Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2157: lucky

Jian Ruhong rushed back to the Shenting base camp, even if he got here, he was still in shock. And when they learned that Linghao and Lingxiao's soul cards were both shattered and fallen, they were even more frightened and unlucky.

"Unexpectedly, in the broken world of Nine Suns Continent, such a perverted group of characters could grow out. It is really our miscalculation."

"Now with my own strength, I can't help them. I can only lie patiently and wait for the rest of the Daoists to arrive."

Jian Ruhong made up his mind and told the people in Shenting to retreat and heal his injuries, and then disappeared without a trace.

Up and down the court, there was a wailing. The gods of the gods have fallen, and the last two quasi-emperor powerhouses have died, even if they are protected by the ten worlds, there is no hope for the future.

Outside the **** statue city, Han Yu and Linghao were lifted by a group of soldiers, preparing to enter the city.

If the people of the world were to know, these two stomping characters would make the world tremble, but in the end they fell into the hands of a group of ants, and I don't know what to think.

As soon as he was about to enter the city, the void in front of the city gate suddenly trembled, and a group of people appeared silently.

"court death!"

One of them was furious and stomped fiercely. The whole ground trembled frantically. The soldiers carrying Han Yu and Linghao screamed and exploded. One of them flickered, and walked next to Han Yu and caught Han Yu steadily.

Han Yu, who was difficult to lift with more than 20 talents, was held easily by this person. This man, with a sturdy back and a sturdy eyes, is Sun Dahou.

This group of people are naturally Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu, Sun Shenzi, Huoqilin, Lei Jiaojiao who chased the sword like a rainbow but failed.

"What's the situation with my brother?" Sun Dahou quickly probed Han Yu's body and found that Han Yu was not much different from the dead. He couldn't help changing his color and hurriedly looked at Lingyin and asked. Lingyin was the incarnation of Han Yu, and he knew more about Han Yu's condition.

"His soul was already weak, and after this battle, it was almost exhausted." Lingyin said with a solemn expression.

"Is there any way to save him?" Sun Dahou said anxiously.

"You can only use some soul-healing drugs to stabilize the last remnant soul." Lingyin said.

A few people did not hesitate, and began to search the universe bag, took out all the medicinal materials that are effective for the soul, and was smashed into Han Yu's body by Sun Dahou. However, Han Yu's soul did not change at all.

"The level of these medicines is too low. I am afraid that even the holy medicine is difficult to be effective. Let's go back and talk about it later." Lingyin said.

Sun Dahou took a long breath and gently put Han Yu into a space magic weapon, and then soared into the sky, followed by the others. Lingyin took Linghao's body along the way.

A group of people came quickly, and went faster, scaring the soldiers on the wall and leaving their souls, dumbfounded.

Halfway through, everyone met Jiang Ling, Nangongxue, Zhang Daojun, Han Fengwu and others. Sun Dahou asked several people to enter the space magic weapon to see Han Yu. Nangongxue took out a milky white pill and gave it to Han Yu.

After Nangongxue's introduction, everyone knew that this pill was called Qianyuan Zaohua Pill, and it was a pill for healing the soul. It was the treasure pill he obtained in ancient times, and its medicinal effect was even better than the holy medicine used to treat the soul.

Upon hearing this, Han Fengwu couldn't help screaming: "Okay, you Nangong Xue, you have such a medicine, why didn't you take it out before?"

At this time, Han Fengwu was like a mad little fierce beast, and might rush out to bite Nangong Xue at any time.

Nangongxue was not angry either, and patiently explained: "Before his soul was erratic and unpredictable, even if this pill was useless, now his soul returns to the body, this pill can be effective."

Han Fengwu knew that she had misunderstood Nangongxue, and pouted: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Nangongxue gave a wry smile and didn't say much.

Jiang Ling shook his head and smiled bitterly. Do you have a chance to explain? At the same time, his mind became more active, and he thought: "Senior Nangong is famous for killing people like hemp, cold and ruthless, and it's incredible to have infinite tolerance for this girl."

"Then can this medicine cure my father?" Han Fengwu asked.

"Your father's injury is very serious, and his soul is already subconsciously asleep. Even if this pill can make the soul stronger, whether he can wake up depends on his good fortune." Nangong Xue said.

"What do you mean? You said that you can heal my father's soul, why do you still say that my father won't wake up?" Han Fengwu said anxiously. Before Nangongxue could speak, Jiang Ling explained: "Your father should have been unable to recover in a short time, but he recovered bizarrely, and killed Lingxiao and chased Linghao for hundreds of millions of miles. This is a miracle. Miracle in. We think it must be some kind of obsession that made your father do this, he killed

Linghao was exhausted, and his obsession disappeared. So even if he restores his soul, he may not be able to wake up. "

Nangongxue continued Jiang Ling's words: "But it's not impossible. When we figure out what your father's obsession is, we can use related things to stimulate him, and he should be able to return."

Hearing this, Han Fengwu relaxed slightly.

Demon League, Bafang City, a bleak.

Although the news of Han Yu's victory has spread to every corner of the world, it has set off an endless wave of cheers. But Han Yu's relatives were worried and frowning.

Not only worrying about Han Yu, but also Narcissus, Ma Su and Shui Ling'er.

During the battle with Ling Xiao, all three of them had fetal gas, especially Narcissus, and they were slapped severely, possibly hurting the fetus.

At this time, Phoenix, Lin Zi, and Chen Mengyao were trying their best to help the three of them heal their injuries. Even if the injuries of the three of them are not light, they have no time to take care of themselves.

A few days later, Fenghuang, Lin Zi, and Chen Mengyao were exhausted, but all three of them had a smile on their faces, because Narcissus, Ma Su, and Shui Ling'er were all fine, and the children in their abdomen were not very old influences.

Several people are relieved.

Telling the news to those who were guarding outside was overjoyed.

Tian Lao sighed, "I said nothing will happen, how could the blood of that stinky boy be so fragile!"

Many people nodded their heads in deep thought. Han Fengwu and Han Huangsheng are living examples.

Finally, as everyone looked forward to the stars and the moon, Sun Dahou and others returned with Han Yu.

After returning, a group of people immediately gathered together to discuss a cure for Han Yu. Knowing that Han Yu's resurrection obsession is to protect his wife and children, the outburst of obsession is to kill Lingxiao, Linghao and Jian Ruhong. Sun Dahou and Nangong Xue were all overjoyed.

Ling Xiao and Linghao had been killed, but Jian Ruhong was still alive. Jian Ruhong will become Han Yu's last obsession, and this obsession is Han Yu's only hope for regaining consciousness. Everyone felt fortunate that Jian Ruhong was not killed by Han Yu. If all three of them were killed by Han Yu, Han Yu's obsession would probably disappear, and it would be difficult for him to wake up.

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