Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2177: Great formation

Han Yu can't attack and kill Han Yu in general, and Han Yu has no fear at all. He only cares about rushing.

After a dazzling fight for three days and three nights, after Feng Shenzi's left arm was beheaded by Han Yu, he no longer had the courage to fight and flee decisively.

It was difficult for Han Yu alone to stop Fengshenzi and Xuying from joining forces. He did not chase them and let them leave.

Han Yu returned quickly, and met Baihu, Xuanwu, and Sun Shenzi on the way back. The three incarnations were very sorry. If they arrived early, Feng Shenzi would not be so easy to escape.

Back to the Demon League, Han Yu got busy again after a few days of recuperation and began to set up a large array.

Although the most spectacular and spectacular part of this battle was completed in the starry sky of the universe, no one saw the passing, but after seeing Han Yu come back safely, people knew the result. The world caused a boundless uproar, and Han Yu was truly respected by countless people as a current myth.

After this battle, Shen Ting became even more sluggish. Without the Shifang World Array, even Baijiapu could easily take it down.

Time passed quietly, and one day the wild people sent invitations to invite Han Yu and Fenghuang to the banquet. The reason for the banquet is that the Wild King is back.

The Wild King not only returned safely, but also broke through to the mid-term state of Quasi-Emperor.

Not only the wild races are extremely excited, but also the world human race and monster race feel happy. Now the human race and the monster race have united front to fight against the **** race, whether it is the monster race or the human race has the strongest appearance, it is worthy of joy and celebration.

Han Yu and Fenghuang naturally did not refuse, and went to attend the banquet of the barbarians.

The Wild King is more powerful and domineering than before, but he is not as indifferent to Han Yu. He is a brother and brother, and is also a very refreshing person.

After staying in the Wild Clan for a few days, Han Yu and Phoenix returned to the Demon League, and Han Yu continued to arrange the formation.

One day, Han Yu was busy with Tianlao, and the Phoenix came to tell Han Yu that Emperor Zhang Daojun had something to say to him.

Before arriving at the teleportation wall, Han Yu communicated with Zhang Daojun.

Zhang Daojun: Brother Han, the Qitian Master from the border city has arrived. When do you have time, come and study the Shifang World Array together.

Before Han Yu could reply, another sentence appeared on the teleportation wall: Han Yu, it is imminent to break through the Shi Fang World Array, the old man needs your assistance, come quickly.

Han Yu frowned, is this tone too domineering?

You don't need to think about it. It must be the Shiyuan Earth Disposer who spread the word with Han Yu on the other side.

Han Yu pointed out that he was a sword, carved two characters on the teleportation wall, turned and left, and continued to arrange the formation.

The Emperor League, Zhang Daojun, Jiang Ling and the old man from the border city couldn't help but stare at the two characters appearing on the light wall.

"No time?" The old man was stunned, he couldn't help but snorted, and said, "A very arrogant junior. It is a great honor for him to study the formation with the old man. How dare to say that he is not free?"

Zhang Daojun and Jiang Ling glanced at each other and couldn't help but smile.

Time is like quicksand between fingers, and finally, thanks to the efforts of Han Yu's Tian Lao, the formation of the Tian Gang Di evil group is coming to an end. Just at the end, the dragon sent an envoy, and there was good news.

The Azure Dragon King came back, and he also broke through to the mid-term state of Quasi-Emperor.

The demons cheered, the world cheered.

Han Yu could only put aside his business and rushed to the Dragon Clan with Phoenix to attend the Dragon Clan banquet.

The Azure Dragon King became more domineering and awe-inspiring. At the banquet, the Azure Dragon King and the Wild King decided to go to the border city to help in the battle, which made Zhang Daojun, Han Yu and others happy. Then the two handed over the Dragon and Wild Clan to Han Yu.

Although it was handed over to Han Yu, it was actually joining the ranks of the Demon League. After tens of thousands of years of splitting, the Yaozu finally merged again.

Phoenix truly became the emperor of all the monster races in the world.

Sending away the Wild King and the Azure Dragon Queen, Han Yu returned to the Demon League and continued to deploy.

Finally, at noon the next day, when the sun was shining brightly, all the formations of the Tiangangdi evil group were arranged.

All the formations were activated, and the evil group of heaven and earth was shrouded in thick white mist, like a fairyland.

In the northern sky, Tian Lao and Han Yu stood side by side. Tian Lao looked at the clouds and mist, and Fuxu smiled and said: "There are a total of 13 large formations and 15 quasi-imperial soldiers suppressed. Without our permission, you can't step into the heavens and earth."

Tian Lao is very excited. Although the Tiangang Earth evil city group can achieve today’s results, it is mainly due to the contributions of Han Yu, Xiaojiao, Sun Dahou, Han Yu’s incarnation, and even the formation of the formation, he is just playing, but this is also Enough for him to be proud of his life.

Han Yu smiled and said: "Even if we let him in, he can't get out." Tianlao nodded, and said: "The combination of killing formation, sleepy formation, maze formation, illusion formation, and invisible formation. Built by a dozen or so quasi-emperors, even if it’s better than the defense of the God’s League and the Shenting Base Camp, it’s almost the same. Especially the palace itself is a quasi-emperor’s soldier, such as

With a killing formation, a maze formation, a phantom formation, and a big deception formation today, I doubt that anyone in this world can break such a solid fortress. You can rest assured now, even if you kill to the border city at this time, there is no worries! "

Han Yu said, "The border city is going to go naturally, but not now. It is the top priority at this time to take the Shenting old nest. I should also go to the Imperial League. The old guy probably hates me to the bone."

On the same day, Han Yu took the teleportation array to the Imperial League. As for the usage of Dazhen, Tian Lao will pass it on to Han Yu's four wives.


"The surname Han, this **** son will never break your corpse, and will never return to the realm of God!"

There was a terrible sound from the Shenting base camp, and an incomparable breath came from a huge palace, which scared the gods on and off the Shenting base camp to tremble.

Inside the palace, a young man's eyes were burning, his face was icy, and his body exuded a terrible killing intent. This young man is Feng Shenzi.

After the defeat of Star Wars, Feng Shenzi returned here to heal his injuries day and night, and now he is finally healed.

"God, who can make you make such a big fire?" Suddenly, an old voice came, which seemed extremely distant and very close.

A touch of joy appeared on Fengshenzi's face for an instant, and said: "Lu Youyu, you are finally here."


In the open space in front of Fengshenzi, suddenly appeared an old man wearing a white robe, white hair like silver, white beard like snow, and a ruddy face. The old man knelt on one knee, clasped his fists, and said respectfully: "Lu Youyu pays homage to the son of God!"

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