Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2158: Breakthrough

Nine months later, the demon league. Somewhere in the palace, a terrible aura suddenly spread, which instantly shocked everyone in Bafang City.

I saw a terrible wave of air gushing from a palace in the northwest corner of the palace, and the white wave of air was surging in the void, like the sea was tossing. The aura that exudes, the masters in the early stage of the Emperor Zhun, felt the tremendous pressure.

"Have you broken through?" Looking at the terrifying air wave, Han Fengwu's beautiful eyes showed excitement.

"Senior Nangong is really going to make a breakthrough this time. It's great." Sun Dahou's eyes were full of ecstasy.

Almost all of the people in the palace came out to watch, watching the surging air waves, all were shocked.

"Senior Nangong was only one step away from the middle stage of the Zhun Emperor in the last years of ancient times. After he fell asleep, he woke up recently. The breakthrough is only a matter of time. If it were not for the mundane things in the past few years, I am afraid that he would have broken through." Lei Jiaojiao said. .

After sending Han Yu back, Sun Dahou and Lei Jiaojiao stayed in the Demon League to prevent the Protoss masters from killing them.

Nangongxue was forced to stay here by Han Fengwu.

In a blink of an eye, it took eighteen days, and finally the terrible waves and breath began to recede like tides. And the crowd onlookers did not leave for half a step.

After another half an hour or so, suddenly the gate of the palace opened and a beautiful man in white clothes came out.

At this moment, who would have thought that this was an old antique that had fallen asleep from the ancient times, it looked like a pretty young man. But his face was cold, and he felt like he was a thousand miles away.

This person is naturally Nangong snow. Suddenly, countless mental energy was concentrated on Nangong Xue, all wanting to explore the depth of Nangong Xue, and found that Nangong Xue was simply a bottomless black hole, unable to detect the depth.

"Although the middle stage of the Zhun Emperor and the early stage of the Zhun Emperor are only separated by a thin line, the difference in strength is the difference between the sky and the abyss. Before the breakthrough, Nangongxue and us were equal, but now, I am afraid that all of us in the early stage of the Emperor can join hands to compete He competes for superiority." Lingyin sighed.

"Yes." Sun Dahou nodded deeply thinking it was.

At this time, Han Fengwu had already rushed over, like a happy bird. Seeing Han Fengwu, Nangong Xuena's face like a glacier had a gentle color.

Phoenix could not help showing a strange look in his eyes.

"Breakthrough?" Han Fengwu rushed to Nangongxue before stopping, asking expectantly.

Nangongxue nodded.

Han Fengwu said happily: "From now on, this princess will have a mid-term quasi-emperor strong man to follow, and see who dares to bully this princess.

Everyone almost fainted when they heard it, but instead of being angry, Nangongxue showed a smile. Asked: "How is your father?"

Han Fengwu's expression dimmed in an instant, shook his head, and said, "It's still the same. We used various methods to stimulate him, but he didn't wake up."

Nangongxue frowned and said, "Go, go and see."

In the secret room, Han Yu lay quietly on the bed. The injuries on his body have been healed under everyone's treatment. Not only that, Han Yu's soul has also recovered as before, but Han Yu never wakes up, that soul seems to be fake general.

Seeing the person lying on the bed, everyone felt heavy.

Nangongxue checked Han Yu's body again, her brows were twisted into a rope, and said, "Now, I am afraid there is only one last way."

Sun Dahou hurriedly asked: "What is the solution?"

Nangong Xue said, "Let the Protoss master stimulate him."

Sun Dahou's eyes lit up and said: "Yes, my brother's obsession is to kill Lingxiao, Linghao and the master of the Protoss; now Lingxiao and Linghao have been killed by him, and his last obsession is to kill That protoss master, and only that protoss master, can stimulate him and wake him up."

In the following days, several great quasi-emperor masters took Han Yu and kept going to the gods to fight, and even slaughtered the city, but Jian Ruhong seemed to have disappeared and he refused to appear.

Time flies, three months in a blink of an eye.

In the imperial league base camp, countless high-levels gathered together, and they all looked at a huge mountain towering into the clouds with excitement. At this moment, a terrifying aura spread from the mountain, and the king came to the world, making Jiang Ling dare to feel depressed. .

"The leader is finally about to break through!"

"It didn't take long for Senior Nangong to break through, and then the leader broke through. This is a great thing."

"Now in our emperor league, there are two powerful mid-term quasi-emperors sitting here, and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"


In the starry sky of the universe, the three of them walked side by side in the direction of the Zhongtian Continent.

These three people, an old man, a middle-aged man, and a young man in his early twenties. The young man walked in the middle, the old man and the middle-aged man walked on both sides, and the old man and the middle-aged man spoke with respect to the young man.

"God, the front should be a part of the broken Nine Suns Continent. The Zhongtian Continent is the most prosperous place in the Nine Suns Continent." The old man pointed to the front and introduced.

The young man curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Can we prosper more than our God Realm? This time, if the Heaven and Earth Array is not in a period of weakness, to prevent the humble human races and monster races from rising, this **** son would not bother to come to this humble world. ."

The old man quickly said yes.

The three of them were not in a hurry, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, watching the flowers.

A few days later, they arrived outside the barrier of the Zhongtian Continent. The three of them did not attack the barrier rashly, followed the barrier, and happened to arrive at the entrance controlled by the Imperial League.

"Whoever comes, please stop!"

The three of them were thousands of feet away from the entrance and exit, and a group of soldiers blocked the front and shouted.

The Imperial League learned that the extraterritorial gods had slipped fish coming towards the Nine Suns Continent, and they controlled the entrances and exits very strictly.

"The Son of God is a human race." The middle-aged man looked at the young man with questioning eyes. Based on their cultivation base, it is easy to judge whether it is a **** race, a human race or a monster race based on the other's breath.

"Since the son of God is here, you can't go back in obscurity, kill it!" The young man said plainly. In his eyes, killing seemed to be easier than killing chickens.

The middle-aged man didn't say much, a whirlwind swept out with a wave of his sleeves. Before the soldiers could react, they were swept by the whirlwind and instantly turned into fly ash, but the whirlwind did not stop and continued to swept past. Soon, all the soldiers at the entrance and exit died tragically, with no bones left.

The speed of the whirlwind was so fast that it couldn't even tell the rudder of the Imperial League. Thousands of people were killed in the blink of an eye. The three of them walked side by side without frowning, walking into the passage and entering the Zhongtian Continent.

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