask someone to bring down a secret book of intermediate-level supernatural powers from above, it would be a huge gain, and they would be willing to do anything.

The two of them were thinking about asking Pang Xue for help, but they listened to Pang Xue coldly saying: "Big Brother Lu has already gone up. I can't even help you now."

There is special pressure in the Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, and the sound cannot be transmitted from the lower level to the upper level, so no one can hear it even if you want to stand at the top of the stairs, and Pang Xue will not help Yu Yanbin at all. Pang Xue proudly swept past Peng Xinghan, Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin, and finally cast her eyes on Han Yu. Although she didn’t say anything, the meaning was obvious. She seemed to be saying: Although we The same as the top ten, but I can get the intermediate supernatural powers, but you can’t, you

Some rubbish.

Peng Xinghan snorted coldly, looking rather ugly.

Han Yuli ignored Pang Xue and continued to crack the seal.

Cen Hai and Wei Wenfeng glanced at each other, and suddenly they rushed towards Lin Haochu like a vicious dog rushing for food.

"Brother Lin, the younger brother has an unrelenting request. Can you please help me bring a middle-level earth-attribute supernatural power secret practice method to me from the sixth floor?" Cen Hai bowed his waist and looked humbly. .

"Brother Lin, the younger brother also wants to ask you to help me bring down an intermediate-level supernatural power..." Wei Wenfeng's waist bends more than Cen Hai, and those who don't know think they are not the top ten peers. Lin Haochu's dog legs.

"Shameless, I've lost all the facade of my house!" Peng Xinghan couldn't help cursing.

First, he was angry and could not understand the virtues of Cen Hai and Wei Wenfeng, and second, he was a little scared. If Lin Haochu really promised to help them bring the middle-level supernatural powers, wouldn't the two of them possibly crush him in the future?

You should know that even the middle-level extreme magical powers are only a handful of the major star regions, and there are even fewer intermediate-level extreme magical powers suitable for cultivation.

And a suitable supernatural power, especially the mid-level extreme supernatural power, has an inestimable effect on his future cultivation and the improvement of combat power.

So far, Peng Xinghan hasn't encountered a mid-level extreme supernatural power suitable for his cultivation.

He had a hunch that the sixth floor of the Jidao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion definitely had intermediate-level magical powers suitable for his cultivation, but he couldn't do it if he asked him to beg others.

Before Cen Hai and Wei Wenfeng could speak, Yu Yanbin coldly snorted, "Some people can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour." After speaking, he took small steps and looked like a slave. Running to the front of Lin Haochu, he said with a smile on his face: "Brother Lin, you can also help the younger brother to bring a middle-level supernatural power. From now on, the younger brother will make you a cow and a horse.

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