Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2414: Rescue again

Peng Xinghan was very angry and snorted repeatedly: "It is better to ask for yourself!

After speaking, strode towards the top of the stairs.

"Cut, because of his strength, he wants to go up to the sixth floor. It's just a dream!"

"It's sensational to be insulted!"

"Does he think he is Big Brother Lin? It's really overkill!"


Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin started to ridicule Peng Xinghan with just one word and I did not forget to slap Lin Haochu's flattery.

Amidst the cynicism and sarcasm of several people, Peng Xinghan stepped onto the three steps, and suddenly let out a low growl, vomiting a mouthful of blood, and rolled down the steps, very embarrassed.

"I see it, it's too hard to pretend to be forced!"

"You still want to beg for Brother Lin, Brother Lin is compassionate, and maybe he will help you bring you a middle-level supernatural power."

Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin satirized Peng Xinghan mercilessly, forgetting that Lin Haochu hadn't promised them yet.

"You three rubbish, I am going to abolish you today!" Peng Xinghan was furious. He stood up, and walked towards the three in anger.

The three of them became united like never before, and they took one step forward, and their bodies straightened in an instant, appearing to be aloof.

Cen Hai pointed to Peng Xinghan and said: "Peng Xinghan, although your ranking is higher than ours, it is only slightly better. The three of us were not afraid of you in your heyday, let alone you are hurt."

The pace of Peng Xinghan's advance could not be stopped abruptly. Although what Cen Hai said was ugly, it was true.

Peng Xinghan's face changed and changed, but in the end he could only swallow the bad breath in his heart, snorted heavily, turned and walked aside to meditate and adjust his breath.

Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng and Yu Yanbin all snorted coldly, with a look of disdain. But when he turned around and looked at Lin Haochu, his body instantly softened, and he bowed all over again, looking at Lin Haochu humbly. Even Pang Xue, who was not far away, had a look of contempt.

"As long as the three of you take good care of me in the future, I will naturally help you choose an intermediate-level supernatural power that suits you." Lin Haochu held his hands behind his back, looking at the world, looking high.

The three immediately expressed their determination, which made Lin Haochu very satisfied.

It can be said that both parties take what they need.

When they saw the coercion of Lin Haochu's tricolor light, Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin had the idea of ​​taking refuge in Lin Haochu.

And Lin Haochu, he aspired to become the leader of the East Pole Star Alliance since he was a child. He needs not only his own strength, but also many supporters. Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng and Yu Yanbin can completely represent their star region in the future. Putting it under the banner will become his most powerful support in the future.

Han Yu didn't look at the disgusting picture, and quietly cracked the seal of "Brahma Hand".

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and Han Yu turned around to look, and saw Lin Haochu walking towards him with three doglegs with a cold expression. Han Yu frowned, stopped cracking the seal, turned around and looked at the four of them.

"Xiao Ping, although you hurt me while I was unprepared just now, you can never compare with me." Lin Haochu's expression was indifferent, but he couldn't conceal the superior expression.

"Brother Lin, this **** is not worthy of shoes for you!" Cen Hai raised his chin and glanced at Han Yu obliquely, which seemed to be superior to Han Yu.

"Xiao Ping, you dare to kill Big Brother Lin's brother, you dare to ignore Big Brother Lin's majesty, you don't need Big Brother Lin to take action, sooner or later the three of us will make you pay the price." Wei Wenfeng said viciously.

"Big Brother Lin had dirty hands when he killed him. Of course we have to do this dirty work." Yu Yanbin was unwilling to lag behind.

"A bunch of idiots!" Han Yu cursed, turning around to continue cracking the seal.

"Xiao Ping, who are you scolding?" Cen Hai grabbed Han Yu's shoulder.

"Swear at anyone who answers, and remove your dirty hands." Han Yu's indifferent voice sounded.

"What if I don't take it?" Cen Hai was furious.

"Then die!" Following Han Yu's death word, a chill suddenly swept away, and the temperature on the fifth floor dropped sharply. Cen Hai was so frightened that he hurriedly withdrew his hands back, and soon thought that even if Han Yu was given some courage here, Han Yu would not dare to do it. He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He said grimly: "Xiao Ping, what are you arrogant? A poor boy from Dongyang Star Territory. And we are different. Not only do we have a much stronger background than you, but Brother Lin will also choose the magical powers that suit us from the sixth floor. Although we are a starting line now, in the near future, We will surpass you. A mid-level extreme supernatural power that suits you is good for cultivation and strength, as long as you are not stupid

Son, you should be clear. "

"And you, wait for you to cultivate to the early stage of the gods, and then find the appropriate intermediate-level supernatural powers, not to mention chasing after Brother Lin, just to lift the shoes for the three of us, you are not worthy!

Cen Hai held his head high, it seemed that he had already obtained the mid-level supernatural powers suitable for him, had surpassed Han Yu, and could completely trample Han Yu under his feet. At this moment, a beautiful shadow lotus moved lightly, not as beautiful as a person in the mortal world, but as noble as a fairy in the clouds. Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin all of a sudden had bright eyes, staring constantly, with a look of admiration in their eyes, but the other side never looked at them more and looked at Lin.

Hao Chu also only slightly nodded. Lin Haochu nodded slightly.

This person is naturally a fairy tourmaline. He came next to Han Yu and looked at Han Yu and said, "Brother Xiao, I wonder what kind of magical powers you are suitable for practicing?"

Several people were taken aback, wondering what the tourmaline fairy meant.

Han Yu said: "What is your business?"

Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng, and Yu Yanbin were stunned, with 10,000 grass and mud horses running wild in their hearts. Who is the fairy tourmaline? That is the first beauty of the East Pole Star League, the goddess in the hearts of countless men. Many people can see the fairy tourmaline a great blessing.

People like Cen Hai and Wei Wenfeng, who can represent their respective star territories, would not take the initiative to talk to Fairy Tourmaline. Han Yu's good luck, Fairy Tourmaline took the initiative to strike up a conversation, he was so shameless.

Lin Haochu's mouth twitched, even if it was him, even if he was resentful because Fairy Tourmaline helped Han Yu come forward, he still didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction on the surface.

What surprised everyone was that not only was Fairy Tourmaline not annoyed, he also showed a gentle smile on his face, which fascinated sentient beings and made Pang Xue in the distance envy and jealous. "Brother Xiao don't get me wrong, I just want to know what kind of supernatural powers Brother Xiao is suitable for cultivating. When I go up to the sixth floor, I will see if there are any supernatural powers suitable for Brother Xiao's cultivation and help Brother Xiao bring one down." Fairy Tourmaline The voice was as beautiful as hers, but when everyone heard it, they couldn't help being very shocked.

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