Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2179: Explore

Han Yu said: "Our ultimate goal is to root out the gods, not to crack the Shifang World Array, so we don’t have to work hard to crack the Shifang World Array."

Tang Hongyuan nodded.

Zhang Daojun said in doubt: "The Shifang World Array is the biggest killer of the Shenting. If you don't crack the Shifang World Array, how can you root out the Shenting?" Han Yu said: "Leader Zhang is right, the Shifang World is great. The formation is the biggest killer of the gods, but no matter how powerful it is, it is only a dead thing. As long as we let it not exert its power, we will relieve our worries! And let the Shifang World Array not exert its power, far better than Crack the Shifang World

The array is simpler. "

Tang Hongyuan said with satisfaction: "Yes, this is also my opinion."

Han Yu smiled slightly and said: "But how can the Shifang World Array be unable to exert its power, I still don't have a good way."

These thoughts were suddenly realized by Han Yu's arrangement of Tiangangdi evil city group.

Zhang Daojun said: "It means to paralyze the Shifang World Array?"

Han Yu and Tang Hongyuan said almost in unison: "It's just temporarily paralyzed."

The Shifang World Array is too powerful to be permanently paralyzed.

After speaking, the two smiled at each other, feeling a little bit of sympathy.

Seeing that the two reconciled so quickly, Zhang Daojun was also very happy, stopped disturbing the two, and left. After Zhang Daojun left, Tang Hongyuan told Han Yu his research results on the Shifang World Array during this period. Tang Hongyuan's research results have gone a step further and made great progress on the research results of Han Yu and Li Taishan. . But there is still a big distance from what they want


Han Yu put forward his own opinions.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, the two of them analyzed the Shifang World Array in a debating way, and gradually entered a state of selflessness. The two of them put their hearts and minds on the Array with all their hearts and minds. Constantly evolving.


"Hmph, Han Yu really cares about his family, he didn't hesitate to build the city and arrange the formation with such great efforts!"

Outside the Tiangangdi evil city group, Fengshenzi and Lu Youyu were hiding in the void, quietly looking at the Tiangangdi evil city group. At this moment, the city group was shrouded in clouds and mist, even the quasi-emperor could not see through the clouds and mist.

"This shows that his family is his biggest weakness." Lu Youyu said coldly. Although he has never seen Han Yu, he hates Han Yu.

"Do it, I can't wait to take off the head of the evil thief Han Yu." Fengshenzi said coldly.

"God is not anxious, do it rashly, I'm afraid Han Yu will scare away. If we don't sneak in first, find Han Yu's lair and then do it, we will wipe him out in one fell swoop." Lu Youyu said.

The previous few times the Protoss committed a large number of crimes, and each time he went down, it made him look forward to it.

Of course, Lu Youyu was not afraid that Han Yu could threaten his life, but he had always acted cautiously.

"Yes, I'll take you in." Fengshenzi said lightly, he also felt that Lu Youyu's words made sense.

Feng Shenzi put Lu Youyu into a space magic weapon, and when he moved his figure, he turned into a wisp of wind and blew into the clouds.

Feng Shenzi's father is known as the God of Wind, but it is not a mere name. Feng Shenzi got the true biography of the Wind God since he was a child, and now he has cultivated the "Feng Shen Jue" to the eighth level, which can transform his body into a breeze.

Between heaven and earth, as long as there is wind, Fengshenzi can come and go freely, invisible and invisible. Tiangangdi evil city clusters usually only open the maze, and those who want to enter the city must go through a special way. However, Fengshenzi turned into a wisp of wind and blew in. Although the maze made him lose his direction for a while, he was not worried at all. He bumped into the maze, nor was he afraid of touching the secret kill.

Array, sleepy array.

Before long, Fengshenzi found a group of patrolling soldiers, and then he slowly followed the group of soldiers. The Fengshenzi turned into the wind, no one else can find it.

In a flash for three days, Fengshenzi sneaked into Bafang City by virtue of his own special advantages. Not only did it not touch the big formation in the dark, it was not discovered by the patrolling soldiers, and even the masters who were sitting in the evil city group of Tiangangdi didn't notice anything wrong.

In the Tiangangdi evil city group, there are masters in each city, let alone the average person, I am afraid that they will be discovered before they get close.

Everything in Bafang City is normal, and more of them turned into humanoid monsters. Feng Shenzi transformed into a human form, changed his appearance, and walked freely in the city. No one found anything wrong with Lu Youyu. He was also released. The two of them were like residents of the city, coming and going freely.

When the two came outside the palace and saw the magnificent palace, Lu Youyu couldn't help being shocked, and sighed: "It's really a big deal to turn such a big palace into a quasi-imperial soldier."

Feng Shenzi said: "Do you have the confidence to break this palace?"

Lu Youyu said: "It is not difficult to break this palace, but there must be a terrible killing formation in this palace. Once the formation is activated, it will be difficult for me to make a difference in this palace."

Even Lu Youyu couldn't see through the maze outside, and without thinking about it, there were even more terrifying formations in the palace.

Feng Shenzi frowned, and said uncomfortably: "What do you mean, do we just come here for sightseeing and retreat?" Lu Youyu said: "God, if it is not until the time to break this place, as long as you give an order, I will never give Half hesitated. But right now, it shouldn’t be necessary. I think we don’t come to Han Yu, he will definitely go to the God’s Court to look for us. It’s easier to kill him

? "

Lu Youyu was really not afraid, but Feng Shenzi followed, making him look forward and backward. If Feng Shenzi suffered any damage, he couldn't eat it.

Fengshenzi gave a cold snort, although he was unhappy, but he did not refute Lu Youyu's plan.

"God, since we are here, we will stay here for a while, and by the way, see if there is a way to kill Han Yu." Lu Youyu smiled.

Fengshenzi nodded.

So the two lived in Bafang City. Although Fengshenzi could turn into a style and sneak into the palace without any shadow or form, he did not dare. Han Yu was already a strong man in the mid-term of the quasi-emperor, and he was also a ten-yuan earth smasher. Once you find him, use Han Yu's ability to cooperate with the incarnation, and then have the blessing of the formation to kill him.

so easy.

Fengshenzi was a little sad and a little bit hated. The horizontal and horizontal God Realm didn't see anyone in his eyes, and when he came to the Jiuyang Continent, which he didn't see in his eyes before, he turned into a rat-catcher.

One day, Bafang City trembled suddenly. A terrifying killing intent rushed out of the palace in an instant, shocking everyone in the evil city group of Tiangangdi. Outside the palace, a figure flashed quietly and disappeared without a trace. It didn't take long before it appeared in another place, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly: "I haven't rushed in, this killing array can threaten the old man!"

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