Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2178: The game between Qi Tianshi

"Brother Han, you finally came!"

Seeing Han Yu coming in, Zhang Daojun hurriedly stood up and greeted him with a smile on his face.

After the two parties saw the ceremony, Zhang Daojun said: "The cracking of the Shifang World Array can no longer be delayed. Brother Laohan will have to work hard for a while."

Han Yu said indifferently: "What have I worked so hard for? I'm here to fight."

Zhang Daojun was taken aback and smiled helplessly. He didn't expect Han Yu to be angry at what Tang Hongyuan said that day, and said, "Tang has been waiting for a long time. Brother Han will come with me."

Tang Hongyuan was the Shiyuan Earth Unloader who came from the border city. Han Yu followed Zhang Daojun to a hall. Inside this hall was a huge dimensional space with countless arrays, creeping like mercury, transforming into various forms. This method of engraving the formation pattern at will, so that the formation pattern will not disperse all the time, only the Shiyuan Discharger can


Some of these patterns are not unfamiliar to Han Yu. They are the patterns of the Shifang World Array. Han Yu and Li Taishan have studied them very often.

Judging from these scattered patterns, Tang Hongyuan has made a big breakthrough, and Han Yu can't help but nod secretly, he is indeed somewhat capable.

In the distance, a gray-robed old man was attentively carving the formation pattern. The whole person looked sloppy, but there was a terrible aura from his body, especially when carving the formation pattern. .

This is a master of the mid-term quasi-emperor.

"Lao Tang has been studying formation patterns here day and night since returning to the Imperial League. He has a weird temper, but..." Zhang Daojun meant something.

"I understand." Han Yu smiled faintly.

It was for the great cause of the human race and the monster race, and Han Yu naturally would not have the same knowledge as Tang Hongyuan.

The two quietly flew over and stopped at a distance of one hundred meters away from Tang Hongyuan, without disturbing them.

Han Yu watched carefully, Tang Hongyuan is powerful, the power of the soul is continuous, and the technique of engraving the formation pattern is even more fluent and impeccable. He is a true formation master, whose ability is far above Li Taishan.

After waiting for half an hour, Tang Hongyuan finished the engraving of a set of formation patterns, took a slight breath, turned around to look at Zhang Daojun and Han Yu, and finally set his eyes on Han Yu.

This is a rough old man, if it is thrown in a pile of people, it is easy for people to think that this is a down-and-out person.

"Are you Han Yu?" Tang Hongyuan asked suddenly, his voice very deserted.

Zhang Daojun wanted to introduce, so he stopped again.

"It's me." Han Yu said lightly.

"The Han Yu who was late to come?" Tang Hongyuan asked again.

Han Yu gave a wry smile and said, "It's me."

Tang Hongyuan let out a cold snort, and suddenly two bright lights shot into his eyes, and then invisible, a terrifying soul power turned into a thin line and rushed towards Han Yu.

Zhang Daojun didn't feel anything, but Han Yu's face was solemn. If he was hit by the power of this soul, he would have been faint for a while.

Han Yu has always been someone who respected him by others and he respected others by a foot. Since Tang Hongyuan is so arrogant and unreasonable, Han Yu would not be polite.

With a move of Han Yu's heart, the power of the soul, like a vast ocean, also condenses into a thin line, shot from the center of the eyebrows, and hits the power of Tang Hongyuan's soul.


A sound like a metal handover sounded, Han Yu and Tang Hongyuan's faces were all white, they couldn't help but step back a few steps to stabilize their figures and looked at each other cautiously.

Zhang Daojun realized that the power of the two souls was fighting, and he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Tang Hongyuan comes from the border city, but he is his predecessor, he is not easy to manage; Han Yu is not only a guest, but his strength is far above him, he naturally can't manage, but can only watch quietly.

"My soul power has always been strong, and this person's soul power is not worse than mine. It seems that at least four cursed circles have cultivated to perfection, and Qi Tianshi's cultivation base is above me." Han Yu said Tao.

Although he couldn't see the other party's curse, he could basically judge his Qi Tianshi's cultivation base from the opponent's soul power. "At a young age, I can cultivate to such a level. I really have the proud capital. However, Qi Tianshi's ability is not only manifested in the power of the soul." Tang Hongyuan suddenly pointed to a sword, stroked his finger, countless The formation pattern rushed out, condensed into a sword, whistling to kill Han Yu


This is just the power of the formation pattern, and there is no trace of vitality, but its power is enough to make ordinary Zhundi early masters headache.

Han Yu didn't change his face, and pointed to a sword. He drew a circle in front of him, and soon a circular shield condensed from pure array patterns appeared and stood in front of him. The Array Killing Sword rushed to hit the shield, and then crashed into pieces. The Array Shield only trembled, and then stabilized.

Tang Hongyuan raised his eyebrows and moved his fingers quickly, and soon a sledgehammer was condensed from the pattern, which slammed heavily on the shield.


The shield exploded, and the sledgehammer smashed at Han Yu like a bamboo.

Han Yu swiped his fingers and also turned into a sledgehammer, which collided heavily with the opponent's sledgehammer, and then the two sledgehammers collapsed together.

"Yes, I'm a bit capable!" Tang Hongyuan stopped and nodded.

Zhang Daojun smiled and said: "Both of them are top Qitian masters for thousands of years. If they work together, they will definitely be able to crack the Shifang World Array."

Tang Hongyuan said noncommittal: "Since it's here, let's talk about your understanding of the Shifang World Array." "Is the test not enough?" Han Yu sneered secretly, obviously Tang Hongyuan was testing him. Whether he is qualified to fight alongside him, Han Yu will naturally not weaken his aura, saying: "The Shifang World Array is at least a Shiyuan Earth Disposer, and at least seven cursed circles have cultivated

Perfectly arranged by the Qitian Master, it can be said that there are almost no Qitian Masters who want to crack this formation on their own. I am afraid that it was the Yi Tianshi of the year, and he may not be able to crack it. "Master Qi Tian is difficult to crack, and it is even harder for the rest. The Shifang World Array itself is a very high-level formation. After tens of thousands of years of precipitation, it has become terrifying. In addition to the Wudi strong, I am afraid that even the ten quasi-emperor peak strong will not even want to use the combined force. Break through this big formation by force. and so

, It is impossible to break the battle forcefully. "

Tang Hongyuan interjected: "Since only Xietianshi and Wudi strong can break it, why did we study it, isn't it a waste of time?"

Han Yu said: "Yes, if we want to break the formation, I think we should stop busying, this is simply impossible."

Zhang Daojun's face changed slightly. What do you mean, could it be that Shenting could never be rooted out? Who knew that Tang Hongyuan was not only not angry, but a smile suddenly appeared on his cold face, and said, "Tell me your opinion."

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