Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2412: Deprived of wealth

When the two secretly communicated, the great elder also announced the mysterious award.

The so-called mystery award is to enter the East Pole Star Alliance Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion for three days to preview, which made everyone excited, even Han Yu couldn't help but surging.

The Jidao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of the East Pole Star Alliance is definitely a treasure in the world. I don’t know how many precious and advanced mental methods, magical powers, secret methods, secret books, etc. are collected. If you take out a copy, countless people have to fight for the blood. flow.

And browsing the various secrets of the Protoss is also an important way to learn more about the Protoss. Under the leadership of the Great Elder, the top ten went to the Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of the Dongyang Star Alliance. On the road, Pang Xue, who had been cold and cold, couldn’t help asking Fairy Tourmaline what the first three special rewards were. Fairy Tourmaline didn’t hide it. I told everyone that the first three special rewards were pointed out by the leader of the East Pole Star Alliance.

Guide practice.

Except for Han Yu, the others were envious and jealous. The leader of the East Pole Star Alliance, that is a terrifying powerhouse in the late stage of the Celestial God, it is said that he is only half a step away from the peak of the Celestial God, and those powerhouses personally guide the cultivation, which is definitely twice the result of their own cultivation.

Now everyone finally knows why Lin Haochu and the three of them broke through the early days of the gods at about the same time, but in all aspects they gave people a slightly worse feeling.

Lin Haochu's face trembled, and the hatred in his heart for Han Yu deepened a bit. On Dongji Star, there are hundreds of millions of people, countless cultivators, and there are many Buddhist scripture pavilions, divided into countless levels, while Jidao Buddhist scripture pavilion is the highest-level Buddhist scripture pavilion on Dongji star. Only those who have reached the realm of true gods are eligible to enter the Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, and in normal times, only the East Pole Star Alliance

To enter. The Jidao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is located in the core area of ​​the East Pole Star League base camp and has a total of seven floors. The higher floors of the Tibetan scriptures are more precious, and in the Jidao Buddhist scripture pavilion, there is terrifying pressure. Under normal circumstances, the strong in the early stage of the true **** can only go to the second floor, and the strong in the middle stage of the true **** can only go to the third floor.

, The strong of the late True God can only go to the fourth floor, the strong of the True God pinnacle can only go to the fifth floor, the strong of the Early God can only go to the sixth floor, and only the strong of the middle God can go to the top floor.

If the strength is insufficient, and if he rushes to a higher floor, he may be directly crushed to death.

When Han Yu and the others came to the Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, there were many people on the first floor. When everyone saw the crowd coming, they couldn't help but stop what they were doing and cast their eyes curiously.

Under normal circumstances, the cultivators of Dongji Star are consciously superior, and those who come from the subordinate star regions have their nostrils facing the sky. However, the ten people are all the top ten geniuses of the Pole Star Tournament, they also put away their arrogance, and even with a touch of envy.

After all, the top ten is not only a symbol of strength, but also the qualification to go to Wan Jianzong to learn and practice.

The East Pole Star Alliance has 27 star regions, but the East Pole Star and the eight surrounding stars do not belong to any star region.

In previous Polestar competitions, East Pole Star sometimes sent people to participate, sometimes not.

The senior executives of the East Pole Star Alliance have a steel rod. They feel that there are people on the East Pole Star who are very talented. They will send them to participate. If there is no outstanding person, they will not participate.

After all, no matter how big the East Pole Star and the surrounding eight stars, no matter how rich in resources, but the population is far less than the rest of the star alliance, the probability of appearing in one day is naturally much smaller.

After the Great Elder brought the ten people into the Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, he asked everyone to act separately to find their favorite secrets.

You can look through all the cheats inside and take it away in your mind.

This made Han Yu overjoyed. Doesn't this mean that he can move most of the knowledge of Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion? But Han Yu soon became unhappy. Every book here has a powerful seal. If you want to get the content of the book, you have to penetrate the seal with spiritual power to see the content of the book. And the seal is very powerful, even the books on the first floor, with Han Yu’s ability

, Without a cup of tea, it is impossible to penetrate the seal, see the content above.

Although the three days are continuous, how many tea time can be divided into? And the mental energy is very exhausted, it is impossible to watch books endlessly.

This is also a way for the East Pole Star League to prevent unruly people from sneaking into the Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion and stealing cheats. After all, they reach the level of Han Yu and others. If they are released for viewing, all the books will soon be remembered in their minds.

Everyone did not rush upstairs, but scattered on the first floor.

Although the first floor is the lowest level cheats in the entire Jidao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, masters who have cultivated to their level are rich in tolerance, and some low-level cheats may give them unexpected surprises.

Of course, everyone just took a look at Taobao, and did not deliberately observe it carefully, after all, time is limited.

Soon Han Yu circled the first floor and couldn't help making him angry.

The first floor is divided into two large areas, one area is the "Protoss Secret Code Area" and the other is the "Nether Secret Code Area".

The Protoss Secret Tome area contains the books of the Protoss, and the Nether Secret Tome area contains the books of Human Race, Monster Race, Spirit Race, Meizu...multiple races, you don’t need to think about it. , Are all snatched from other small worlds. Han Yu saw a book of "Analysis of Human Cultivation" on the Jiuyang Continent. This is the earliest book on cultivation knowledge in the Jiuyang Continent. From the beginning of cultivation to the realm of Martial Saint, there is the most comprehensive and authoritative practice. Analysis of knowledge. In ancient times, it was regarded as a holy practice

The existence of this book is no longer available in Jiuyang Continent, and it was unexpectedly placed on the bookshelf of the Protoss.

Not only "Analysis of Human Cultivation", Han Yu also saw many ancient books that had only heard names in Jiuyang Continent, but had not seen the physical.

There are a lot of books from all walks of life on the first floor alone. It is conceivable how much wealth the God Realm has deprived of the rest of the small world since ancient times.

Han Yu wanted to take all these books away, even if these books didn't do much to him, but in the end Han Yu resisted it.

He secretly vowed in his heart that sooner or later, he would bring back all the things belonging to the Jiuyang Continent in the Jidao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

No, not only did he have to bring back the things that belonged to the Jiuyang Continent in the Jidao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, he also had to bring back all the things that belonged to the Jiuyang Continent in the God Realm, and then the interest was calculated.

Han Yu secretly took a breath, suppressed the anger and restlessness in his heart, and walked to the second floor. Just walking up the stairs, Han Yu felt a pressure. Some people who just broke through the early days of the gods might not be able to resist this pressure, but for Han Yu, it was nothing at all. Han Yu walked to the second floor unimpeded. .

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